Pretty much everyone from the flashback episode returns, even the ravers Jack is held prisoner at Aku's amusement. He is freed by the Scotsman Aku is defeated but once again announces that he can not be deatroyed and will return at the next eclipse Aku's defeat causes Ashi to slowly wither away. She uses her last breat to create a time portal. Yes, Jack goes back to the past. People claiming that he wouldn't and that it's just metaphorical have no fucking idea what they're talking about The episode ends with an older Jack telling his future child of the story of Aku's defeat via the opening monologue used in seasons 1-4
Henry Hill
How in the hell is that dog still alive?
Connor Lopez
How much of a sienfield-esq finale is it? I'm worried about them trying to cram in as many old references in the final showdown as possible.
Eli Cruz
Zachary Gomez
wow, i was prepared to be disappointed, but not this bad. fuck this
Brandon James
Does the forest midget from the flashback episode return?
Kayden White
I'm gonna laugh so hard if this is true. It renders so much shit pointless, including the entirety of season 5
Thomas Wilson
>I'm worried about them trying to cram in as many old references in the final showdown as possible. it sounds like the final showdown barely occurs
Andrew Gomez
>No Jashi I'd be mad
Jonathan Reyes
I feel like it should have been 15 episodes.
Levi Gray
>I've seen the episode. >Read at your own risk. Yeah sure, I believe you
Caleb Powell
I am genndy and its all wrong: Real ending coming through
>"I can't be defeated! I'll be back next eclipse!"
Then how defeated in any time?
Tyler Anderson
>Yes. Briefly. No demongo tho.
Is it revealed who she is?
Samuel Brown
How did you see the episode early?
William Wood
A lot of people that work in CN saw it today. That's how so many leak pics and details got posted throughout tge day even before this thread.
Jason Edwards
So if this is all true then whats the point of Demongo returning?
Do we get no explanation at all for his return?
Jason Fisher
So, what, no we're mad that Jack is going to the past?
Grayson Allen
Demongo was just a funny reference in the nostalgia episode
Jackson Adams
It was a joke user.
Hunter Foster
>OP banned for not spoiler texting spoilers Fucking kek. Mods are Gods.
I hate leaks anyway. They ruin the fun.
Nicholas Wright
>nine episodes of making us care for the Ashi character just to kill her off
Even after there was only one full episode of Jashi being confirmed? This can't be true. Though it does kind of make sense as this is the only way for Jack to get a portal.
David Cruz
Not happy about that. not one bit.
Luke Edwards
leaked pics were always posted close to the weekend (except for last week) and those are the exact ones that got posted.
op didn't see shit.
Colton Fisher
We held a poll yesterday. Literally almost everyone wants him to get back. It's just a few contrarian faggots that didnt
Liam Hernandez
Why would Aku's defeat cause Ashi to die? He's her father but they are still separate beings.
Kayden Miller
>tfw the fucking ravers got more screentime than the scottsman.
I'm glad its fucking over.
Jack Wilson
Ashi is strictly season 5 material. The show as a whole is more important. Keep in mind that the only reason Ashi exists is because they got the rights to use adult swim and thus went for a more mature and longer plot. The original final season was just going to be a bunch of one-off episodes with a final battle against aku.
Caleb Clark
>he doesn't know
Brandon Long
I knew the second he showed up it was just a joke, user. It seemed obvious
Evan Turner
Meme magic just like out the Scotsman is "alive". Genndy just making this up as he goes now.
Elijah Scott
This is fine. I'm not sure what people were expecting, but given that they only have 22 minutes, this is fine.
Juan Gonzalez
Good to know Jack is still alive and with a son as well. I didn't read all of it but I've seen all the leaked pics.
Asher Cooper
>Jack needs to get back to the past >Jack spends 6 episodes turning Ashi from evil to good >Ashi sends Jack back to the past >"season 5 is pointless" Nah. You're just being contrarian.
Easton Fisher
She's partly made of Aku's substance, isn't she? There are no established physics on how pure evil substance works anyways, so I guess it's up to Genndy to determine whether Ashi can survive the death of Aku or not.
