Man on the Moon (1999)

Is it Kino?

I liked it until I saw how much of a faggot jim was on set

It could have been without Jim Carey. He really is insufferable in this role and too many times pulls the I'M ACTING shtick. Even watch that new netflix documentary and you can see how much of a hack he is as gets lost in his own delusion of how wonderful he is by using method acting

I liked it a lot

Jenny McCarthy to blame
Man in the Moon is great until you realize Kaufman is dead. He was supposed to come back twenty years later

How so?

Basically he pretended he was actually channeling Andy and pulled the same kind of nonsense trolling the real Andy did on set

It's pretty good. It's made better with the supplemental viewing of this Docukino:

One of my faves. I dunno about kino but it's definitely entertaining enough for a few rewatches

Loads of videos on youtube of Jerry the King Lawler talking about working with Jim Carrey on MOTM and how he just failed on every level to be both professional & funny


That's because you haven't been red pilled yet on how Andy Kaufman is actually Donald Trump

It's a fun movie but the documentary is shit once you realize how much of a tryhard Jim is.

It's alright.

Never understood why 90s movies had a such a boner for REM and U2 though

Well in the case of this film, it's because that REM song is literally about Andy Kaufman. But you knew that, right? You're not soft-headed, are you? You knew that.

I always thought it was interesting that two guys who wrote MotM, Ed Wood and American Crime Story are also responsible for this masterpiece

It was written for the film

Problem Child posting is in due for a comeback desu

was it? the song was on their 1992 album

>Chumlee, do the truffle shuffle or I ain't paying you this week
>Dad, you can't bully the staff like that
>Shut up Rick or I'll tell Big Hoss who his real Dad is


If you actually watch Andy Kaufman videos, you realise that Carrey is merely doing an impression. Martin Landau did a better job as Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood.