No, this was not an attack on white males. This was an attack on socially inept losers...

no, this was not an attack on white males. This was an attack on socially inept losers, who coincidently happen to be mostly white males. And most of Sup Forums is socially inept AND white males, so it's not surprising why you all hate it

Other urls found in this thread:


Well, I mean, yeah. We are supposed to hate it. That is why they made it.

Job done.

It's not like we actually have any power, and we're all very sad beings. Why do we deserve to be attacked by the mainstream, exactly?

why the fuck does Sup Forums like shit by a guardian columnist. he doesn't even do the main body he's in opinion which even when guardian was readable was dogshit. he's literally what you idiots hate most.

i don't dislike the episode because it does or does not attack white males. i dislike it because it's poorly written and the final act is utter shit

Most coding/tech geniuses have not been white socially inept losers so this show is flipping reality on it's head

>you all

found the nagger

are these the same writers as the new Star Wars?

Yknow, you are allowed to not be totally thrilled when someone who hates you makes something to shit on you.

i thought it was just that he's a creepy tech geek. maybe i missed it, but i can't think of any examples of it shitting on white males. could you give an example maybe? i feel like i'm missing something since all of Sup Forums says it's anti-white and anti-men.

Having a hobby you love, has always been noted to be the foundation of a good character in a person.
Bill Gates = Quintessential beta nerd autist, has resolved to give literally all his money to bettering the world, alive and healthy.
Steve Jobs= Alpha, tall, chad but does not even know how to program, is really just a commercial designer, gives absolutely nothing at all to charity, even talks about distrusting charity and then proceeds to get naturally deselected because he won't take a medical professionals advice and tries to cure his cancer with fruits.
Yet normies absolutely love Steve Jobs and hate Bill Gates, even though Steve Jobs is a failed human being by every possible criterion.

Nobody cares if the socially inept looser is fapping to coworkers on the holodeck. Because those characters are not self aware. If Reg loads up Moriarty so he can murder his family in front of him its a different fucking story.

>Hang The DJ
>USS Callister
>Black Museum

Sup Forums's three favourite episodes this season. People here loved Callister because it took down manchildren and soyboys. You need to stop getting your opinions from tumblr.

A nerd is a person seen as overly intellectual, obsessive, or lacking social skills (introvert). Such a person may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, little known, or non-mainstream activities, which are generally either highly technical, abstract, or relating to topics of fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities. Additionally, many so-called nerds are described as being shy, quirky, pedantic, and unattractive.

It has been suggested by some, such as linguist Mary Bucholtz, that being a nerd may be a state of being "hyperwhite"

and for that reason they must die


Is Sup Forums so autistic that they can't realize that the audience sympathized with Cap'n Meth Damon up until the point it was revealed that the copies were sentient?

>This was an attack on socially inept losers,
what would exactly be the point of such an "attack"?

>socially inept losers
>Genius programmer
>Has his own company

Dude nerds lmao

I just wish shows trashing us were better written and not full of plotholes and cliches

Women despise weak men. There's no one who they have more contempt for.

The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll stop expecting them, feminism and society at large to treat you kindly.

I had no idea that passwords are stored in my saliva.

I reject this bullshit term. We identify black Africans as 'black' because they are literally a massive dominant ethnic group in the sub-Saharan and people with dark skin in north Africa get that ethnic trait from black Africans.

Like the Han Chinese, Blacks from Africa dominated and clenched their continent (due, in their case by discovering steel much earlier than any other human group) such that there are only a few ethnic groups with dark skin not related to black Africans (The Kung! people, Pygmies, & Australian Aborigines)

But people with lighter skin are NOT in any way similar to this. There is no WHITE race. There are Irish, Russians, Germans, Turks, Italians, Belgians, etc.

Europe is a big fucking area, and Spaniards don't have a lot of ethnic contact with Greece, for example. This lunacy on both sides that want to lump people together for their skin color only (vaguely) works with black people. We also have to finally address the fact that American blacks tend to have a TON of European blood in them. They may look different because of their skin color, but some American Blacks have far more ethnic heritage in Europe than in Africa. Not to mention how so much heritability in America in general can be traced to Native Americans.

White people are not white. They are always something more specific, always. Denying a man or woman their European heritage (which might be more than their African heritage) just because they're dark skinned is also fucked up.

