Non-Triggered Black Mirror discussion thread

You guys think we could have a BM thread without descending into race and gender politics?While I don’t necessarily disagree with what has been said, it’s getting boring now and I want to discuss other aspects of the show.

First of all, how retarded is the ending of Crocodile?So a fucking guinea pig, an animal that already has a poor memory, is used to find the murderer using the memory machine.Bear in mind that it was shown that humans need heavy coaxing to get a foggy recollection of the memory, such as sniffing the beer and playing the music but we’re supposed to believe a dumb guinea pig was easily mined for damning evidence in a murder case.Poor resolution.

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I've seen s4 up to Crocodile and while it is entertaining the concepts shown in these episodes just fucking bore me. It goes way too far and thus making the ''anticipation'' part unrelatable.

A device that you can put in your kid to gps track them, monitor their heartbeats, okay. But you can also see very clearly in 16/9 what they see, and it records all of that ? Come on

That scene after the recall interview was so fucking good.

I think Charlie has run out of ideas and should definitely think about getting more writers on board if they want to do another season.You can just imagine what the great satirists of Britain such as Chris Morris and Armando Ianucci could do with a sandbox like Black Mirror.

To me, Black Museum felt like a bit of an insult to the viewers.Not for the “FUCKING SJWS” reasons but because it was poorly thought out.Honestly, it felt like a bunch of half-cooked concepts Charlie had previously thrown out, only to bring them all back and condense into one episode because he had run out of ideas.There were interesting moments throughout but mostly it felt flat.Like a very poor man’s White Christmas(which I loved btw).

I remember thinking Playtest was pretty meh when it came out but I think it’s been made to look good now after this batch of episodes.I still think “The Waldo Moment” remains the undisputed worst episode but it’s had some competition.


Every episode except Metalhead felt like it played with the same idea. They really need to come up with something other than muh consciousness.

hook a wire onto the guinea pig. Show her the dead baby. See what's on the screen.

use your imagination retards

>without descending into gender politics
>the entirety of S4 is about gender politics
what did he mean by this?

I haven't seen any of the season 4 episodes yet, but it's GOOD if it gets people talking about race/gender politics. Most interesting shows do.

>The Waldo Moment” remains the undisputed worst episode
Seriously? It's up there as one of the most well written and memorable for me.

too many non-whites in this TV show. Pakis, shitskins, niggers, racially ambiguous brown mystery meat
beyond disgusting. I hope someone nukes the UK, or better yet the Chinese fucking enslave everyone in the west. good riddance to this shitfest

Black Museum contained 2 stories plagiarized from Karl Pilkington, although Penn Jilette is credited with one, he came up with the same idea independently, both in the RIcky Gervais podcasts.

>underestimating guinea pigs
Her big final mistake.

I think that's a coincidence desu
First impressions poll
Kind of early to do another big poll of all the episodes as I think season 4 needs longer to gestate in people's heads

The people who hate The Waldo Moment are mostly Americans whose sense of humour and political discourse is so puerile and cheap they don't understand the issues with a character like Waldo deeply enough to engage with the episode
You have to be a Brit with an understanding of UK politics & tabloid press to get it fully

Crocodile was alright. Certainly less boring than arkangel and it didn’t have some muddled message it was trying to push like uss callister, but the whole “brain hacking” is getting played out. It really seems like booker is running out of ideas.

Also, I can’t believe black museum is getting so much praise from people. That episode sucked and was basically a poorly strung together collection of stories that were probably thrown away before.

The show just seems to be running out of ideas, which is sad, because there really are infinite possibilities for a show like this. I thought hang the dj was the only episode that was really great. Had a good twist and clear but subtle enough commentary on an aspect of modern life

I think you're right, there was a huge gap between seasons 2 and 3 and in that time, he would have made a lot of notes about items in the news or things he noted about tech. A lot of time to have too many ideas for a season and sketch things out in his head.

If they put this show on hold for 5 years it would come back a lot stronger.

Human memories are more difficult to read and recall because our minds are more complex.

