/Our Bishop/ on Lady Bird


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His reviews are pretty kino desu

>he still hasn't reviewed BR2049
Anyone know why?

that would of been interesting

How the hell is there still a bishop let alone church in LA of all places. The most godless city out there?

>best movie critic is a bishop
literally what went so wrong with the media?

Where better to save as many damned souls as you can

I thought Christians weren't allowed to watch movies that don't have a Christian message, don't they have to find God in all things

I hate how this guy always uses random latin words just to sound smart. Like "This movie icso rectum is about Christ, the Christi Absolutis". What the fuck why can't he just speak English instead of what sounds like gibberish? Is he so insecure about his own knowledge?

You can look for God in things that don't have a Christian message though.

I became a catechist recently. All I do is literally quote this guy almost word by word.

>he doesn't speak latin

I think youre thinking of amish people or something

Idk, the state of Commiefornia is pretty fucked, desu

It's a shame he's a Bishop in the false church of the Anti-Pope Comrade Francis, not the True Church under Pope Michael of Oklahoma City.

Maybe fundamental christians..

You realize LA has tens of millions of Mexicans, right

She attends a Catholic school and goes to church at the end of this movie, what did you mean by this

>Idk, the state of Commiefornia is pretty fucked, desu
Just watch the first minute of this video

this nigga is literally out there in the thick of all the degeneracy preaching to anyone who'll listen. Even if he gets through to one of those stupid sluts it's a small victory in the shape of things to come.

Do those mexicans even go to an english speaking church?

A friend of mine is a devout Catholic and she supports the Slut Walks (whatever they are).

Yeah im sure there's a lot of Muslim girls who support those too, but you'd rather take a dig at christendom...wonder why...

Lets not forget that even though those catholics might be spics, whites decided to abandon their religion (not catholicism but still) for:
>slut walks
>hentai/furry porn/pony porn
>crossdressing & transgenderism
>video games
>hypergamous casual sex
>feminism & other brands of "social justice"
>heavy drug & alcohol abuse

There are no muslims where I live. And I don't want to be a Christian anymore, it makes me feel extremely guilty about sins and it also makes me feel unloved by the God that's supposed to be all love.

The only reason any of those are "bad" is just because you don't like them yourself.

Just admit it, you hate western society and you hate anything associated with being white...$5 says you wouldn't feel the same way if you lived in a muslim majority area (the same religion with almost the same "makes you feel guilty about your sins") mindset...

I didn't know 90s soccer moms browsed Sup Forums

haha yeah there's nothing wrong with teaching 8 year olds to crossdress, lets just let everyone do what they want #BornThisWay #FuckWhitePeople #FuckStraightPeople #FuckSociety

Man, Armond loves this, Brody as well, now we know this is /god/ approved kino?
I apologise to ladybird.

Pretending to be a religious nut on the internet is a hip new reddit meme. Get with the times, grandpa.

Well I've no idea, I don't know because I never experienced what it's like to be in a Muslim society. I don't hate western society, I hate how my idea of Christianity tells me I'm not allowed to live like another westerner. Also the fact that all of the Christians I know or pretty much all of them are huge hypocrites that cherry pick the fuck out of the religion and randomly decide some things are right and some are wrong. I feel very alone in this.
I also feel like I'm trapped and I can't escape this since my family and friends are all """"Christian""""" (Catholic specifically). Kind of like the idea of a person duct taping their mouth to be a constant smile is what I feel like.

>would someone please think of think of the children!


>pointing out objective facts is being a nut now

Not even the same guy, but the West has been in a long decline for a while now.

I don't see what's wrong. It's a cultural thing. You can't objectively say it's wrong.

Oh, I get it. You're one of those white tranny fetishists who unironically wants everything to be as degenerate and hedonistic as possible.

So you stopped being a christian because you would rather seek social approval or short-term satisfaction? Sounds like you have a very weak sense of self.

No bro you dont get it, if you don't like 8 year old boys dressing up as girls and marching in gay parades then you're from "Reddit" and not "based"! What's a matter gramps, you don't jerk off to transgender underaged cartoon porn?

Not that user, I'm Catholic and I think you're defining some Christian sect, not Catholicism, we're pretty chill out.

>cultural relativism
Abandoning religion and embracing this poisonous postmodern dialectic is the specific point where white people (and western society as a whole) started to decline.

He sounds like he's british; he's probably talking about some pants-backward anglicans or protestants

So you want to give up your religion because it doesn't validate every single decision you make regardless of it's merits?

I know the term "snowflake" gets thrown around a lot, but you sir, are a snowflake. The reason God has such high moral standards is for our sake, so we don't become another rancid bubble on the congealed puddle of filth that is humanity. Once you try to live a virtuous life, you'll understand. You only feel guilty because you're dwelling on your sins instead of trying to improve. Just make penance and move on.

But I didn't stop being a Christian? (yet)
And Idk if I wasn't clear enough but I'm not getting any form of satisfaction with my current lifestyle. I feel empty and alone as a Christian.
Well I'm describing the Catholics in my city, I know a lot of them.

Sup Forums is the wrong place to have a moral panic, user

>I'm not getting any form of satisfaction with my current lifestyle. I feel empty and alone as a Christian.
Probably because this guy has it right:

Name calling is not a very strong argument no offense. I'm literally alone in the way I feel about Christianity. If that's a "snowflake" to you, okay... but I don't understand the mindset of the other Christians, they are like robots to me.

Not a very strong argument. People are getting tired of you degenerates tainting everything you touch, especially you "ironic weeaboos".

Why do you think Trump won? Lots of people agree with his VP's stance on the gay.

