What a fucking cuck

what a fucking cuck

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/rr9nynyz1g0dztb/We found a dead body in the Japanese Suicide Forest.mp4?dl=0

>sacred and private
complete retard

Are you defending Logan Paul?

>Logan Paul


link to video?

honestly who gives a shit what some degenerate amerimonkey does and then publishes to the rest of the world. i dont even know who it is or what happened or care. Seek real art.



How to become rich and famous in the west:
>good-looking & white
>sociopathic or at least borderline
>2 digit IQ

If you have these things you are pretty much destined for greatness in the US and UK

idk who any of these people are

So is this Chris some Japanese expert beside the animes and movies he watched?

to be honest he grew up with the nanking massacre

>Tell that to the otaku's hanged neck.

What did Cuckmann mean by this

>not realising that Sup Forums is filled with moutbreathers who watch e-celeb videos every day instead of actually watching good movies
It's why this place is filled with twitter-threads and new-review-is-out-guys!!!-threads.

>What a fucking retard
>Logan Paul said in the beginning he wasn't going to monetize his video

You aren't?

I'll just leave this here

us based magapedes love logan paul!

Yea, who cares what (((Paul))) showed anyway?


Are you fat neckbeards gonna start calling him Jewish now because some other fat neckbeard shilled an image claiming he was 1/16th?

Internet celebrities were a mistake

Defend your position. If you are intelligent enough.

t. Logang Internet Defense Force

His mother is literally jewish.

This meme has literally infinite applications. A true Godsend.

What does the second twit refer too?

There's no way the guy actually filmed a dead body for a vlog to entertain his child viewets... r-right guys?

what a fucking crybaby

anyone who ever pretends to be offended on behalf of an imagined third party should spare us their bullshit and just open a vein

Fucking lel

What emotion is this expression supposed to convey?

>dropbox.com/s/rr9nynyz1g0dztb/We found a dead body in the Japanese Suicide Forest.mp4?dl=0

That's not what was said you actual, unironic retard

>The Japanese are sacred and private about death

Light sociopathy Welcome to 21st century Western civilization, morals don't that as long as you're famous.


Agreed! We might fight anti-semitism on every front!

That's pretty cool actually, people who are upset about this are cucks.

he has a fucking nintendo tattoo why the fuck would you listen to a homo soylentis?

>the source is the exact same video you already linked

mega brainlet




>2018 starts off with a youtube "celebrity" filming the body of a suicide victim and showing it off to his 12-year-old audience
Please stop the ride, I want to get off.

>hate Cuckmann
>hate the Paul brothers

Though I will admit filming some guy who hung himself to get some notoriety is pretty sociopathic.

How is she not wanting social points from the opposing side with those lame tweets?


but then Logan Paul would just film you next :)

He really made that the thumbnail to the video? This can't be real life.

>no one will ever film your dead body after you commit suicide
I wish my corpse could be this famous

Sup Forums is dumb as rocks so of course he's defended here

>How to become rich and famous in the world:
>good-looking & white

Fixed that for you, faggot.

well... you may have missed something

*watches the last samurai once*

It never ceases to amaze me how these people who have the cushiest job in the world, making vlogs or playing games for a living, continually fuck up by doing something incredibly stupid. It's like the modern-day version of Louis XVI and other kings who managed to take that extra step that actually makes the people cut your head off instead of continuing to cheer as you ride past in a golden carriage.

he looks like a chad jonah hill

What the fuck does Stuckmann know about how the Japanese view death?

He grew up watching samurai movies

>Hating on based Logan Paul
>Trump supporter, christian, cares for his family

Only soyboys do it

Well, in general to get to this point you need some mental defect. In Logan's case he has no empathy and is dumber than a brick shithouse.

As for streamers like PewDiePie saying nigger that's just a reflex. You never stubbed your toe or gotten so annoyed you though "what a fucking nigger" to yourself? Now couple that with a job where saying every thought that comes into your head out loud is more or less the only thing you do.

t. 12 year old girl.


how hard are you shilling rn


It was in a forest. That faggot is just making shit up.

