Batman Beyond

She's pretty much the worst supporting character in the show, isn't she? I'm watching random episodes and everytime she and Terry talk about his job it comes across like this:

>I am the personal assistant of a sick old man and my mother can't pay the rent on her own. If I don't do my job an old man could get into a serious condition and my family could get evicted.


It really doesn't work in her favor.

I'd still bump uglies with her..

In her defense she was a teenage girl...

Plus she was dating Terry before his "job" so maybe the relationship as it was wasn't what she agreed to.

The only other character I can compare her to is Iris on the CW Flash show. Except Dana is hot.

So you're saying average teenagers aren't generally self-absorbed little shits? Or that being that thirsty at that age doesn't overwhelm logical sensibilities?

The show's greatest mistake was not making Ten a semi-regular.

She's a woman, of course she only thinks about herself.

She might not have been the best character, I do appreciate the show's willingness to have Terry stay in a relationship and ultimately propose to her, to contrast Terry from Bruce. It was a nice highlight of the ways they were different from one another.

She could have been less annoying though, but I don't know if secret identity relationship drama has ever been done well.

You watched one episode and thought that was enough to bitch.

dana isn't just one of the worst supporting character sin the show

she's one of the worst ones of ALL-TIME

she's like janet van dyne tier

max and 10 were better in every single way

>Melanie turned her life around
>still thinks Terry hates her

Best girl didn't deserve this.

Well, she is a teenage girl whose boyfriend suddenly started to spend a lot less time on her.
Melanie is still best though.

Yeah she was a needy fucking bitch. Terry should've race-mixed and got it on with the black girl, because she was objectively superior in every way.

Being with Dana wasn't race mixing?

She was better in Batman Beyond 2.0 but worse in the current shit.

It is but in the good way, you mix with the asian master race rather than shit low IQ nigger genes.

>10 quits her criminal bullshit and works at a restaurant to support herself
>rehabilitates her brother and gets him a shitty job so he can go straight
Best girl.

It's the future, Terry was probably part Asian. Most people will be.

No, the worst girl was that one with the white hair, who kept forcing Terry to take care of their egg baby while she was busy doing her nails.

She's actually written to be impossibly patient, understanding and forgiving, especially considering Terry used to be a straight up gang punk but she before everyone else gave him the benefit of the doubt when he wanted to turn a new leaf, but they couldn't make her too passive or she's a doormat but they also knew she'd inevitably get the short end of the stick from viewers who see the entirety of Terry's struggle.
They needed the relationship drama though so there's nothing that could be done.

Terry always looked asian to me

No, Terry was part Batman

Dana was absolutely in the right. Bruce Wayne isn't a sick old man, he's bitter douchebag and doesn't pretend to be anything else.

He makes Terry come in at odd hours, overnight, when Dana sees Terry she seems him run ragged and stressed out by the job and she's concerned for him.

Whenever they spend any time together he falls asleep. She wants Terry to find a less demanding job and it's not like Bruce couldn't afford someone else.

That's her perspective, at least, up until Terry tells her his secret sometime between Batman Beyond and Epilogue.

Dana's not being unreasonable in pointing out that their relationship is strained and had Terry simply told her he was Batman she'd probably have been more understanding.

user, not everyone has to be a waifu, if you had a girlfriend in high school you would know that character was really well done, realistically bitchy.

No, his mom was red head, and he is part Bruce Wayne. He is 100% Caucasian.