12000 years old

> 12000 years old

>Judy thread

Based shortstack

The Santa clause is goat

>is a Christmas elf
>actually older than the tradition of Christmas itself
They should've just said that she is 1994 years old or younger.

She could have been just an elf before the Christmas tradition

Not pedo at all but serious question.

What the fuck is it that makes her super cute? Is it the chubby cheeks? She's very cute for a grandma


Small, soft, baby-like features. People find kids like her "cute" because of natural instinct. We are wired to find baby-like things cute.

"cute" traits in women are as follows:
> large foreheads
> large eyes
> small nose
> large cheeks
> small but pouty lips

t. Someone who spent a lot of time jerking off during character creation.

*Blocks your path*