See mocking Spongebob meme everywhere

>see mocking Spongebob meme everywhere
>look up the origin of it
>he's imitating a chicken, he isn't mocking anyone or repeating what someone said in a weird voice
>the meme has nothing to do with the original context

How did this even happen?

Same way a cartoon frog became Sup Forums's mascot, a bunch of people thought it was funny

thats normies for ya

At least you an track Pepe's history to how it became what it is today. Normies just waste memes

Isn't that the normal case with memes nowadays?

>the meme has nothing to do with the original context's a meme?
That's how most of them start.

That Overbite.

HoW dId ThIs EvEn HaPpEn

Some little niglet and his squad saw the episode high af and tweeted eachother during class.

Probably because it looks like he's mocking someone.

This is the dumbest Spongebob meme so far. You can taste the normalfag coming off it.

Just like zombie Spongebob, we have zombie Spongebob memes.

ThIs Is ThE dUmBeSt SpOnGeBoB mEmE sO fAr

Did (spoons rattling) match it's original context?

We HAvE ZomBiE SpoNGEbOb MEmEs

Reddit is probably responsible for this that's why, maybe 9gag or some other similar pleb site.


>implying 'rev up those fryers' and burgerfish weren't just as terrible

meme apologists are cancer

It's all twitter in origin, I think. Black teens always caption spongebob panels and then reddit ran off with it.

BlAcK TeEns AlWAys CapTiOn SpOnGebOb PaNeLs aNd REDit RAn OfF WiTh It.

Well is it?
Sup Forums memes have always had a clear line of thought even if at times esoteric, while reddit and other places will easily just go "le funny face xd" and then you have a meme popular with normalfags.
Which is why rageface comics took off there even though they had no idea where and why the original faces existed or the proper usage.

>Not Caveman Spongebob
Burger fish was at least a decent reaction image

>normie friends always wanting to go to Wendy's every other day because Wendy's memes
I hate this. I don't even like Wendy's.

[spoons rattling] is far, far dumber

>the meme has nothing to do with the original context
Exactly what a meme is. What did you expect?

I'm not a conspiracy nut but fetishizing corporations always makes me uncomfortable.

>the meme has nothing to do with the original context
Next you'll be telling me that Hercules isn't actually saying "cool story bro" in this panel.

Fuck you, spoons meme was great

Yeah, caveman spongebob was legitimately retarded. What the hell kind of emotion or situation was it supposed to convey? Who chimps out like that?

Its like a sort of panic response to something or being put on guard suddenly.

Late Stage Capitalism in a nutshell

>A corporation is pretending to be friendly and relatable to me? I guess it's time for me to be a diehard follower of their brand name, this totally isn't a marketing strategy, they really do care about me!

Literally children/redditors post on this board. What a sad state of affairs.

It originated from Sup Forums of all places IIRC. An user would imply >two drummers and use the reaction pic. Since the board is as Reddit as Sup Forums is Tumblr, it lost context elsewhere and was meme'd to death.

WhAt A sAd StAtE oF aFfAiRs

best spongebob memepasta here accompanied with dabbing squid
>I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that round mint floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the mint under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.

also can be posted with pic related

it was great, but also dumb

>Since the board is as Reddit as Sup Forums is Tumblr

Found the newfag trying to fit in

Don't you have to post that Spongebob pic along with the "Mocking" for this to work?

>inb4 my post gets "mocked"

I like me some good memes, but I think this is just downright retarded.

And when you try to discuss it you either get people bitching about "normies" or People who like the meme mock you and it defeats any actual discussion you could have.

In my opinion, Spongebob memes are better when they're from classic spongebob since it's much more memorable and had more clever humor.

>InB4 mY pOsT gEtS "mOcKeD"


the part I hate the most about this is that the trend started AFTER the shitposting employee that made it popular was fired


I've eaten Wendy's before they became a sex symbol on the internet. They're fucking gross, and I wouldn't step foot in another one again, especially not now.

But smug Wendy's aren't nice at all, they're smug.

marketing isn't a conspiracy theory, user

name one good spongebob meme




desu I think the reason why it's so popular is because anything talking about how shit it is can just be replied with the meme

there's no actual defense for it but the meme is it's own defense

it's even happening to your post

that's memes in a nutshell

>the smug wendy's employee got fired
you fucking kidding me

you are part of the problem

YOu ArE paRT Of THe PrOBleM

So it's just u mad for people who are either too young to remember u mad or autistic enough to still find it funny and wish it was still a thing.

I fucking hate the smug wendy waifu shit, I just like the shitflinging itself

But it's true.

This meme is better




No, this seems to be more of a Twitter, or tumblr meme

Reddit got Wendy's art to be a meme along with Twitter


nice intentionally bad memes with intentionally unoriginal special ed jokes

tHe MeMe hAs nOtHiNg tO dO wItH tHe oRiGiNaL cOnTeXt