Bright [2017] by David Ayer

What's the Iogical explanation for this discrepancy?

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currently watching ... does it get so low scores because Orcs are Niggers?


The majority of Audience members are fucking retarded? Not hard to decipher

It sucked. It doesn't work in a modern setting. It was fucking stupid.


It sucks ass

Studio's not paying anything to grease the shills.

Really this. Max Landis is a bad writer and the real reason he should be shut down isn't because of rape allegations, it's because he's a hack with no talent.

It's a shitty movie with a budget and normies clearly just want their shit cleanly packaged and low on calories

It's a great movie that talks about race relations and liberal critic cucks refuse to acknowledge the truth.

Critics wanted social commentary, audiences wanted orc cops. It delivers the second better than the first, because the latter depends more on competent direction (and David Ayer can direct action well if nothing else) and the former requires good writing (and I have no idea how Max Landis has managed to sustain a career as a screenwriter even with his father behind him).

It talks about race relations in the clumsiest and most forced way possible. The allegories and metaphors are horribly obvious and Max Landis lacks any nuance when it comes to presenting conflicts between groups of people. It feels like an early episode of Next Gen with a bigger budget, more vulgarity, and the same level of shitty, cheesy writing.

Totally the same person

This is a good point. When the movie cuts itself down to simple characterisation and acting, it's good, because David Ayer is good at both of those things. Suicide Squad is better than this because he handled those things very well.

>the latter depends more on competent direction (and David Ayer can direct action well if nothing else)
Jesus I wish I knew how to make webms. The action in this fucking sucked.

That scene where Smith and Edgerton were leaving the club and the elves follow them outside, where an entire squad of SWAT try to cram themselves into a doorway and elf is standing in, with a knife, while she cuts them all down. It looked so comical I thought maybe I was being trolled. The dialogue is also shitty, apparently on purpose.

>tripfags gravitate towards reddit movie of the year

Yeah the Elves were executed poorly.

They did the same thing we did when we review bombed The Last Jedi, only in reverse.

If you read most of the positive reviews they're clearly all from shills. It's painfully obvious.

My point was the entire movie was executed poorly.

Interested premise wasted on a pleb like Ayer, it's a miracle Netflix remains in business with this strategy of putting big money on shit.

They didn't bring us The Dark Lord and the magic was boring. Nobody cares about guns and police chases and bonding in a fantasy movie.

Good idea, poor execution.

Sure feels like a fucking forest in this thread

I liked it as a simple action flick. For me, it felt like the movie kind of cut off its own legs by trying to do some weird split between gritty crime drama, buddy-cop comedy and social commentary and ended up telling way to many aspects of the story.
If it just committed to the crime elements of it all (thinking about something similar to End of Watch) I think it'd have played better. The supposedly funny quipping moments during the firefights felt incredibly out of place and only managed to destroy the "grittiness" it tried to build.

I liked it. It was enjoyable, it didn't pretend to be a masterpiece and the whole race talk was fine and not too invasive. The magic was "poorly executed" only because it was limited to a 2 hours movie that focused on police action and shooting.

I would have liked a full fledged series instead, with other races other than just orcs, elves and just a couple cameos of centaurs and fairies.

the problem is all of their information is outside of the movie. Magic has been kept under wraps by the elves

This is around the same time The Last Jedi had a discrepancy. Clearly neckbeards have contaminated RT's audience score.

It's like FFXV before they finished it.

>implying everyone on Sup Forums has a Netflix sub

But the audience score is good, what are you implying?

>currently watching
>while posting on Sup Forums

because its social justice message pits blacks and whites against the elites, rather than blacks against whites.

Are the elves supposed to be the jews?

Netflix didn't send the critics on an all expenses paid meme vacation that's slightly related to the film they're reviewing that includes meeting their celebrity crushes


And why do you have to make this faggot thread every time?

>not multitasking

are you saying that the Elves are stand-ins for the Jews here

>the film promotes unity of the human race
>critics explode in butthurt
Are (((critics))) the Sup Forums of the movie industry?


It's the closest analogue, but it's not really intentional.

It just tried to make logical conclusions of the races based on the premises, so orcs are lower class and elves are upper class.
and black people happen to be lower class, and jews happen to be upper class, generally speaking.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

I am ok with the user score IF you take Bright for what it is.
A nice cop movie with a twist. It's not a masterwork, but after I saw he trailer the first time I had really low hope for the movie.I was surprised by the final result a lot better than what I expected.

What I really apreciated of Bright is that it's a movie that talk about being different and racism, but it don't overdue it. If you confront Star Wars the last jedy and bright this last one makes an infinite better job than showing how different races are not different. All the races have a good and bad rapresentation in the movie.
In the end It's not something like white man are evil the rest is good.

I think one of the best quote of the movie it's when Will Smith character tells her daughter that all races are different, but that doesn't make them different.

Hollywood critics are intimidated by Netflix.

Can someone get this nigger a screenshot of the Sup Forums meetings? Sup Forums unites everyone under its passionate loathing of liberals, multiculturalism, and jews.

>Warcraft: Ghetto Style

It “SAYS” what it “MEANS”. “B” flick !!!

read the critical reviews you'll see why they hated it
(hint: critics are incompetent and their complaints are bizarre and vitriolic)

What I didn’t like was that it was left very open ended. What’s the deal with Orc Jesus, was he also a bright? What about Will Smith and his family? He’s got to have a lot of people mad at him? That secret magic shield group that I can’t remember the name of didn’t really do shit. I thought t was a neat idea poorly executed.


>That secret magic shield group that I can’t remember the name of didn’t really do shit.
told magic feds about the inferni plans

gave us some insights into the world

I think Hollywood has a hate hard on for Will Smith desu.


What was with that big dude anyway. Was he just an oversized human?

>It sucked. It doesn't work in a modern setting

Why not?

pic related is the audience

No, it gets low scores because it's fucking boring.