Jose Baker
Is this the CN user who talked about Teen Titans Go ratings and stuff a while back?
Dominic Reed
Hard to say because it looks like the mods banned him like 5 minutes ago
Easton Sullivan
If Ashi dies because of Aku being defeated, then Ashi will return in the next eclipse with Aku.
Aiden James
Going off of this, we don't even know what Aku is. He's basically a big evil tree
Jonathan Davis
Wasnt this literally an anons theory in the spoiler thread
Jackson Howard
Bretty good ending but this season felt rushed and sloppy. Four seasons of wandering samurai then trying to cram all that lore with new characters and trying to finish the story in a single arc format which was never done before in this show with only 10 episodes was not a wise choice. I don't even think 13 episodes would fare much better.
Christian Watson
Speak for yourself. Season 5 was dope
Jaxson King
Agreed. We could nitpick until the cows come home but at the end of the day it was still one of the best seasons in western animation iv'e ever seen
Hudson Cruz
The pics are real, but your ending is not. Nice try, pastfag
Noah Gonzalez
whats the truth then?
Christian Morris
Sounds pretty good desu
Nolan Gomez
He doesn't know the truth, he's just getting triggered that OP is getting attention, regardless of whether he's legit or not.
Julian Thomas
He has no idea. Grabted OP might be lyong emtoo, but at least he's not butthurt about someone else getting YOUs like that guy is. Best to ignore him.
Brody Johnson
The pics were leaked this morning by the kametsu site. An app auto generates the leaks which are used for a preview of the episode or something.
Oliver Young
The picture of the bridge in the leaks made me think that he does get back to the past because it looks Japanese. So yeah.
People have been speculating all week that Ashi can create time portals, yeah.
Isaac Perry
And why the hell should I believe this is true?
Connor Johnson
Yeah, season 5 was amazing. Although we all know this final is going to be roughly 25 mins. I think it should be an hour long. So it really goes out with a bang.
Zachary James
I disagree.
Based on the leaks it's highly likely he gets back to the past now. You can tell because the shitpostong about hoe he's not getting back suddenly came to a screaching halt today wehn the pics leaked
Charles Nguyen
You shouldn't. The OP is a pastfag that put put his headcanons as a spoiler so people will believe him
James Johnson
The truth is: wait until 11:00 PM EST tomorrow .
Noah Stewart
>I've seen the episode. Proof or it didn't happen.
Jack Hill
You shouldn't, but you also shouldn't get triggered by it. Either speculate or move on. Posting about "hrrr i don't believe you" is not constructive
Benjamin White
Jack's not getting back to the past. The purpose of Ashi and Jack's friends to to show Jack there is still hope in Aku's future.
Ryan Bennett
This. I even know a past denier irl that basically gave up on that theory and admitted he's probably going back after the pics leaked.
Xavier Hall
The leaks pics don't even confirm anything to be honest.
Robert Richardson
>establish that Jack has had a positive influence on the future/present and even if he can't go back, he has a chance for happiness in the here and now >send him back anyway >we apparently don't see his second fight with Aku >Aku isn't even defeated for real
I'm disappointed.
Carson Taylor
He's a void of pure cosmic evil.
Christopher Jones
Nah, fuck Ashi. The whole point is to kill Aku and get back to the past.
Jeremiah Bailey
Either Ashifags are getting BTFO or Pastfags are getting BTFO. It's highly unlikely both will get what they want.
One thing is for sure: Akufags are going to be BTFO either way. And that's all I care about.
Brandon Richardson
It's fake user. The leaks were autogenerated for an app or something (leaked by a guy on kametsu) and leaks usually show only the first quarter to the first half of an episode.
Ayden Reyes
This. No way this leak isn't bogus.
Dylan Williams
Bridge pic looks like Japan
James Jackson
The final fight with Aku is going to be a fucking dissapointment. We waited years for this shit.
Nathaniel Morgan
Damn you, monkey paw!
Ethan Sanders
Seems legitinate based on the pics we got. Even if OP was making it up, it's likely that at least 75% of that happens.
