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Why did he eat so much?

This episode was weird. Why was Batman fighting a plantation owner?


Because he's fat.

Because he had amnesia

I imagine him being a Sup Forums janitor in his spare time.

harmonica noises

>tfw Alfred was flying the Batplane
Was weird, but a good weird. Batman the Animated Series was -- and will forever continue to be -- top comfy.


For the last time, I am NOT eating the Joker!

Dat fuckin' music. Das it mane. Second best score after the Captain Joker music.

Him, Mary Dahl, and the Sewer King should make new appearances, even if they're just one off villains again.


das it mane

'Cause I like meat too much

I've never understood why this ep is so often listed as one of the worst BTAS episodes. I remember really enjoying it. Homeless Batman was cool.

you've got to vore the joker, batman

Shirley Walker was the best.

>that episode where Joker set the doorbell to his hideout to play his theme music

TAS Joker had some weird episodes, but when he was good he was really good.

Remember when TMNT completely plagiarized this episode?

Always wanted to make microfilm where all you can see is a table full of knives, guns, poison...

Into the frame come these ghastly white hands out of purple sleeves and begins to carefully, artfully arrange everything while offscreen, the person whistles this theme.

>he brutalized a man just for a clever answering machine message
I miss liking the Joker

Well drown the kids and shoot the neighbors, we've got a winner!


Because batwanks hate remembering Batman is just a man and a fat fuck like antag can be a threat to him. Difference between a batman fan and a batwanker. Fans realize he is human and love him for it. Wanks just want him to win cause "Lol, he's batman! XD"