*projects insecurity onto women and minorities*

*projects insecurity onto women and minorities*



Excuse me sir, please show me how this is related to television and film?


Those are Sup Forums posters

tf is wrong with you soyboy?

Eyyyy skinny kid, get me some gababool.

>gay porn

twink or...?

>those tabs

Reddit or new spotted

Go back to plebbit

>*projects his dumb internet slap fight onto Sup Forums*


Cast the film.


can you post a pic of yourself OP, so we know what a true alpha looks like?

*doesn't know what libertarians are*

dissociation is their favorite

the blonde one wearing glasses is so fucking cute. i don't even care if it is a boy or a girl, I want to fuck it

Just as Sup Forums finally turns against Sup Forums, leftists are going to shitpost just as aggressively and make everyone hate them again. GG

left/pol/ are not a bunch of insufferable cunts like Sup Forumstards and animufags. we're gonna save this site

>the one pointing out how soyboys are spamming this board with their Sup Forums obsession is the pathetic one



>can't even get the name of his own board right

t. reddit

If fascism is a wrong ideology why do they need a whole set of strategies to crush it instead of just defeating people in debates with their arguments supported by a correct ideology?