I'm impressed ngl.
Also the timing of this status post too...
I'm impressed ngl.
Also the timing of this status post too...
Other urls found in this thread:
What are the odds of the movie being good?
>First good thing to come out of this shit movie.
Here it is over the Marvel logo
Very VERY slim.
But normies will eat it up.
Man, if they actually use this it'd be great.
I'm going to be the contrarian. Relying on nostalgia to promote your 3rd reboot just seems kind of desperate.
Oh god that poor woman at the 15 second mark...
"I was supposed to be doing something with my life..."
Hard to say. When Marvel needs to prove themselves, they do great stuff. When they don't, they make Thor 2.
Do you know much people get paid to do shit like that? That's pretty much the big leagues.
At most? It'll be average. The trailers gave away all the beats of the film, and they look very predictable. I wouldn't be shocked if Cap has a larger cameo, but they gave it away with the video tape scene.
I'm not knocking the work, she just looks SO unhappy to be there
She could just be focusing.
Hopefully their mentality was "it's our main fucking character let's do this right" instead of "It's spidey, people will watch it regardless, let's play safe"
That's what I feel like they're going to do, and I'm approaching the changes as "They've seen this movie 100 times already," we owe them something different.
Hollywood's spending millions on dumb shit for centuries now. "Capeshit" is not any worse or better than the rest
When recording, most musicians typically look extremely focused when playing because A. what they put out will be heard by millions and thus is the work they will be judged on in a mainstream sense, and B. They don't have an audience to visually appeal to in that moment, and can focus on putting out the best sound possible at that given second.
This goes triply for orchestras.
They're clearly not. It looks more like an Iron Man movie than a Spider-Man movie.
Not to mention all the shit that made the comics good are nowhere to be seen.
it's MCU so 1,000,000,000%
no it's not stupid, that's them playing the old one for a gimmick, it's not actually the movie's OST
>more like an Iron Man movie
Fucking how? He shows up to tie plot threads together from Civil War and then he tells Peter to hang up the cowl. It's all about Peter's development and trying to prove himself a capable hero.
>"It's spidey, people will watch it regardless, let's play safe"
That's what I got from the trailer. Like, it looks like a less daring Spider-Man film.
Ok that actually got me more hyped than all the trailers/posters/clips combined
well at least the credit music will be good
>Main villain motive directly involves Stark Industries.
>Pepper Potts to return in this movie.
>Stark gets a new armor.
>Peter will have a JARVIS-like AI in his costume
>Peter constantly sucking up to Iron Man.
The film has Spider-Man being Spider-Man solely to impress Tony and the Avengers, while the Vulture wants to get Iron Man for putting his company out of business.
You must think that the smiling employees at McDonalds must REALLY love their jobs.
>Spider-Man solely to impress Tony and the Avengers
Of all the things that piss me off about MCU Spider-Man, this one pisses me off the most. It's so out of character for him.
>It's so out of character for him.
It's perfectly in-character for the MCU's spiderman, though.
How? Is it because he wants to impress Tony and the Avengers instead of the Fantastic Four?
>Pepper Potts to return in this movie.
Did you even read the comic you're referencing? Because it didn't go down the way you think it is. He thought the Fantastic Four was getting paid for their heroics, so he broke into the Baxter Building and beat the crap out of them in hopes that they'd be impressed with how tough he was, so he'd get a job. Then when he realized they didn't get paid he yelled at them and stormed off.
>Hopefully their mentality was "it's our main fucking character let's do this right" instead of "It's spidey, people will watch it regardless, let's play safe"
We're talking about the MCU here. And Disney, so don't kid yourself.
He wanted to impress the F4 by beating every single one of them in combatm (and he almost did)
Here he's acting like he wants daddy's aproval.
Vulture's business being put out of business by Stark's is just world building. The trailers make it seem like he couldn't care less about Stark himself.
Paltrow hasn't been seen on set and some literally who tabloid site was the only one to SPECULATE that she might return.
Stark gets a new armor literally every movie.
Pete has an AI in his costume? That's news to me. What's it do?
Iron Man is a billionaire playboy genius. What immature kid WOULDN'T want to be like Stark?
nothing will EVER top danny elfman.
>using 60s version instead of the 90s one
What' annoying me is how Spider-Man is morphing more and more into the fan interpretation of the character. He's now there to be the Avengers suck up and constantly is the adorable screw up. He'll be retarded until the plot demands him to suddenly be super smart. At this point, people act like Iron Man being Peter's new Uncle Ben is a good thing. All the laughs, none of the heart.
Like, you remember when the first Avengers came out and there was a creepy subculture of fangirls who wanted Tony to impregnate Cap and then have Spider-Man as their baby they raise together? This Spider-Man feels like he is entirely made by that fan culture.
>Vulture's business being put out of business by Stark's is just world building. The trailers make it seem like he couldn't care less about Stark himself.
With all the other stuff including Tony, I'd beg to differ.
>Stark gets a new armor literally every movie.
But Spider-Man does not, in his own movie.
>Pete has an AI in his costume? That's news to me. What's it do?
>Iron Man is a billionaire playboy genius. What immature kid WOULDN'T want to be like Stark?
Peter Parker.
And Sony, don't forget Sony.
>This entire post.
Oh God. This is Tumblr's interpretation isn't it?
This. It's like First Class' Magneto's theme. It's too good and it's never used...
This is garbage. I'm sure those violinists were disgusted having to play such an awkward ugly melody
Was hoping someway somehow we'd get this theme back, it is a joint production after all.