It's really pointless to assume a person's ethnicity based on looks. It's pointless to focus so much on the fucked up concept of race (which is visibility based an not scientifically based) when we have ethnic and heritage studies. If you care so much about where a person came from, you can ask or look into their DNA with permission (they may even want to know) but the big point is:

WHITE IS NOT AN ETHNICITY. The Japanese have pale skin, too. Their are albinos of every ethnic group.

Nope. He was creepy in the intro, utterly pathetic when we meet him in real life and an irredeemable monster once we understand his modded universe. At no point is his character even slightly sympathetic.

'White' is an identity created by society at large, not white people. If I fill out a college application, they don't ask if I'm Irish, or German, or Swedish, or any of that shit. They ask if I'm white. When a leftist talks about 'white privilege', when you have these pathological people who are obsessed with 'deconstructing whiteness', they're fostering the concept and promoting it.

So long as 'white' is an identity that someone is unable to escape by virtue of how they look, then people will be forced to talk about themselves on such terms.

So you say we need a full blown fascist revolution were the strongest survive and the weak perish.

>expecting them, feminism and society at large to treat you kindly.
None of us expect that. We've been broken for years. Us outcasts don't feel entitled to anything. Wish (((they))) would stop claiming we do.

>no, this was not an attack on white males
>This was an attack on socially inept losers
ummmmmm sweetie, what's the difference?

>Sup Forums is socially inept


Gates and Jobs are both equally greedy anti-consumerist shitheads. One just lived long enough to realize all his jewish tricks hadn't given him any true happiness.

All racial groupings are social constructs yeah.

But you know that africa has like thousands of different cultures right?


Ha a more low test insult ever been invented. C'mon, it's 2018 in most of the civilized world by now.

when Jewish SJWs are called out for their 'whiteness' they sometimes deny it and correctly claim their Jewishness.

When someone claims you are white, claims you have white privilege or some other silly claim based on your looks (if you happen to have pale skin), Tell them what you actually are and deny whiteness.

White as an ethnic concept is stupid as shit. Literally no one is actually white. At best they don't know what they are and were never told (because it's not really important to some people - not that I blame them).

White priveledge doesn't exist if there are no actual white people. What about all the black families in America that owned slaves? Do they get a pass? What about robber barons that treated their employees exactly like slaves and sent in Pinkertons to literally murder them when they demanded better pay?

The whole concept is ridiculous. But I agree, you gotta accept reality as other people see it, but that doesn't mean you can't fight back and resist whenever you can. (I think, for example, they have "choose not to disclose" on a lot of those bullshit forms)

>most of Sup Forums is socially inept AND white males
>implying Sup Forums isn't a minority majority of spics and mud slimes these days

top kek. Oh wait, you're right... that's Sup Forums my bad
Oh wait, Sup Forums is Sup Forums now, my bad

>dude programs are people too lmao
What a garbage episode, don't expect anything less from a soyboy like Brooker

For the lulz. Yknow?

That's the fact that should make people most mad. But noooo, gotta focus on the idpol (despite the fact the fake white male saved the day)

>Sup Forums

i haven't seen this but i don't like how much being socially inept is stigmatised
like it's ok to demonise people because they're not good at fitting in

could you faggots please take this horrifying britshit show to ?

It is *always* okay, and indeed fun, to demonise the outgroup.

>those characters are not self aware
did you miss them literally plotting their escape from a living hell

It's an attack on nerds. Literally a bunch of shitskins, roasties and normies attack and steal a nerds life work and kill him.

It's a classic story of asshole bullies going after the nerdy kid who then finds a way to fight they kill him and they're the good guys.

What a tweeeeest.

>This was an attack on socially inept losers
Okay so 10 years ago hollywood was making movies about socially inept losers learning how to be a real human bean and get the girl.

Now because of ______? it's acceptable to attack the socially inept? Isn't that cruel? Mean-spirited? evil?


race is a dumb concept, scientifically unsupported.

ethnicity is real but human ethnic populations are not rigid - there is too much 'intermixing' already since the world was unified by explorers since in the 1500s.

ethnicity is important in medical studies as different groups carry different genetic problems (and possibly benefits but that goes down politically incorrect avenues).

Africa has tons of different cultures, true, but their ethnic cohesion is surprisingly tight. There are many different lingual groups and eras of intermixing with Muslim invaders, Dutch invaders, etc. Their ethnic make up is similar to the Han Chinese, which also dominate the east.