Reminder that catholics are the most patrician


Contrarians in Sup Forums BTFO

>I'm literally alone

Probably because you haven't talked to anybody about this and would rather stew in self-pity rather than seek out any council.

I am beginning to believe Catholicism is the only true religion tbqh. I mean if I wanted to wear my blue jeans and read Wittgenstein I would fucking stay at home, there is nothing wrong with some pomp and rituals in religion. Its religion man.

I used to be all about Protestantism but everyone at my church is almost dead. I don't necessarily care if half the people at my church are hispanic.

But being a Christian to me is a completely different idea than what it is to everyone else.
I'm constantly stuck in trying to figure out what it is to be a Christian because I don't understand the mindset of any other Christian. They seem like hypocrites who cherry pick to me.
Who should I seek council from? Christians? I have a lot of Christian friends and every time I mention this they act like I'm a weirdo, some actually start to panic that I might be an undercover atheist.

What is an upstanding moral person as yourself doing in a Mongolian gardening forum made to share naked anime girls?

>Who should I seek council from?

Your priest or pastor, or an elder in your church. Your mistake is looking to your peers for advice. Friends may mean well, but will often mislead you.

it's a wasted cause
commiefornia is a degeneracy capital, full of coalburners, junkies, lowlifes. any part that belongs to the clinton archipelago should be nuked.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

Ok I'll try that. Hopefully my priest has answers.

>it's a wasted cause
That's not a very christian outlook. Nothing is written in stone until rapture, and I don't even believe in rapture theology.

>telling kids gays exist istelling them to be gay

I hope it helps, user. Remember, truth is truth, no matter how hard it is to accept or understand.

By liberal's "we cant show any straight white men as role models in movies/tv or else people might think its ok to be straight, white, and male" logic, yeah, it is

Bishop Barron speaks Spanish to his congregation along with English


How does that invalidate anything in that last post you quoted, lad?

Do you really think people in the real world acts or thinks like Tumblr and Twitter SJWs?

>Is willing to explain why Christians can, in fact, eat shellfish

This "argument" gets used all the time by accelerationists and postmodernists. "it only happens online haha do you really think it happens in real life come on"

You and I both know the answer to that.

Anything good or virtuous or wondrous by Nature is God's, Nothing doesn't belong to God. That's why St. Paul said to be within the culture but not of the culture. We are called to learn and discover just like everyone else, we are all family. Christians can learn from secularists even vice versa, even Jesus said the prostitutes and tax collectors wold enter before many of us

our critic

>Now one would have to be blind not to see these motifs in the original Star Wars films. Luke Skywalker is compelled to leave his mundane home life (remember Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru?), and under the tutelage of Obi-Wan and Yoda, he overcomes his fears, discovers his inner strength, faces down the darkness, and learns to act in communion with the Force. Attentive Star Wars fans will notice, by the way, that Yoda pronounces a number of the well-known sayings of C.G. Jung. I referenced the philosophia perennis (the perennial philosophy) above. This is a standard set of philosophical and psychological insights shared by most of the great spiritual traditions of the world, and it provided the inspiration for Jung, Campbell, Lucas and hence the Star Wars films.

>Certain elements of all of this remain, of course, in the most recent episodes, but the mythic and archetypal dimensions are all but overwhelmed by an aggressively feminist ideology. The overriding preoccupation of the makers of the most recent Star Wars seems to be, not the hero’s spiritual journey, but the elevation of the all-conquering female. Every male character in The Last Jedi is either bumbling, incompetent, arrogant, or morally compromised; and every female character is wise, good, prudent, and courageous. Even Luke has become embittered and afraid, bearing the stigma of a profound moral failure. The female figures in The Last Jedi typically correct, demote, control, and roll their eyes at the males, who stumble about when not provided with feminine instruction. I laughed out loud when Rey, the young woman who has come to Luke for instruction in the ways of the Jedi, shows herself already in full possession of spiritual power. No Yoda or Obi-Wan required, thank you very much. The movie ends (spoiler alert) with all of the men off the stage and Leia taking the hand of Rey and saying, “We have all we need.”

>And when the scribes and Pharisees saw him eat with publicans and sinners, they said unto his disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with publicans and sinners? When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
-Mark 2: 16-17

It's just about the most Christian thing you can do.

Catholics tend to use latin, that's kind of their thing.

I'm a grad student in a university in New England and I have never heard anyone say "fuck straight males" or anything similar. I'd have to go to certain circles to find people like that. No one gives a shit about the SJW and alt right internet shit flinging war.

i just linked anything that spoke about Latinos

>aggressively feminist
He could, you know, word it a bit differently so he doesn't come accross like a sexist misogynist memelord

>No one gives a shit about the SJW and alt right internet shit flinging war.
Is that why companies like Pepsi and Ben & Jerrys are taking sides and capitalizing on that same "shit flinging war"? really does me a think...

Ok well enjoy your decaying corpse of western society user, but at least we get to call it a "feminine penis" before it all collapses

catholic churches will have mass in different languages at different times on saturday evenings and sunday mornings. my local church has at least three different sunday masses, one in english, one in spanish, and one in tagalog.

but thats what it is, the blunt truth, the only thing i would add is that this concern would not even be brought up in a different political climate, no one would care about anything but daisys shit chracter developmetn and snokes waste of chracter

But it's an accurate description?

yeasa bud

>what is a slippery slope

It all depends on what your discipline is or the sort of people you associate with. This sort of thinking is much less common in mechanical engineering than it is in film, for instance.

Why does he put his pectoral cross in his pocket? I have never liked clergy who hide the cross that way.

Found the woefully virginal Nu-male^

this thread is proof that anime is of the devil and is not kino

i fuckin hate when lay people act like anything they feel is of worthy consideration, stfu you moron, you do absolutlley nothing for god