What the fuck happened?

What happened to South Park? I'm catching up on Season 21 and it's god awful. I can watch older episodes all the time because most of it is fucking hilarious but these new episodes are almost like a drama and still them carrying on their Garrison = Trump thing from last season. Have Matt and Trey finally reached THAT stage?

You talk a big game, but would you say that to his wife's son's face?

It's an utter disgrace what Matt and Trey are doing to their series.

I only watched the first 3 or so episodes of the latest season. What did I miss? How did it compare to the previous few seasons?

It's hard to keep a show fresh for that long, and they have channeled their creative energy towards the video games, which are actually funny. At this point it's just a cash grab for a failing CC channel out of fresh ideas.

It was somehow worse than season 20, they kept the worst parts of the continuity. The only ones that were decent were the Zuckerberg episode and the witch hunt one.

is that his kid or just hers?

They literally have a bunch of writers from The Daily Show now

It's really, really bad.

The last 3 seasons are unwatchable and completely ruined the legacy of this show. It's in zombie mode now

waaaah dwont mwake fwun of mwu empwerow Twumpff :C

You missed the rapid decline of South Park. It used to be about something happening to the boys and having shenanigans surrounding it, and an episode dedicated to Randy, parents or other side characters and the shit they get into. The biggest difference between post season 17 and the episodes before that is that South Park could literally explode and the next episode it would "reset" and everything would be fine, the new storyline starts etc etc..
South Park season 21 is STILL serialized and they refuse to let go of a lot of plot lines, like Garrison Trump, Heidi and PC Principle. They have build up a world now that they, for some reason, refuse to let go.

South Park peaked during the season with Imaginationland. After that it went downhill pretty hard. The last decade of seasons has been autopilot with an occasoinal gem.

over 5 years ago they literally made an entire episode about how they were sick of making the show and just doing it for the money. why are you acting surprised that the show is shit

I know this is bait but Trump has nothing to do with its decline, it's just simply not as funny anymore.

i thought they would kill heidi or kyle. i thought the episode before the last was pretty great and honestly the finale ruined the season to me a bit. i enjoyed it besides that. how could they have the finale be so weak?

Show matured and you didn't. Older episodes are full of juvenile humor.

In season 5 when they started moving from irreverent broad comedy to overly topical schlock (Osama Bin Laden has Farty Pants) was the tipping point. Imaginationland was the plummet.

>season 5 was the tipping point
But season 6 was spectacular. After that one though I have a hard time keeping them straight. I thought the season with homeless-as-zombies was going to be them picking things back up, but it really was just a death rattle.

I would recommend a heavy dose of cyanide in your case.

I haven't been actually following South Park for many years. Then I watched the Black Friday/Game of Thrones three episodes thing, which I really, really liked. I didn't watch S18 and S19, I think I watched one or two random chapters and that was it.
Then I watched S20 and S21 completely, and they were really bad. They had a few cool things (Kyle's dad trolling was funny imo and the witch episode was fine), but overall it's just shit. It's not funny, it's not relevant, it's random bullshit that I can find elsewhere and, honestly, better done.

I remember around season 14 or 15 marveling with my friends that a show so old could still be so fresh and funny. I should have known it wouldn't last. Oh well, just like The Simpson, it had a good run.

It baffles me how you can have so much money and be a high status man yet pull a "my wife's son" shit

>start making fun of trump
"What happened?"

Comedy Central happened.

Daily Show is full on zombie. Trevor Noah killed the franchise dead but they can't get rid of him because the nigger they hired to replace Colbert failed even WORSE and they had to fire him, plus Chris Hardwick bailed on them, so they had to give the 1130 PM slot to a white Daily Show correspondent to fill the time slot, doing a poor man's Alex Jones which no one watches.

They have ZERO hit shows anymore and as mentioned above, their political comedy talk shows are doing so bad, they had to pay Ed Helms to come back for a one-hour special to try and shill their anti-Trump propaganda.

