>the fucking sad state of Sup Forums
>the fucking sad state of Sup Forums
/leftypol/ is butthurt
Star Wars, Sup Forums, and Amerifats
I made one actual movie discussion thread, it got 10 replies and got archived and 8 of these replies where waifu fags, which I normally didn't mind but I wanted to have a discussion
Everything else in the board are shitposts and politics
What the fuck happened, 2018 is already worse than 2017
This but it's actually Sup Forums pretending to be /leftypol/
>Everything else in the board are shitposts and politics
This is clearly because of that bastion of shitposts and politics - reddit
Dey tooker
dey tooker
mouse shills ruining everything
well that's too bad
because i'm gonna take every motherfucker birthday