For example: Fon and Yoruba are not ethnically different, but definitely lingual and culturally different. The north Africans, by comparison, have so much intermixed genetics from the middle east and Europe that they seem as if they are a different ethnicity to sub Sahara, but for most the majority of their ethnic make up is black - same as blacks in South Africa (for the most part - bushmen were pushed south during the original conquests of the black Africans).

It's all fascinating, but I guess it depends on how you see ethnicity from a scientific perspective: Africa is generally homogeneous in the sense that they all share the same major genetic traits. But if you decide to truly scrutinize (which maybe we should) we could probably divide black Africans into several more ethnic groups.

That's why race is so invidious. It uses the complexity of language, origin, and ethnic genetic data to fit some political agenda of convenience.

I hated how this episode ended. It as just too clean that Daly would be "stuck". He's a brilliant coder. I think the episode would be better with him leaving home, going to work and still get treated like "crap" by everyone, no longer able to have any type of outlet against them. Add in Nannette acting weird wondering why she was made to break into his house and steal a lollipop.

I didn't say anything negative about Jews, but i guess you had no time for reading a post completely.

which means maybe you shouldn't participate in this discussion.

>Steve Jobs is a failed human being by every possibly criterion

this is bait right? I'm not an Applefag, but come the fuck on lol

i guarantee the relative percentages of socially inept losers across the races is the same, except for blacks, who are too impulsive to be shut-ins

I keep seeing these pics and think you're talking about The Orville.

The moral of the story is this;

Quiet and polite men who lead the technology industry and scientific fields and immerse themselves in hobbies like video games and science fiction really are pedophiles/rapists/serial killers or just plain weird and you should kill them after taking all of their stuff.

This is the year Chad & Stacy took, took AWAY sci-fi from the clammy hands of the adult virgins.

>make tv show that's an attack on violent blacks
>"No, you don't understand, we were attacking *violent* blacks, not regular blacks. If you were offended by our message then maybe you should stop being so violent."

It's fun to talk about.

Apart from the semi-feel good Dating Sim episode, this was the only good episode this season, even if it was a direct spit in our faces.

it was Django Unchained for millennial women

I don't get whats going on, can someone post clips from the show or something?
whats going on?

I know Kikeywood likes making fun of white men but I want to know how exactly.

This show is a metaphor.

For too long nerdy autists (usually white) who create things we find useful and enjoy have earned the fruits of their labor - NO MORE - us Chads and Stacies will put them back in their place, like we did in high school. They will be slave ants in our fashionably designed cubicle colonies. We will no longer have to supplicate ourselves and refer to the creator of the company as the "boss" - he is a Fucking White (or Indian or Asian) Male, and he is socially awkard.

This is the Alpha Uprising. Robots go back to your fucking board.

Bill Gates is a NERD.

Look at his fucking face lmao. I bet he molests kids. You know Steve Jobs just slayed pussy. That's why he had that kid he never paid attention to.

Bill Gates is definitely a pedophile or he hurts dogs or something. Weirdo.


I'm scared to google this as find it's real. But I'm going to use it a lot.

A full third of this board crossposts with /r9k/.

If you think the moment you find out the NPC's are sentient are when they lost sympathy for Captain Daly, you are very mistaken.

What you fail to realize is that the world is already where the strong thrive and the weak perish, in a much more subtle form. You really think the world works based on the good guy and the bad guy? Grow up.

Studies have given empirical evidence that women only go for a very small minority of men (those with money or looks), and the rest are simply brushed aside by the world in general. And now white men have targets on their back because they are somehow these evil toxic control freaks (that created the most fair and advanced societies today). Feminism will act as though it exists to provide 'equality' to women, but it is really just guilting men to give up what little they have and embrace the 10%,90% rule.

females don't experience a prolonged adolescence like males do. From eight to thirteen a girl becomes a woman. From eight to twenty fucking two a boy becomes a man (and even then, we must admit, they continue to struggle with emotional and social maturity).

There has been this strange push to extend, artificially, the adolescence for girls. Why? What is this odd obsession with making boys and girls equal under all possible circumstances?

Perhaps society can't allow 13 year old girls to get married and have kids, or start college or go into the workplace and obviously we don't hold boys back when they hit 18 and act as if they can handle responsibility and fatherhood (when they, statistically, can not)

but extending female adolescence and tantalizing half the fucking population isn't working. Radicalizing them under bizarre and violent post modern ideologies also seems like a mistake.