Which leaves South Park. They put pressure on Parker and Stone to reneg on their "no Trump/no politics, just kids being kids" pledge for season 21. Parker and Stone squandered pretty much ALL of the money they made these last two decades on whores and drugs and have admitted openly that they have to keep doing the show because they are fucking broke as hell and don't have the disposable income to live on the life they have become accustomed to as millionaires, while self-financing their side projects like Book of Mormon.

Meanwhile Parker and Stone are super pissed off at Trump because they have effectively lost the character of Mr Garrison because they made him their Trump stand-in (because they refused to give Trump the time or day by making him a SP character) and bet EVERYTHING in season 20 on Trump losing to free Garrison up for a status quo reset.

I wonder, is it better to go out too early, leaving your fans wanting for more, a la Frisky Dingo, Metalocolyspe, and Firefly?

Or is it better to have a full, glorified run followed by a slowl fade into irrelevance, and even contempt?

>What the fuck happened?

You're not autistic.

What this actually means is that you can't continue to find childish joy in doing anything all the time anymore, like mocking people on the internet.

Great job maturing, user-kun. We're all super impressed by how much you super grown up adults love recreational activities for the sake of leisure alone.

They saw that people liked all the two and three part episodes and went "Oh fuck! That's what everyone wants! More callbacks and plotlines!" and tried to stretch out those ideas to their breaking points. The continuity in and of itself isn't too bad, since South Park has at least been somewhat consistent with it's plots and characters. The problem comes in that episodes or plots that could easily be resolved in an episode, or worse, jokes that are kinda funny, are dragged out for way longer than they have any right being dragged on and what could have been something interesting and good becomes annoying and overblown in the context of the show.

They also apparently don't understand the idea of what closure is suppose to be. While the Heidi subplot of the last two seasons seems to be resolved, it's only in the context of a Canada that's been nuked, and a Mr. Garrison that was caught, but then disappeared for reasons, with no resolution to almost any subplot other than "Oh, that happened/existed." in the case of the Memberberries and PC Principal and Strong Woman hooking up. They have no idea how to actually write a story that goes on longer than a couple of episodes and their method of slapping everything together in a week or less for each episode means that there doesn't seem to be much of an actual plan for what the fuck goes on as long as something happens. Not to mention that we have a geriatric Terrance and Phillip while the boys and everybody else in South Park seem to have only aged about two years in twenty seasons.

Other than the show dying, I think that South Park really needs to dial down the season long story arcs and only have light continuity elements because it's now to the point where someone who hasn't watched the show in three years will have absolutely no fucking idea what's going on now and can't find a good standout episode from the last three seasons because everything is too intertwined to be enjoyed on its own merits.

looks like her tattoo says Kobe, full on cucked.

>Parker and Stone squandered pretty much ALL of the money they made these last two decades...


It most certainly did not peak during that season. That was the first season of the shit era. The episodes are still somewhat decent because they knew how to write jokes but generally that is the point where they switched from silly and wacky adventures with cultural references to pure and plain satirical parody.

It's better to stop when you're at the peak. Look at Frasier or Seinfeld. Seinfeld basically has no bad episodes and they realised it would only get worse from now on so they stopped. Frasier started going downhill ever since Niles and Daphne got together and killed it before getting too shit.

Meanwhile you have Simpsons and SP going full steam whilst being barely a resemblance of the glory it once was. It has completely killed the franchise and ruined any legacy they might've had.

I think a good example of current and old SP is how they deal with things. Take for example the anime picture episode of Craig and Tweek. In the old days, it would've been something about the Japanese government creating some outrageous plot against the Americans, but in actuality the episode ended in not anything silly but rather Craig's father accepting that his son is gay. That's drama and not absurdist comedy.

