When did it become socially acceptable to stigmatize the mentally-ill and victims of bullying?

When did it become socially acceptable to stigmatize the mentally-ill and victims of bullying?

Ever since white male.

Beginning of humanity.

Wow this shit really broke your brain, huh.

Everyone gets shit on faggot, you don't get a free pass for your "depwesshun and soshul ayngxietee".

I haven't seen a single episode of this show because I hate Charlie Brooker and refuse to watch anything he's involved in.

You retards getting upset over it are behind the curve.

Explain to me how this does not constitute stigmatization of the mentally ill and victims of bullying.

I felt bad for him. Not everything is so black and white. It was kind of the point of the episode. You start off feeling bad for him and then they flip it and he's more in that "developing serial killer" type mold.

Got triggered sissy?

>I hate Charlie Brooker and refuse to watch anything he's involved in.
A Touch of Cloth is kino tho, m8. I'll clobber ur gob if you say otherwise, swearonmeoldmum.

oh so it's ok to mock this guy but not some faggot who thinks he's a girl

The guy was a twisted psycopath who tortured people because he was too much of a beta faggot in real life. That's not the same as someone who wants to dress up as a girl

Ladies and gentlemen, white fragility, the thread. Right here.

You did pay attention during 2017, Right?

Sexism and whiteness took an unrelenting uppercut to the face. And they'll be facing extinction very, very soon: the Big Blue Wave hits in November.

Get fucking used to more shows like this.

Get fucking used to white men being villains, infantile cunts, the butt of every joke.

Voting for President Asshole in mass numbers proves you deserve this kick in the balls. It needs to happen HARD and OFTEN if we're ever moving forward as a society.

Also, literally fuck your God of free speech. We're coming for it too when we have a normal fucking government again.

As a socialist Dem I'm gonna enjoy watching skinheads breaking to insanity and submission. Impeachment and President Pelosi ought to do the trick nicely.

We're owning the fuck out of your sick culture and it's just a matter of time until you get your turn being the asshole untouchable caste, just like you made everyone else for fucking centuries.

>The guy was a twisted psycopath who tortured people
oh computer programs are people now

and he barely tortured anyone


>oh computer programs are people now

That was the entire point of the episode.

If we can simulate people perfectly, to the point where they believe they're real and they can feel pain and have consciousness, do they deserve the same rights as we do? It's a philosophical/moral debate.

For example, if there was theoretically a way I could simulate you in the same way, you will be transported to my spaceship, and you can feel pain and are stuck, and I torture you and treat you as a slave, you wouldn't be upset about it, you'd just say "fuck it, I'm not the real me so it doesn't matter".

>tortured """"people""""

But males who dress up as girls are mentally ill as well, so it should be okay to mock them

I am actually extremely handsome and tall and get a free pass no matter how I behave socially, the thing is that "normal", allegedly well-adjusted people constantly act just like KHV/foreveralone spergs do towards me, but it just does not matter nor do they care at all since it's the normies themselves who make the rules of the game they play.
They just do not understand how a single coder autist like this, if he choose to work in commercial appliance and AI could send hundreds of million of normies into unemployment and I am truly worried about the fate of the entire world when people act with so little understanding and empathy.

The guy who saved the day was a white male. There was absolutely nothing in the episode that made it seem like it was about race/whiteness. In fact I think the reason the "crew" were so diverse was just a reference to the original Star Trek's diversity.

>do they deserve the same rights we do
No, they don't, because they aren't real

>you'd just say "fuck it, I'm not the real me so it doesn't matter".
Not him but i wouldn't have a problem with it.

>If we can simulate people perfectly, to the point where they believe they're real and they can feel pain and have consciousness, do they deserve the same rights as we do? It's a philosophical/moral debate.
it's a dumb debate for idiots
>For example, if there was theoretically a way I could simulate you in the same way, you will be transported to my spaceship, and you can feel pain and are stuck, and I torture you and treat you as a slave, you wouldn't be upset about it, you'd just say "fuck it, I'm not the real me so it doesn't matter".
that's exactly what i would do

I think you missed the entire point of the episode.

why is this the same as the cover of sleeping dogs

You're telling me if you're in the same situation, I wake you up and torture you every single day, you're in unbelievable pain, there is nothing you can do. You cannot die, you cannot stop being tortured every day, you're just going to sit there and go "this is fine, I'm not real", you're going to say to me "I understand, there's nothing wrong with what you're doing"?

I highly doubt it. It's a sci fi/philosophical trope that has been debated a lot in various forms, it's just an interesting debate. I guess there are people like yourself who see it that way but others disagree.

>No, they don't, because they aren't real

But what is real in this sense? Is consciousness not equivalent toreality? There is nothing to say that we're not living in a simulation right now.

>"I understand, there's nothing wrong with what you're doing"?
i'd try to establish that i wasn't real first and then i'd be catatonic

people have given up on actual life for less

Well it's not really me, so, no. It's an entirely seperate being why would i care about it.