Brooker needs more episodes focused on social phenomena than tech, like The National Anthem and The Waldo Moment. Arkangel leant towards that but for the most part it's turning into a "high" sci-fi show now which was never what the show was about before moving to Netflix.

Did you know...

All memories are stored in DNA?

Offline servers get automatic updates that appear as black holes that don't rip spaceships to shreds?

AIs can't be reprogrammed to enjoy things they don't like, but human brains can be reprogrammed to enjoy excruciating pain.

>Fucking a pig
>It's a UK thing.

Alrighty then. You win, bong.

This. That episode was so lazily written and obviously so to make the beta lose and the Coder Gurl win and become captain. It was so contrived I felt no immersion or connection to the story

The most surprising is that there isn't much cuck episodes this season. Are we sure this is Black mirror?

There wasn't enough minorities. As a young, unemployed black male I am deeply offend

shitty bait

Also, somehow, the digital copy are thrown into the game ? With new suits and their dicks/pussies are back ?

Fat Damon couldn't just leave the fucking game and unplug his ethernet ?

What irks me the most is how black-and-white characters became.

In early seasons, all characters were kinda fucked up, most noticeable in S1E2 and E3. In E2 the woman turned out to be a whore, and the guy turned out to be a sellout. In E3 the guy turned out to be a paranoid beta, but it did turn out that his wife was a cheater. I don't think it was intentional, as Brooker is not smart enough for something like that, but early seasons only used technology as a plot device to portray varying amount of shittery people do, and then those same people used technology as a scapegoat to blame away shittery of themselves and other people (ironically, what Brooker is doing all the time). In S1E3, instead of coming face to face with his and his wife's failings, he just rips out his implant. Fuck, for me, S1E3 is quintessential Black Mirror episode.


High tech immersive worlds that link directly to a person's brain sold to millions of people that use them all the time can kill them.

AI's on offline servers can take control of their host computers, connect to the Internet, and send SMS messages to cell phones. This has only happened once.

If you illegally access pictures of a girl in a nightgown, you can use them to force her to break into her bosses' apartment and steal lollipops from his refrigerator. No questions asked. Trust me, she will NOT call the police instead.

>black-and-white characters

I like Season 4 but imo it's the weakest so far, not because muh sjw politics but because it didn't really connect with me as much as I had hoped. Maybe I just have different tastes now than I did a year ago, but idk.
Having said that, Metalhead was fantastic and is one of the best episodes in the entire season. I also really loved Arkangel. Crocodile was very good and as a soft, uplifting episode I thought Hang the DJ was good. Only things that really pissed me off was the ending to USS Calister and Black Museum. I loved the sub-stories of Black Museum and the body horror overtones, but the connecting story and the plot twist felt really fucking week. I wish they went for a much more impactful and darker ending in typical Black Mirror fashion. I also wish they did the same for USS Calister; it felt kind of cheap to throw Daly's character under the bus like that and the cameo with Aaron Paul was fucking unbearable. Someone started a thread here yesterday with their idea on how the episode should've ended and it sounds a lot better imo (

Basically, this season was good but was more quantity over quality. However, Metalhead alone was enough to make the season worthwhile.


not really anything interesting going on there at all, why you rate it so? It's just a killer robot dog killing people, no twist or commentary or anything to say about anything really

Im sorry OP, but that's simply not possible with the current season of this show, since some episodes are clearly designed to stigmatize certain personality types, gender and whatnot.

here my thoughts, lazily packaged nicely in an image so i dont have to write stuff again. Interestingly, when summing up my ratings between the episodes of the season I complete forgot about metalhead, should speak for itself on how uninteresting it was.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Black Mirror. The message is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of psychology most of the plot will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also the nihilistic outlook of technology, which is deftly woven into the show- it's philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these stories, to realise that they’re not just great- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike black mirror trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the hubris in the shows name, "Black Mirror" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jodie Foster's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Black Mirror tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

USS Callister was the dumbest shit i've seen in sci fi in a while. Is it worth watching the rest of the season?

