So Sup Forums, any Holidays Bluray pickups?
Bluray Pickups
I don't buy blurays. I read plot synopses on wikipedia then argue that the movie was good or sucked based on the number of colored people in it.
the important question is... if there's a lot of colored people, do you consider that good or bad?
I got a Blu-Ray player for Christmas so I went and got lots although it's all weebshit.
I want to get more but region locking is a bitch.
I was really pleased when I heard about Outlaw Star being released on blu-ray, gotta pick that one up soon.
>I got a Blu-Ray player for Christmas
How is it living in 2007? Good?
>the Soyboy Cinema starter pack
I got Inside Llewyn Davis’ Criterion and Brigsby Bear, plus A Ghost Story and Good Time a few days earlier.
I'm triggered that they used the title "T2." That's Terminator 2 and everyone knows it.
>he didn't get Eureka Seven