Is this a because he's a white male pity party thread? Honestly, it's amazing how you alt cucks can't see you're just like niggers when they have their itz yt's fault pity parties. Literally identical.

While you gentiles cry, my people run the world.

when trump won.

No but look at it like it's presented in the show. You wake up and your life carries on, except the you that you think you are is in the game. You continue your experience through the game. The point of the episode wasn't that these were just avatars of simple AI, it was a direct simulation of their brain into the game (yes, the concept doesn't really work when all he had was DNA, but it's sci-fi you can look past that). From your perspective, it IS you, the other you in the real world is a separate consciousness. Just because you know you're not real doesn't mean you can't feel real suffering.

It's not really about White Maleness, it's just that most people's empathy and sympathy is contingent on acknowledged inferiority and submission. I am always surprise how many leftist types are blatantly racist towards East Asians when they seem to be pulling ahead in the world.

Shit ain't real, nigga


Who hurt you enough to become this dumb?

>It's an entirely seperate being why would i care about it.
This is literally the definition of sociopathy

Most of us are sociopaths.


I can't wait until we have all white men in chastity belts. You white rapist pigs deserve it.

>Most of us are sociopaths.
How do you know? They’re entirely separate beings

How'd he get their memories from their DNA?

>watches SJW propaganda
>is surprised that it's SJW propaganda
I thought everyone knew who Brooker was for years now. Ever since he got married, he turned.

nice pic of a jew but the nose is a little too small

I thought he was Matt Damon...

When people realized that most of the bullied kids were white males.

This is why I love this show so much. Every episode makes you think. I love to debate about it with my friends. Good times.

why has this episode rustled a lot of jimmies?

I would've preferred it if it was an episode set on an actual starship rather than le VR videogame

a-are you okay user? how has been life treating you? i hope you have a better 2018, you seem to have a lot of pent up anger.

Where do people get this idea that the co workers were the good guys? Are you just so stupid there has to be a good guy and bad guy in everything you watch?

His co workers were shitty, the show makes no effort to depict them is good, the point is Daly was also shitty. Everyone is shitty. Welcome to black mirror.

Why would they create a plan to get rid of the DNA in the fridge if they were gonna trap him in the simulation forever?

I thought that they didn't realise it until after they went through the wormhole. They thought they would just kill themselves originally.

>Missing the point this badly

The whole point is that 2 wrongs don't make a right. If you're having a shitty life, or being treated shitty, it doesn't make it OK to then act shitty.

>His co workers were shitty, the show makes no effort to depict them is good, the point is Daly was also shitty.

This guy gets it

But its not like in the real world he couldnt of just recollected the dna (Although probs not tommy for a while)

8/10, nailed the speech patterns and phrases.

Dude just fly into the update black hole and turn off your brain lmao bro

They didn't know that was gonna happen. They wanted to make sure he couldn't copy them again if he did get out.

It's some one trick pony artist can't remember his name

When the victims became alt right

My friend kept saying this but I have two counter arguments. They probably expected Daly would be jailed or at least never allowed to do something like this again OR they assumed it would be a different version of them so they didn't care

>This guy gets it
I will say though that the presentation of the digital world was terrible. The rules were nonsensical and inconsistent and it was all unnecessary to the core message of "harmless escapism isn't always harmless" they should have focused on how Daly's reliance on the game to relieve real world issues was hurting him not turn it into a 3 year old's representation of how Daly was hurting his sims.

The episode would have been god tier without all the DUDE THE AI IS ALIVE stuff that we already covered in other episodes anyways. It should have ended with Daly locking himself into the game because he's become completely detached from reality not the contrived black hole shit we got.


>They probably expected Daly would be jailed or at least never allowed to do something like this again
why would they assume this? no one knew what he was doing? how would they notify anyone and have them believe it?

She slays my heart with those eyes...
She's so cute bros ;__;

When the victims became alt right

But we on the outside of the system that these "Programs" are living in, know that with the simple flip of a switch they can be deactivated, changed, deleted, or anything else that can be done with a fucking program. They aren't human, they aren't real. Attempting to equate philosophy with a FUCKING COMPUTER PROGRAM, is quite literally autistic. You're trying too hard. People scream for help in GTA, doesnt mean they're actually looking for it.

agreed 100%. The diverse cast was clearly a reference to the original show. Hell it even looked like the JJ Abrams film after they escaped the wormhole

He does get locked in the game at the end, and they do demonstrate that he was unable to deal with actual real life issues because rather than confront anybody in real life he exclusively used the game for that. He gets shit all over by everyone at his work because he can't stand up for himself in any situation at all.

I bet sperg.

>How'd he get their memories from their DNA?
He had a DNA gizmo. Jesus fuck are you retarded?