Gang the DJ was alright but then it revealed it was simulation and those people never existed which pissed me off. At least would of been neat if it showed that it used the genetic computer deal that the space one had so it'd make some sense to my shit for brain.


>Show proven to be a full blown cuckfest
>OP wants to not "descend" into politics but wants someone on Sup Forums to mansplain an endint for him

I guess I like how different it is and that, unlike other BM episodes, it's doesn't really devote too much time to explain the background and why things are the way there are. It's basically a really well shot and well directed short film.


Is there a more pseudo-intellectual program than black mirror?

I wouldn't have been able to kill it either. Too cute.

>You guys think we could have a BM thread without descending into race and gender politics?

Sure, we just won't talk about season 4

So what was the she-boon going to end up doing with the teddy bear?

BM has always been kind of dark but I hated the use of extremely sadistic characters this season (especially the last episode)

I liked the Callister tho, it was normie but still fun. Wish they didn't kill him tho, just fuck him over a bit to realize he's being a robot.

Not that guy, but I loved Metalhead. It didn't have to have a complex plot, or some deep social commentary. It was just a person fighting to stay alive, and it worked because I was rooting for her the whole way through, and felt legitimately sad when she gave up. I think it also helped in that it felt extremely grounded, unlike say Callister, where the in-universe rules were constantly being fudged.

Ironically, it was also the one episode that wasn't black and white. All the others ended happily, with the good guys triumphing and/or the baddies being brought to justice.

>no twist or commentary

And thank fuck for that.

Honestly its hard to believe that someone actually talks like that but there it is

>creator makes show focusing on gender and race politics
>guys can't we not talk about the very reason those episode were made? let's just discuss random background bullshit

Just finished S4 and for me, Crocodile was by far the worst episode.
They used at least 5 tropes that were already stupid and lazy a decade ago, this was emberassing.

Overall the season was fine. I really liked Metalhead and Black Museum, feel like they were closest to the original concept (not sure why Metalhead had to be black and white, though)

Callister and Arkangel were decent, Hang the DJ is a stupid name and reminded me of The Lobster.

It had a twist, but it was retarded. Still, I liked Metalhead, too for the same reasons.

honestly none of them were very good. the only classic brooker dude technology lmao was arkangel. really made me think since I just started raising my wife's son. the rest was big budget twilight zone trash.

>It had a twist, but it was retarded

Did it? They established right at the start that they were getting something for a kid, and it wouldn't help him, but it would make him feel better. The final shot was poignant (well, it attempted to be) but it didn't really change the plot, or our understanding of it, in any way.

I don't think you knew it was a kid at the beginning. Even still you might have assumed it was something important like medicine. Like I said, "It was retarded."

I hope it's not crass to say that I jacked my penis HARD to all these episodes. The little guy really got a workout. No episode did not inspire me to furiously masturbate. In public too, I watch Netflix during my daily commute. Showed up at work every day with slimy cum all over the front of my shirt and tie.

I'm not even a misogynist but, what did they mean by this? I know most people watching tv are women but 5 from 6 is a bit too much

It's suffering from its own Americanisation where the phrase "always leave them wanting more" doesn't exist and Netflix will continue to throw money at Brooker and he'll continue to take it, because why not?

If they want it to feel fresh they should stop relying on just Brooker as this season shows he's just going back to the same ideas. Get in other writers, Entire History of You is written by someone else and it's easily the best episode of all.

I rewatched and you're right. Still, I can mentally erase the past 30 seconds or so and it was a great ep.

>If they want it to feel fresh they should stop relying on just Brooker

Would be absolute poetry desu. He abandoned Channel 4 for Netflix, now Netflix abandons him.

Metalhead was seriously awful on multiple levels. Like the robot outruns the first car jumps through the window and blows the dudes brain out, why would it then control the van instead of just running at the next car. Why does it have to weird the knife if it has gun arms, why doesn't it use it's gun arm to shoot her out of the tree. Why wouldn't it do it's tracking grenade thing way earlier. How did it recharge battery. All these dumb questions, and the plot was unsatisfying. Like why would they risk their lives for a teddy bear, I don't care if it's for a dying kid. Also I wanna know what their settlement looks like.