Ahhh so your wife getting pounded by a black dick kills your comedic talent.

basically Trey started writing everything after I sort of lost touch with the show. I got much more focuses on our bigger projects, and stopped writing for the show entirely, just doing voices. Then we hit it big with book of mormon and I really started to hate south park as a whole. Now I just do voices for it, and while I still hold south park in my heart as something great, it really is just living on an iron lung with trey doing all the work while we collaborate on actual good stuff. No one will read this but if you do thanks for being fans of the show and I hope you like what me and Trey make in the future. Also you guys are way too anti-semitic.

Are you that fag who won the contest and made an appearence on that single episode doing a couple of lines?

proof faget

isn't the point of this site the complete opposite of what you are asking?

if you are gay or not is decided by japanese girls drawing yaoi, not you, that's reasonably absurd.

Fuck its not even that. I wouldnt mind if they did that, if it was overblown, but I read theories and they are saying such stupid shit that 'heidi is a trump voter' and the relationship is her finding out how much she hates trump but still wants to believe in him? Like the fuck?

Hell, the whole Heidi arc was pointless. The scene where PC Principal and Mr Mackey said heidi was 'cartman but with the ability to follow through' which would be scary, if cartman hadnt been a useless bitch for 3 seasons.

Maybe, if it actually transformed them into faggots suddenly and magically. They were pressured into becoming fags which suited the general militant SJW theme of the season which doesn't make it too absurd.

It's always been crap. There's only so many hamfisted "both sides are bad, everything sucks" gags you can do.

Which episode was this Matt?

they should have just ended the series and focused on the games but trey has a nigger wife and literally her son so he keeps making it to profit

there's 21 fucking seasons of it, of course it's not as good now, why can't everyone just shut the fuck up about south park not being as good as it once was after 21 cunting seasons

Same I've been trying to watch all seasons. I'm at season 11 now, and man the new episodes are so much worse. Having 1 story for the entire season completely ruins it.

go watch some more of this

Because they made fun of their master Trump, they can't let t go

She looks like a stripper

I enjoyed the season enough. First and last episode were kind of lame. 9th episode was the absolute best. The Put It Down song was cringey but all of the Trump parody before that was well done and I say that as a Trump supporter. The idea of N. Korea shooting a rocket over Tweak's house was hilarious. Randy making out with a Native American in order to lie about how diverse his heritage is was hilarious. "I brought the Jack" "And I brought the crack." was hilarious.
This season shit on the left just as much, by the way. They were just more subtle about it. Episode ten opens with a literal toddler crying in the middle of the night because "the president is out to get me". It's not as in your face as The Whites, but it's there and it's a lot more poignant.
Stop sticking your nose up because they say things you don't like and you may come to realize just how much South Park is still on your side.

that canadian trump episode was really good, haven't watched anything since

It started going downhill before Trump, though.

I really think the change to whole season arcs are what's killed it.

Though I must admit I liked PC Principal and the sentient ad episodes.

They're making the same joke over and over, though. At least vary them. South Park used to be fun to watch even if you weren't in the US but the last few seasons are mostly tiresome if you're not invested in burger politics.

The creators of the show don't even enjoy working on it anymore. They literally made an entire season that acts as an open letter to fans explaining it all.

Anything that stands against white aryan civilisation will inevitably fall hard.

S13 onwards started a downward trend

S18 it fell off a cliff, but S20/21 were a fresh hell no one seen coming. South Park has become what it used to mock, which is insane when you go back and watch S3-9.

You can make fun of people, but if you dedicate too much time to making fun of someone it becomes stale and boring.

We get it: Drumpf this, Drumpf that. You have anything else? Anything creative that's not current-event related?

You mean like an entire episode of superhero shenanigans?

>nooo they're making jokes about the orange clown nooo that's not funny at all fucking libshits

Continuity and story long seasons.

Last season sucked but the newest one is fucking hilarious if you don't spend all day choking on Trump's dick. It's actually amazing watching South Park go from triggering Christians, to SJWs and women, to fucking Sup Forums of all places, over the decades that it's been on tv. Never in my life did I think this place would be so offended about having their beliefs poked fun at.