Humans are social and self adapting but I think we're going a bit too far as a society. Let boys be boys longer, stop infantalizing women. I'm not saying put a suit and tie on 13 year old girls and send them off to middle management. I'm saying give them (ironically, as compared to feminism) more actual respect and stop trying to dumb them down into comic book bullshit and video games.

Adults do not absorb these things (even if they participate) the same way children and adolescents do. Stop trying to force women into being the same as their male classmates who enjoy the same products.

This is about consumerism, not politics or gender. Corporations want to manipulate adolescent girls the same way they do adolescent boys. It's not going to work, and it's disgusting.

It is hilarious that both of these people are ugly pretty people.

Match made in heaven

It's pretty standard. Shy, passive nerd at the office actually is a sadistic weirdo at home on his video game where he acts out his power fantasies because he's impotent at work.

You know the drill.

>fat loser lives with his mum

>plays D&D on the weekends where he pretends to be a ripped barbarian god who fucks tons of chicks and slays dragons

>probably masturbates over the cute girl in the office too

This show is about how these people need to be killed before it's too late and technology lets them do even more gross and icky things in the privacy of their own homes.

White dude here.

Attractive Jewish wife. Had sex with a bunch of attractive women. Only fat/unattractive woman I had sex with was the girl I lost my virginity too, and she was still okay looking for a chubster.


Let the normies and feminists have scifi, we will run society in the fast approacing technological age.

>The absolute desperate state of the nerd when confronted by reality

Let's see how sharp your knees are, adult virgin.

grats, you are in the top 10%. Evolution looks favorably upon you

>Nerds are literally raping women in video games.

>strongest survive

almost entirely false. Hitler was a pansy. He was a vegetarian and a hypochondriac and he could never get his gastrointestinal under control no matter what he did. He was a medical mess and exactly the kind of child he would have 'mercifully' executed in his own eugenics programs.

The weak thrive in fascist regimes. You toe the line you serve the cause, you never speak up for yourself. This is pure weakness pretending to be strong.

Think about it: if the so-called 'aryan' race was superior, the why the fuck would they need to worry about subhuman Jews or Africans? They actually believe and act out the opposite. They honestly feel they are inferior and this is the only way they'll survive.

>Attractive Jewish wife.

Pretty much this.
It's an attack on the kind of people that only has 2 options:
1. Accept you are a loser and we'll treat you as such, but if you take it all once in a while we'll take pity and acknowledge what a good guy you are! (ie: you are so smart with 'nerd thing'!, or you are so nice haha!)
2. Stand your ground and become the bad guy (or at the very least the asshole).
This is the only group of people SJW will not defend, yet if a black person killed someone they'll find a way to justify the act of the poor black man that was 'muh historically wronged'.

Good goy, deny you exist, it'll make it easier to get rid of you piecemeal in your little nationalist sections we've already subverted.

>Evolution looks favorably upon you

I don't want to breed though. She keeps telling her family "soon".

I'm scared.

It's real.

>My research focuses primarily on how social identities and cultural practices are brought into being through linguistic interaction. I have investigated this question in relation to race, gender, and youth identities as well as within the context of how undergraduate science and math students become socialized into scientific cultures through peer interaction.

>Anthropological research has shown that identities that are "not white enough" may be racially marked. Yet marking may also be the result of being "too white" California high school students who embrace one such white identity, nerds, employ a superstandard language variety to reject the youth culture norm of coolness. These practices also ideologically position nerds as hyperwhite by distancing them from the African American underpinnings of European American youth culture.

If this episode made you upset you're a loser.

Go ahead and call someone a soyboy again though nerd.

I'll be fucking your girl while you read this.

Peace out, fag.

You will, start accepting or dump her, before she forces you, and she will.

Hitler didn't survive though. He got killed (you know what I mean) by the Chad Allies.

Did you somehow miss WW2 in human history?

>Think about it: if the so-called 'aryan' race was superior, the why the fuck would they need to worry about subhuman Jews or Africans?

They don't. They look after them like pets. WW2 demonstrated what would happen if even a very small percentage of """""aryans""""" flipped out.

All races on Earth live(d) at the mercy of white people. That's why when you see all these people yammering about evil white people it seems so ridiculous. Whites not only didn't wipe out everyone else when given the opportunity, they went out of their way to raise the standard of living for everyone.

Nazis didn't believe they were inferior and "act out". Hitler had a bunch of half baked ideas, and the rest of the Nazi party were happy to tow the line provided that line led to wiping out the populations east of them and securing them an oil and bread basket rich region to expand their overpopulated and under resourced territories into.