The show is meant to make you question things like this and ask yourself where you draw the line between AIs being lines of code and AIs being sentient. A lot of media is doing this now because we're rapidly approaching a point where we will need to ask that question in real life.
Brains are a lot more complicated than we can understand now, but there will come a day that something working on a similar level is entirely possible to program. To say "lol they're just computers who cares" is easy now but will be difficult if one is made that can sense, can think, and can feel emotions.

I liked the episode. I didn't want Robert to be painted as the bad guy becuase it's basically me, I thought maybe he could have ruined his life another way. But still, the real life stuff was more interesting than the vr parts so I would have put more emphasis on the office scenes.

>it's ok to treat people like shit until they start treating you like shit then it's ok to kill them

>creating self aware AI for the purpose of torturing

that's how terminator and the matrix happened, don't pretend hes some kind of good guy victem..

>glossing over so much that you turn being slightly rude into the same treatment as making a sentient AI clone watch the sentient AI clone of his own son suffer and die, and threatening to continue doing it unless they devote their life to doing exactly what you tell them for eternity

He did nothing wrong. He was treated poorly for only being a little social awkward this was his way if venting off stress, its not real it was only a game

No, they're still compiled lines of code regardless of what you think.

I feel like this episode had a good premise but was executed poorly and ruined with a stupid ending. Not to mention the writing. The crew comes up with this stupid fucking plan and the main character somehow falls for it despite him being written as some sort of genius. Why did he let the AI have access to the program and the outside world? Didn't he have god-like powers in the simulation? Why didn't he just stop the ship with his hand or something? Did I miss something? IT MAKES NO FUCKIN SENSE

What are these crossdressing comments? Did I miss the part of the episode involving transvestism?

He dies in the end right? If it doesn't take a few days for his colleagues to notice he's MIA the "Do Not Disturb" he left on the door will probably give his body enough time to die of dehydration.

And I could just as easily say you're a bundle of self-aggrandizing neurons driven by biological urges.
They won't be human, they'll be something else, but to say we can never make something that we could unethically torture is laughably shortsighted.

tfw no mean nicola gf

ending of the episode reveals he made the entire game/company specifically for the sake of torturing 1:1 copies of people he knew.

god killed children and sent down plagues and turned thots into pillars of salt.
he created the universe and we were not doing as he wanted of us so it was justice no matter how cruel you might think it.
all of this applies to the episode.
the creations killed their creator (as we did) and are now hedonist frolicking through his creation (as we are).


No one bullied him. They treated him with indifference, which makes sense considering how creep he is.

No the difference is how they're created. I could watch a couple fuck and produce offspring naturally, and I could also watch someone sit at a computer all day writing code for a human-esque digital character. Then what? We can watch them be created through code by some fat shit at his house, that alone signifies their place in our reality.

Now the only question that I could understand being asked is, "Do they think they're real?". I get that, that might be a question where some deep philosophical thinking may be required. But to say that they're equivalent to a human and should be treated as such is preposterous.

It's a copy of your consciousness. If if thinks and feels pain it's real. That's like saying you aren't real, you're just a bunch of cells just like these people are a bunch of ones and zeroes. They still feel pain.

They treated him fine. He can't expect much if he's a creep that states at everyone.


>They still feel pain.
feelings derive from chemicals, hormones... and that pain exists to inform us to protect us physical beings from physical death.
there's no reason to think any of the AI were in actual pain because they don't have those hormones and they don't have death... theyre in pain the same a cartoon character is in pain.

son, this argument/logic is elevating hormones to magic because you don't understand how they work.

This show's episodes consistently become way too implausible towards the end. Through this they deliver tendentious emotional payoff.
It makes no sense the commercial application he uses would terminally freeze someones consciousness permanently in a stimulation upon crashing, but the retard writer goes with it anyway because it's satisfying revenge for what is, in the 21th century, literal retards.

the computer clones dont have souls, they are an abomination against god and murdered a human, they should be purged from the system.

it doesnt matter how they work, just that they do and the AI dont have it.

Because he's a white cis male. And all cis scum must die.

So lets say there is something identical in every way to hormones called shormones, a person is copied into a living organism that is built around shormones, does that person still feel pain?

You are arguing with a troll


You're not getting it. It's an exact copy of their minds just in that digital world. It's a copy of their bodies minus the genitals. I know the science is retarded, but in the context of the episode that do feel pain.

Much like you can make a hand touch something that isn't there in the episode the game is a fully realized world. The only difference is that it's digital, but I assume the world simulates how actual bodies work since it seems pretty advanced. And the same goes for the nerves that make you feel pain. You're thinking in narrow terms here. They're literally exact copies of the characters.

Even if the AI isn't real they're still 1:1 in terms of likeness, responsiveness to situations, emotions etc. etc.

He got off on torturing things that were indistinguishable from human beings

Don't know about some of you but I take that as a sign of being a fucking psycho

No, this is not like your vidya games, rarely do you recreate people in your actual life and regardless they are like 1/10000 of human likeness.