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QotD: What shall be the first film you watch in 2018?
Letterboxd: Post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched
QotD: What shall be the first film you watch in 2018?
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What shall be the first film I watch in 2018?
Emily Jeaaaaaan i luv u my darling pls save mi frum dis hell.
Emily Jeaaaaaan i luv u my darling pls save mi frum dis hell.
Emily Jeaaaaaan i luv u my darling pls save mi frum dis hell.
I crave Emily Jean
Why can't you say "cunt" one time in a PG-13 movie but you can say the word "nigger" many times?
The Reagan Show 2017 ½
Watched Dec 31, 2017
Mika Strouse’s review published on Letterboxd :
Straight from the horses mouth. Compiled clips and interviews of the worst actor and president of all time. A much watch for any hater and lover of this small man.
Get Me Roger Stone 2017
Watched Dec 31, 2017
Mika Strouse’s review published on Letterboxd :
An essential documentary for those who voted for "Trump" for no other reason than what they heard, saw and digested during the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign.
This film outlines who usurped "Trump" the gold-plated toilet seat (aside from the Russian mobsters, that is!), in the now affectionately renamed "Shite House". The titular orchestrator of what may prove the final nail in the U.S. hegemonic coffin, Roger "Hatchetman" Stone; the reviled lawyer to New York's slimy underbelly, and "Trump's" surrogate father, Roy "Pitbull" Cohn; the aforementioned Colonel Sanders clone's cohort, Paul "Prozacface" Manafort; the snake oils shonk and lunatic method actor, turned "Trump's" ear to the 'X-Files' grind stone, Alex "Israel Did Nothing Wrong" Jones... A veritable cavalcade of cancerous crony capitalists and Mammon-worshipping, minions of money ― all conspiring to puppeteer the profligate whose stage name is now etched into the History's annuls, as the 45th canard-teller-in-chief of the 'Divided Failed $tate$ of Avarice'.
Of course, this piece mainly concerns Stone himself. However, those others mentioned, are done so for their integral, in-concert role they played in the rise of the broke pseudo billionaire in question, to within 4-minute dummy-spitting distance of initiating world wide, nuclear Armageddon.
I'm not even a part of your generals but where there's a need, I must supply
Mr. Original Doggy gives Dave Chapelle: The Bird Revelation a 1 1/2 star rating.
Learn to link the last thread and link the new thread in last thread.
Nothing but respect for MY president
>What shall be the first film you watch in 2018?
Cobra of course
You don't really think you'll win, do you?
Charles Barton is disappointed in my existence
>in glorious black and white
>in glorious black and PEPE!
Do you put your thumb or index finger in the disc hole?
Oops! There's singing in the sound version of Lady of the Pavements
>tints don't count as color
count how many black-and-white films are in the sight and sound 250. count how many directors each did black-and-white just for nostalgic purposes (woody allen, scorsese, coppola)
tarkovsksy says most don't see the world in color, color is tertiary
gregg toland said black-and-white will always exist and color would be a fad
>found footage
pic-related. Sup Forums hates found footage, pick something that matters
to my friends: happy new year
to my enemies: happy new year also
Why is Steven Hilliard Stern criticized for the same qualities Gene Saks is praised for?
Emily Gene Saks
That's all you've got? rofl
This weekend I saw The Taxi Driver, Gattaca, Memento, The Machinist, and Master and Commander for the first time. Loved them all.
The Taxi Driver
>Steven Hilliard Stern (born November 1, 1937) is a Canadian television and documentary director,[1] producer and writer.
>He attended the Ryerson University's Institute of Technology and served in the Canadian Infantry before inaugurating his directing career.[2] The bulk of Stern's output has been in the field of made-for-TV movies, both in the United States and Canada. Some film credits may appear as Steve Stern and Steven H. Stern rather than the full middle name.
>He was born in Timmins, Ontario, Canada.
What is the reason for bruce liking the 70s
Everything being shot in telephoto and zoom lenses
Bruce hates realism
Is it the in-your-face anarchic postmodern irony and narcissism
Bruce doesn't like stroheim, he hated birth, is it because he finds them boring therefore intolerble. ironic, are you mad because griffith held you in contempt for being intolerant of his vision
Why do you keep posting that image. It reflects nothing about me.
it reflects everything about you you weak shitstain.
Does it reflect my credit card number? My date of birth? My blood type?
flaccid, limp, empty. 3 words that describe you, coward
We know you're an underage nigger living in Florida.
Only one of those is true
hundred percent. he spilled the beans. half puerto rican half cuban, probably about 17 years of age now. no job no life no friends. major stutter. he was crying to me when you all were derailing the thread calling him 'pete the retard'. the emilyposting is his sad semblance of revenge for taking the bait so hard for so long. he has a discord where he and a lunatic from his /hr/ emma stone threads, trannynig, go back and forth & spew sweet nothings right past each other to satisfy their similarly unhealthy compulsions.
Only one of those is true
LMAOOOO WTF are you talking about LOOOL
I'm going to find you and torture you
Lock you up and starve you to death, beat you every day
Try your giggle games then
Haneke > Griffith
I loathe the audience
That's not a good thing, fambolini.
is there a better film in existence than The Passion of Joan of Arc? Just got my own copy of it.
The Trial of Joan of Arc
Joan the maid
why are there so many Tumblr-tier reviews on this site?
If you study psychology and you don't know who this is, drop out.
Outdated. Film has progressed as a medium
merry christmas /lbg/
who's that crackhead
I wonder how PUNQ's wife reacts when he gets neglets her to spend New Year's Eve with his nigger babies
i could kick this guy's ass
very nice coffret
Next time use this. These should educate dumdums on proper visual literacy
Mr. Original Doggy gives Manhattan Murder Mystery a 3 star rating
where's the flaherty one, someone that actually matters
Where's the names of the films, fambolini?
Emily Jean Rouch
>71 replies
>14 posters
Now, you are good in the use of a stick, but boxing is my subject... -Rhys Williams (r) as Dai Bando in How Green Was My Valley
happy new year everyone
I did.
Griffithfag is what happens when you leave a baby in front of TCM too long
These are spectacular works. They don't abuse me emotionally, they don't call for my investment, they aren't shock. Their individual components add upon one another and communicate more the deeper you peer
hey there, step on my face
>wind overlapping the dialogue
Turns out the first film I watched in 2018 was Total Recall. Which I feel like was my first film of 2017 who the fuck knows.
Also, recovering from surgery on New Years sucks. I wanna be out there, drinking myself silly. All I've got are these sweet sweet opiods
>he is defending griffith on a chinese amputee bestiality porn board on new years eve
How accurate are my reviews?
they suck.
that's all.
the struggle 1931
Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys Ichthys
The titles are here, boys! Get'em while they're HOT!
whAT tooook you so loong???
I love the fans
You do.
stop lurking in these threads little guy
you know who you are
reminder that i will fricken k*ll you if you continue to post at nosaj the way you are posting at nosaj
redpill me on nosaj meme
nosaj is a faggot
reminder that i will fricken k*ll you if you continue to post at nosaj meme the way you are posting at nosaj meme
I'm timing how long it takes you to add them
what did he meme by this?