It's nothing special. Just cunts wanting someone elses stuff and wanting it "free". In fact, it ties up nicely with the creation of this episode - a bunch of cunts want what nerds have, so they invent these images of them as closet rapists/perverts/sadists so they can justify taking it.

>if the so-called 'aryan' race was superior, the why the fuck would they need to worry about subhuman Jews or Africans?

Same reason you might worry about, say, catching a fungal infection, even though you presumably consider yourself superior to fungi.

It's not 'survival of the strongest', it's survival of the fittest.

If there is a skinny nerd who can makes millions of dollars on the stockmarket, his is more 'fit' than a dude who can bench 250 pounds.

Whites need to worry about jews and africans because they infect the societies whites live in and drag them down to their level. Poverty tier africans breed at over twice the rate as a white man does. And african americans actually have a net negative impact on the national budget overall as apposed to white people who increase the budget. Blacks literally draining the national bank to feed their children who put the US in more debt. Jews have gained control of the media and broadcast their messages for their angendas at the expense of whites.

>reddit spacing
You're not fucking anything but yourself there buddy.

Why do linguists keep offering up theories on every subject but linguistics?

Why would I need a linguists opinion on military and corporate intervention in South East Asia?

That said - you know he's right. Whether it's true or not we associate intelligence and hard work with white people...and virginity. Although I would argue we're going to have to change it to hyperasian soon - because they're cornering the market on sexless ant workers.

You have other female options. Nothing to lose if you don't have kids and she won't divorce rape you

Why didn't he just mod the server so they have vaginas and he have a harem of sex slaves he could fuck senseless whenever?

Really killed my immersion

First thing devs do when

We NEED a "My Name Is John" pasta/shoop with the lead actresses head/name on it.

I'm too lazy to do it right now. You do it for me.

>Won't divorce rape you

She's Jewish. She's the rich one. She'll just stab-stab me, rather than divorce-rape.

But they were all losers. Why focus him?

Technically it makes sense for a normie to reddit space, right?

>watch black mirror, show that's supposed to be quite dark, and not comfy at all
>get shocked, because one episode makes you feel bad
>throw a sperg rage because you feel bad

Maybe Big Bang Theory is better show for you. It has nerds that play D&D, and they all get hot girlfriends and good jobs! That show won't hurt your feelings!

I bet you believe Hitler only had 1 testicle and he showered with soaps made of jewish fat.

Wake up.

You asked what the show is about. I told you what it is about. Why are you spazzing out on me?

>That show won't hurt your feelings!

If the show is meant to hurt your feelings, and your feelings are hurt, why are you saying it shouldn't hurt your feelings?

Aren't you contradicting yourself?

No. Daly is not like the people at TBBT. The ones from there are "nerdy" normies. It is a show for the typical "gamer gurl" and "gaymer boys" that in the 90s would have been all "you play games? what a loser!".
We don't watch that shit show.

>He was a vegetarian
Roman gladiators, also known as hordearii, (which translates directly as “The Barley Men”) owed their peak physical condition to a predominately vegan diet of beans and barley.

>lets do a Star Trek episode
>look how creative we are!

It was just a Barclay episode. His hair is even combed the same minus Barclays receding hairline.

Redditors aren't normalfags, they're their own brand of autism.

>Whites not only didn't wipe out everyone else when given the opportunity, they went out of their way to raise the standard of living for everyone.
Yes, it was very kind of them to eventually stop fucking people over and not literally kill everyone. Truly a benevolent and upstanding group of people.

You didn't quite understand the episode. Robert does not fight back in any way. If he had actually manned up and defended himself, he would have been succesful in real life and wouldn't have been killed. So instead of becoming succesful in real life, he creates bunch of clones and spends all of his free time torturing them. He still gets "bullied" at work, he still spends his free time alone. Torturing does not make his life better. And ultimately his activities lead to his death.

So yes, you can stand your ground without becoming a serial killer, that still fails at life. It's attack on you, unless you want to be serial killer, that still fails at life.

>attacking autists
>attacking the mentally ill is now fair game

Really? Leftists are such retards.

The point is that no matter what he does, he either has to accept being shitted on, or become the asshole, or option 3: become something he is not to fit.
There is no winning with the normies, they don't accept others.

HAHAHAHAHA, kill yourself jew