Some low-lifes broke into an abandoned warehouse to steal a plushy for their dying kid.
Not right, but they didn't deserve to be hunted and killed by some automated guard dogs.

Ties into the grey area that this user was talking about.

>You guys think we could have a BM thread without descending into race and gender politics?
the only people triggered by black mirror are white male virgins who got triggered HARD by uss callister episode.

not even Sup Forumstards hated the black museum that much as these fucking virgins.

>USS Callister
Loved it. a really great last act that wrote the sim into a gripping chase scene torn straight from star trek and the guy who wanted to be the hero of the universe transformed into a villain, chasing our heroes. A little vague on whether the main Infiniti server is also torturing sentient life forms though. ****1/2

In many ways, this is similar to The Entire History of You, in that technology doesn't drive the story, but is just a way of amplifying the key dispute. ***1/2

Felt like there was a lot more they could have done with this, the mother telling the boyfriend to scram without her daughter knowing could have been expanded into similar things throughout her life and the final reveal would be her realising how her mother has been pulling the strings the whole time. The snooping and the safety blurring felt like it could have been two different stories and it never came togethet that smoothy. ***1/2

>Hang the DJ
The problem with this episode is that it has you rooting for two characters and then you find out they were killed instantaneously along with 999 other copies. Unless the ending was a brutal satire and I misread it, it appeared to say this was a happy ending, but how is this different from the Callister scenario? Also, I feel nothing for people at the end because they aren't the same people we've been following all this time. **

honestly i got real bored of this. The teddy bear was a nice ending but you could have literally made this a 5 minute short and it would be the same **

>Black Museum
A pretty good collection of horror stories, though the Doctor one felt like it was a little out of place, but a worthy end to the season ***3/4

Overall, a pretty disappointing season.

Mr. Robot

>the robot outruns the first car jumps through the window and blows the dudes brain out, why would it then control the van instead of just running at the next car

So it could've caught up to the car either way, but it chose to use the van, and successfully caught up with the car? This isn't even a plot hole. Maybe full-speed vehicles can outrun dogs, maybe cars are faster than vans, maybe the angle of the window was different and it would've been more likely to deflect off, lose the car and damage itself.

>Why does it have to weird the knife if it has gun arms

Gun wasn't working, hence the knife. No wonder you didn't enjoy the episode if you need other people to spoonfeed you basic plot points.

>Why wouldn't it do it's tracking grenade thing way earlier

It did, right at the start. Then again once it was disabled and unable to kill her. Why would a dog fire off tracking beacons every time it closes in on a kill? So other dogs can come and admire the body?

>How did it recharge battery

It's future technology, you have no idea how long the battery/capacitors/whatever lasts. Christ, you're really reaching for point holes at this point.

>All these dumb questions

You're right, they are dumb questions. You should feel bad for asking them.

>A pretty good collection of horror stories, though the Doctor one felt like it was a little out of place

Yeah, it was the only one that wasn't a re-tread of the other three seasons and was based on a story not written specifically for BM.

Season 4 had a lot of plotholes and hokey logic.

The Arkangel system got banned in the US but the mother kept using it? That's child abuse, then, why didn't the girl go to CPS or her guidance counselor if she was upset about her mother using an illegal device? Why did they drop the pixellation of violence plot thread, it seemed like she was going to become a serial killer because of it.

>Some low-lifes broke into an abandoned warehouse

The setting was clearly post-apocalyptic. Hardly breaking in, or low-lives for that matter.

>Can't play the latest MMORPG because the company that hosts the server takes it offline.

>Can access cloud service of product banned by the government years later.

Really activates my almonds.

i'm surprised someone on this edgy alt-right shithole managed to enjoy black museum.

Congrats,you're better than the other people here

It was a blatant rehash of White Christmas.

How was the doctor sub-story a rehash of White Christmas? The other ones, yes, but not that specific one.

