Post a Sup Forums related image that describes your New Years

Post a Sup Forums related image that describes your New Years

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I honestly can't tell if that's
Filthy Frank
or Jimmy Fallon
or Kylo Ren
or that Nathan guy


Real Human Bean


>tfw crippling social autism



Fuck I miss r9k. Not good for my mental health to browse that board but I'll be damned if it isn't funny


that was from /fit/ newfag

Ah. Good to know


Pretty much

"nathan fielder" isn't giving you any clues?

please the curtains would never have been open in the first place.


r9k used to be some of the funniest time I've had, but I really have to say that since leaving this board every single aspect of my life has gotten better somehow, so maybe it is, after all, a shit place


>shopping carts in a liquor store
is this an american thing?

Literally me. But I won't get to travel 1000 years in the future and have adventures with a robot sidekick and cyclops waifu.

It is no doubt. You get into that mindset and it's so fucking hard to pull yourself out. Well always have the memories, friend

In some states, the sell liquor in supermarkets.

Happy new year to you too mate !

Thanks, makes me feel better about myself.


ill need some cawfee after allthis


>first sober New Year's Eve
>been staring at a bottle of whiskey for a half hour

I can't do this



literally me

i even deliver pizza for a job

Why can't you just drink like a normal person? Why does it have to be all or nothing you degenerate?

doggo wan the fishe



>having to go to a dedicate store just to buy your alcoholic beverages

waiting for my girlfriend to get off work, hope she didnt kiss anyone! O:1


we both know her stomach is full of nigger cum right now

admittedly I have shit self control. And my mother and grandmother were alcoholics. I'm trying to work on it

Can confirm, used to live in California. It's pretty awesome to get all your ingredients for mixed drinks and the drinks themselves in the same place.

this was basically me in highschool until girls realized i was attractive


I'm not the only one?

>tfw local place is better but just end up getting dominos cause i can do it online


Man, I'd be real pissed about what happens next if that were me. He had it made.

>Say: "Ummm..."

Holy shit



Happy New Year Sup Forums

wait porgs are real?


this is the year boys


Is that Skin Diamond

r9k is a worse experience than heroin or meth or fentenal

i could shake off those. and those had highs. r9k is just the withdrawl symptoms of those drugs amplified. its the black pills without the red.


what movie?

have a video instead

city of god

>shes really funny user!

>tfw sick as shit

I hope the water was really fucking cold, stupid ass dog

I should feel like TayTay....but sometimes I can't help but believe that I'm the goblin...


>the 3rd year in a row pretending to be sick so I can stay at home by myself

Dont do it brah! It gets easier each new years till you don't give a shit any more


Nobody believes you anymore. Maybe next year will be the one they give up



This looks like the final boss of mario world more than it looks like a two frame comic when it's minimized

Who the fuck uses mouse like that

Just me and Mr. Booze

based pizza boy


Just like Xmas

The implication of your post is that they even noticed that I wasn't there and missed me in my absence hahahaha

>tfw sick




i dont remember that episode

I think you're a retard, user.

beer is such a meme drink 12 beers may as well just inject soy into your chest


Don't forget lads


I don't have anything that conveys a good day with family I love, until the night comes, my meds wear off, and my fears of the future leave me panicked and unable to sleep.

Watched eggmans stream

I like how he added the ummms