Cooper Wright
Pastfags will BTFO after tomorrow's episode. >All time portals were destroyed including the Guardian's >Guardian's prophecy was retconned >In Episode 9, Jack accepts the only way he will see the past again is as a memory >Ashi reminds him they can defeat Aku together and all their choices brought them there >Genndy said "Back to the Past" was always metaphorical >The point of Ashi and all of Jack's friends to to show Jack there is still a bright future for the world and they help him live in the new post-Aku future
Blake Adams
>retconned Bad Writing 101
Easton Allen
That's entirely possible, but it's pretty bad writing just for the sake of being "smart".
It basically says fuck it to the first 4 seasons in favor of an OC narrative made up for the 5th season.
Elijah Williams
The bridge leak was a background art by Scott Wills. It was one of the various backgrounds he showcased on his site. It was the only background not used yet. It could be just that; A custom background. But the tree looks like the one seen in Episode 5, just the forest is now grown over showing the world can heal itself over time after Aku
Hunter Diaz
thats so fucking stupid jashi a shit a shit
Nathaniel Powell
I hope it is. I don't even mind the idea that Jack gets to go back, but it happening now would go against what the season has been establishing.
Jacob Collins
Of course it's stupid, but it is possible.
Brayden Watson
This. OP's ending will be such a horrible ending
Jayden Brown
It was retconned because it didn't fit in-line with Genndy's current ending and when they made the episode, Genndy didn't really have an ending in mind until a few years after the show. The episode was added for fans to speculate since Samurai Jack originally wasn't given an ending or there wasn't time for it.
Joshua Gutierrez
Could be worse. Could be Jack and Ashi living together in the future becsuse of a plot thread that was made up just... just because.
Just like Scaramouche dying becsuse his character's role is over
Isaiah Wright
Youre missing the point. Retconning is just bad writong plain snd simple.
Camden Cook
Genndy basically wrote himself into a corner with The Guardian, so Genndy literally wrote himself out of that corner. Genndy never said The Guardian would appear, just his situation would be addressed which it was in Episode 9.
Kevin Collins
>but it happening now would go against what the season has been establishing. no it wouldn't
Caleb Collins
I don't even disagree with you, but any retcon is a bad retcon. It really demonstrates bad oversight
William Cox
We have known Genndy is a hack for a while now
Josiah Murphy
>Could be worse. Yea, but it's still fucking terrible. So much shit rendered pointless.
Jordan Sullivan
Yes it would. Nobody thought Jack would make it back to the past, there's only been a spike of "I told you so's" because of a picture of a bridge.
Jackson Gutierrez
Season 5 is not pointless regardless of the ending. So i'm not sure what you're getting at.
Sebastian Hill
Going back to the past would make all of Samurai Jack pointless. All of the future, friends, Ashi, Scotsman, everyone Jack has met would be erased from existence.
Luke Miller
>Nobody thought Jack would make it back to the past Notveverybody NEEDS him to, but most have expected him to
Kayden Gomez
>Going back to the past would make all of Samurai Jack pointless Um, no
Aiden Myers
he still has the memories also its not pointless he would save them all
Mason Howard
Scaramouche was a shit character anyway
Brody Sanders
>he would save them all Wouldn't the entire cast not exist
Jack Thompson
you take that back
Connor Reed
>Going back to the past would make all of Samurai Jack pointless Given that most of the series is episodic and that's the whole point of the series, no. You're wrong. For every life Jack made better, Aku enslaved and killed Millions more. That's the whole point of "Aku's grasp chokes the PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE"
Liam Taylor
>Retconning is just bad writing
What was even retconned anyways. The portal showed the guardian a possible future. Aku interfered and that future is gone. The past affecting the future is not a retcon, it's pretty much the opposite.
Josiah Moore
Of course they would still exist. They would grow up and be born into a time where Aku didnt reign. Their entire lives will be better off.
James Turner
No, Season 5 is a five hour version of the Samurai Jack movie Genndy had intended to make all those years ago, but reworked to take advantage of the freedom producing a show for Adult Swim offered the concept.
Jose Flores
>Oh! So angry! Be careful pastfags, too much stress will give you a heart attack!