How did Kite-Man become the greatest Batman villain of all time?
How did Kite-Man become the greatest Batman villain of all time?
All it took was one good page.
>breaks the pearl necklace
>holds it by the middle
Good job, Kite-man, in a moment all you'll have is a shitty string, cause all the pearls are going to fall off.
>thinking it's about the payoff
For Kite-Man, it's all about the thrill!
I think the implication is that it's not literally beads loosely threaded onto a string. It's more like a chain. You break a few links, the whole thing won't completely fall apart.
Not if he only broke the clasp, which would be the weakest part of a necklace
Some are designed to come undone of pulled hard enough so they don't break
For this very reason!
Become what are you talking about. he always was in his first appearance he owned Batman.