In book Luke Skywalker brings down a Star Destroyer with the Force

>in book Luke Skywalker brings down a Star Destroyer with the Force.

>in movie Luke Skywalker is a stubborn hobo who drinks quad boob milk.

Hrm so books really are better than movies.

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>Bring down a star destroyer with the force
That’s retarded

>the legends of
that was the main theme of the film: the stark difference between reality and legend
rey literally says in TFA she always thought Luke was just a myth. there was no way he could have lived up to what he was believed to be, and that was part of his whole dealio, you retard

Don't even want to defend TLJ but a flawed character is more interesting than power levels.

how's that retarded? I can bring down your mom with my dick and she's just as big as a star destroyer.

>books really are better than movies
In almost every single case.

That's EU for you. Turns out nuEU is just as dumb as old EU.

here's your disney dollar

>who drinks quad boob milk.


yeah when I think of sci-fi fantasy I think stark realistic portrayals of its characters. You, sir, are the retard.

I never said the film was good. in fact, i hate the fucking thing. there are plenty of issues with the film (shit humour, awful pacing, poor characterisation, even worse writing), but this is not really an issue
you know it user, and i know it

don't @ me, reddit boy
we've got 7 films of high-fantasy stupid bullshit, some more grounded themes aren't exactly anything bad. the last jedi is tho.

>we've got 7 films of high-fantasy stupid bullshit

don't fuck with the formula. wtf did Rian Johnson go all Pet Sounds on us? Fuck at least Brian Wilson pulled it off.

>don't fuck with the formula
how exciting!
TLJ has only one positive quality and that's its ambition. don't be boring user. do you want the next 40 years to be full of shit we've seen before, or do you want directors to take risks? one day they might just succeed, and we could get something great.
we won't though, but that's Disney and not Rian

It's fucking Star Wars. The rebels win and everyone goes home happy. I'm not looking for the essence of man here.

I am certainly excited to give money to Disney so I can sit still for two and a half hours and learn Luke Skywalker wasn't as awesome as I thought he was.

well it wouldn't go amiss in what is effectively the world's most fucking stale franchise

The book is a collection of stories that group of children tell each other, not an actual narrative about Luke. OP is just baiting.

>stale franchise

What are you a communist? It also prints money! All you gotta do is throw some space magic in there and boom 2 billion dollars.

I remember one of the trailers for the force unleashed games where the protag brings down a star destroyer from the sky and crashes it in into the ground with the force. Is it really that ridiculous?

>What are you a communist?
shut up cunt that doesn't even make sense
do you quite understand what point you're making? i didn't say it was unsuccessful, but that it's fucking boring

Perhaps, rather than smashing the favourite toys of millions of loyal consumers, Ryan could have done his deconstruction in either a spin off movie or Stellar Conflicts, another property where he could examine and undermine people's fun to his hearts content without upsetting anyone.

don't listen to them user. Luke fucking up a Star Destroyer would have been awesome. And these fags would have been the first to say so.

What I'm talking about

so whats wrong with being boring? If you want something better go watch your art house films you fucking hippie.

totally agree. he completely fucked up what should have been the most valuable film of the new saga and arguably since Empire back in 1980. his ambition is hardly something to be criticised, but i'm with you on the execution

>whats wrong with being boring?
boring isn't good nor fun user. are you telling me i should accept boring?

Ok real talk

You're in charge of re-writing the ST. Mark Hamill comes to you and mandates that luke must be at least at ROTJ power levels, probably more so. He is also just as righteous and determined to help is friends and vanquish evil from the galaxy.

Bob Iger and KK put a gun to your head and mandate you have a young protagonist and the overall story is about their arc.

How you stop luke from solving all the conflict in the narrative.

Hard Mode: Do this without another user shitting on your idea. You just ruined star wars for them.

Same way you write Batman while Superman is around. Superman is busy somewhere else.