>Why doesn't the dog use its gun past a certain point anymore.
Gee, I wonder. What reason could it have had to not shoot anymore and even use a fucking knive. Guess that's why Michael Bay got so big, some people really are so stupid that they need every single detail over explained.

And who would have expected killer guard dogs in an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

>You liked white Christmas?
>Well's here's an entire season of it!

I noticed before that every episode can be summed up with "Oh, they were in the machine the entire time", whether literally or figuratively. But this season, man. Nearly every episode felt similar in the use of creepy technology. "Uploaded consciousness" was involved in 3/6 episodes, and even joked about as an ending in Hang the DJ.

Metalheads should have had a plot.

I really enjoyed metal head.

>even joked about as an ending in Hang the DJ

But.... it was the ending.

Made that joke sting.

It was pretty funny.

Wonder why there wasn't a story done on cryptocurrency, its been a the next big technological fear for years now

last episode is very good, the final sucks but was necessary to remember the evils of the white male.

Frank's soulmate getting fucked by 12 different ripped dudes in 12 days isn't cucked enough for you?

Season 5: what if your personality was sold into slavery on the blockchain?

>but it's GOOD if it gets people talking about race/gender politics

true, the more insane and preachy the left gets the faster we can put this shit behind us. Painting white people as sadist racists for an entire episode will make people uncomfortable enough to question what they get fed all the time these days.

Well, he got to fuck the same nasty shrew for a year. Doesn't that count for something?

BTW, it would have been interesting if the AIs were allowed to cheat. What then?

Kinda make Brooker and his team look like technological retards when he couldn't even predict the crypto hype and gave us shit like metalhead

>cuck mirror
>has a story line where a based black guy abandons his white gf to settle down for a wholesome family life with a black woman who truly cares for him

Conservative and wholesome desu

Who says they aren't allowed to cheat?

That's useful information for finding the right match.

how so?

I think the actual "black mirror" aspect of the episode was pretty poorly done, but hillcoat and riseborough did a good job otherwise. really tense to watch

the show needs to go away for a while. I don't know what brooker's writing process is, but these are starting to get lazy and repetitive. I don't think s3 was that bad, but churning out yearly series is clearly not doing the show any favours. metalhead was, again, pretty well done like crocodile, but just pointless. it didn't say anything. black museum was awful

arkangel was fine, pretty obvious but fine. uss callister is the only episode I thought was up to scratch. people here shit on it, but it clearly provokes discussion

I will probably skip the next season unless it gets really good reviews

>But.... it was the ending.

I didn't say it wasn't.

the whole idea of "transferring" consciousness in the Black Museum episode is dumb as fuck. Copying? Yeah sure the basic idea seems reasonable enough for TV but a transfer? Just seems to work like this for plot convenience.

What do you mean? They copy the consciousness and then the original dies.

So then it wasn't just a joke, you fucking faggot. That makes your gay tally 4/6 instead of 3/6, retard.

I could not enjoy Black Museum due to the hammy acting of the docent/tech guy. It really took me out of the episode. Probably didn't help that I marathoned this at New Years as the ball dropped and I was tired as hell, but that episode left a sour note in ending this season for me.

Overall, I think it's stronger than the previous season (though Nosedive and Shut Up and Dance still my favorites of the Netflix seasons).


also this episode was just terrible

You think thats the stupidest thing when they're causing physical pain to a soul later in the episode

I'm pretty sure it was implied that they didn't have much sex after the first few times (Frank and the purple dress) also after the one year relashionship he fucked some crack whore. While his soul mate literally got railed dude after dude and when the system put them back together she just went about nonchalantly about how she's just been over "a bunch of flings". It was super fucking cucked episode.

Disappointing as fuck. Nu-Netflix Black Mirror proving that S3 was a fluke. Get ready for more brain-dead SLAAAYYY QUEEEN shite so it gets popular on Twitter.

USS Callister: 7/10
ArkAngel: 8/10
Crocodile: 3/10
Hang the DJ: 7/10
Metalhead: 6/10
Black Museum: 7/10