But Danny Elfman's theme might not even be appropriate, after all Spider-Man (2002) is a movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming is a Marvel movie.
Tony will fuck Aunt May.
Peter will hit back by fucking Pepper Potts.
This is likely for the Marvel Studios opening thing
Name one time a comic book movie that didn't respect the source material did good besides Men In Black.
I find it so strange how Marvel is so condescending of the 90's series, yet the 60's one is treated like a holy grail. I'd honestly have more a of a fan freak out if the 90's show was referenced over more of the constant 60's wanking.
It reminds of that video were they ask a bunch of people to sing the theme from any of the Marvel movies. The theme from the 60's Spiderman cartoon was the only Marvel related music most people remembered.
tobey spidey sucks ass my man
Fuck that costume. It looks like ass.
They had a Tumblr name for the Steve/Tony/Peter family called like Superfamily or Spider-Family or something. There was fanart. It was absolute cringe because it was always Tony being the fun father and Steve being the caring father, and Peter always being the perfect son...
Giarchinno is always based, a lot of his stuff just sounds like he's aping his LOST days but he's still my favorite mainstream movie composer
Honestly? I blame the fact that the popular themes are decades old and used everywhere. Like, if you asked them the Pirates of the Caribbean theme, would they know it?
Kingsman, every X-Men movie, Nolanbats
EWWWW garbage. wait a minute...I´m retarded! so i like it.
Literally one of the first issues of Spider-Man his him doing this with Fantastic Four
>the spider logo is actually a spider tracer
Movie Yondu is bssed while comic Yondu is lame.
>Like, if you asked them the Pirates of the Caribbean theme, would they know it?
Are you kidding? Of course they would. The soundtrack for that movie was God tier.
Also it's not one of the first. It was literally his first comic besides his origin mag
>people complaining about Spidey licking Stark's boots when this movie has THE MOST OBVIOUS fucking arc of all time with Spidey learning to leave his shadow and become his own man
What's wrong with this dumbass board?
>the media could not be played
Bad sign.
to be fair, EVERYONE recognizes the 60's theme.
Only people that would recognize the 90's cartoon theme are people that watched it.
>Peter has the Spider Tracers gifted to him by Tony and doesn't actually make them himself
Literally why
>Fantastic Four
sorry, who?
It was god tier, but would they know it? The other ones they listed were so fucking obvious that everyone knows them, but I doubt they would know Pirates because it's not spammed everywhere like the other franchises.
They really like downplaying his intelligence for aome reason. I guess there are enough geniuses on the MCU huh.
I liked him on Super 8, but I don't know anything else he's scored
Because it's most likely that every future Spider-Man film will be a team up film and him humping the Avengers' leg.
because Pete was saving people in his underwear before Stark came into his life?
It's going to be good. But it's not going to be Sup Forums good primarily because of the casting choices and Michelle Juana.
Where would he get the money to make them? He doesn't have money in Homecoming and only has his "gadgets" for half the film
>Only people that would recognize the 90's cartoon theme are people that watched it.
Why is it that the 60's cartoons are so well known compared to some recent stuff? Like, how did a lame Justice League show define Aquaman as "Just speaks to fish"?
Because the heart of teenage Spider-Man was about a kid pretending to be a man and having to deal with paying for his aunt's medication, going to school, and being a super hero. It deep, relatable, and meaningful.
It isn't about a predictable plot of a kid learning to be his own person.
V for Vendetta, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Mask.
Well that was my feels.
I am willing to bet that they would.
Don't even need to look outside the MCU.
>Guardians of the Galaxy
>tobey spidey sucks ass my man
I didn't say it didn't. No Spider-Man movie has gotten the character right.
I'm speaking strictly about filmmaking.
...it's an orchestral cover of the 1960s Spider-man theme? WTF?!
>The film has Spider-Man being Spider-Man solely to impress Tony
I remember how this kind of happened just before Civil War including Peter being Tony's personal fuccboi and mentor.
Which turned out to be a ruse by Tony so that he could preform experiments on Peter without his permission to make an army of Spider-Men.
I love the 60s theme, but just using an orchestral version of it for your movie because you can't come up with something better than either it or 2002 Spider-Man theme is lazy
>not knowing spider-man's theme
nigga just how old are you? 1?
And then they erased his memories and he became good again. Also the Green Goblin replaced him as director of SHIELD.
Comic Books, yo.
what's better than spider-man's theme for a spider-man movie?
shit bait
I can't wait until all the Iron Man stuff is only in the first 30 minutes of the movie and everyone finally shuts up about it.
Because the people who grew up watching those have been in positions of power to talk about it and to make references to it. Maybe another 10 years before viewers of the 90s show start hitting upper levels.
So, they're loosely adapting the source material just like how cape movies usually do. Gotcha.
Spider-Man fans are suckers for nostalgia. Don't look farther than "Pete should be in High School"
nobody knows the 2002 theme. it's not timeless, it's fleeting and forgettable
for the record, there hasn't been a single memorable cape song in the last 20 years. people will link youtube links to this comment but it doesn't change the fact that they aren't memorable. nobody knows them. nobody remembers them. they aren't used in marketing or advertising.
the age of memorable music is dead.
>Maybe another 10 years before viewers of the 90s show start hitting upper levels.
Ironically the same "Peter should be a teacher and be married to MJ" are also sucking to nostalgia.
>for the record, there hasn't been a single memorable cape song in the last 20 years.
Literally no avid readers and fans want him back in HS. That's just shit casuals say.