>filmed hanged body

That's called news. Real news. SJWs are so used to being lied to and sheltered that they attack anyone that shows them the ugly truth.

There was a mature warning. They called the police right away. The rest of the video is him overacting because he never saw a dead body before. Chad did nothing wrong. Everyone bitching and whining over this is just a virtue signaling cunt.

Everything they do is stupid to the people who aren't their target audience though. It's only a matter of time before they do something that's stupid to even their stupid followers.

Where has Logan said he was a Trump supporter?

Stop making me cringe you alt right drone. If the news media started showing corpses, you'd say it was "degeneracy" and "a plot to desensitize people to taboos" and other similar canned phrases. You're defending this human garbage because he has blonde hair and blue eyes I'm guessing. Too bad zero brains underneath.

t. Cuckmann

>some hacky lying cunt goes to a well known suicide spot in the hopes to find a body so he can drum up some controversy and make himself more famous
>dis shit real news soyboys!

>retard that shrieks into a webcam for 12 year olds is the same as a legitimate news source
>trying this hard to be edgy because most normal human beings are appalled by some twink faggot prancing around a dead body

I know it's cute and all to be contrarian, but you don't have to do it all the time, hunny bunny

isn't she doing the same thing? publicly commenting on this total non-issue for social points. she's just pandering to different social circles.

>people telling everyone to shutup about politics are just as bad as people talking about politics all the time

This is you.

>Sup Forums suddenly cares about morals and shit
Who are y'all trying to fool

>making me cringe

Everything in the real world makes you "cringe", you coward.

>If the news media started showing corpses, you'd say it was "degeneracy"

Stop lying. If the media ever did that, then I would call it news. But they don't, to support their agenda.

>As for streamers like PewDiePie saying nigger that's just a reflex.
I was thinking of that other professional gamer who just kept saying "niggerniggernigger" over and over for like a minute because he got killed in Overwatch. That's not saying the wrong thing in the heat of the moment, it's the most retarded kind of autistic meltdown. It's not like Pewdiepie actually had his head put on the chopping block for what he did, but from what I remember the gamer actually had his career evaporate because of his meltdown.

Stop lying using green text.

It's less about morality than it is about how much I despise the fucking culture of e-celebrity.

>to support their agenda

I bet you would suddenly change your tune if they showed the Vegas bodies.

hahahahah holy shit I didn't know soy boys got so triggered over Logan Paul.

There were literally videos from IN THE CROWD showing people get shot on the news that night faggot.

I grew up stuckmannized and I have to say I think this is very cool.

that's the irony of it

I just don't watch YouTube "celebrities" monologuing into a webcam about bullshit I don't care about

Not sure where you got "soy boy liberal hillary voter" from. Seems like you're projecting a little bit, sweet meat.

That's because we are over the age of 13 and no longer in our edgy contrarian phrase and find e-celebs using dead bodies as fuel for their videos to be a bit creepy.

not an argument

>being so much of a contrarian retard that you have to defend an e-celeb after he does another one of his juvenile stunts

All three are fucking losers. I'd put this fucker in prison for using Youtube, I'd put Logan Paul in a third world prison for being a lowlife piece of shit, and I'd order summary execution for every youtube employee for exposing children to garbage in order to grow their service.

>He doesn't know
Calm down with that soy milk

no it isn't


People that use that word are always the biggest pussies on the internet. It never fails.

You realize that different nations have different journalistic standards, right?

Not everyone does everything the same way that America does. For instance, did you know that English people drive on the LEFT side of the road? Crazy, huh?

She's clearly not doing the same thing, because she's not mindlessly using a stock-phrase to say someone should go die when the outrage is over him showing a suicide. It's clearly the mindlessness of it that's she's got a problem with.

It's kinda funny how retarded e-celeb cancer gets a pass because he said something nice about muh trump BASED REDPILLED!


>People that use that word are always the biggest pussies on the internet. It never fails.

There it is. Not even 3 days in and that's the most embarrassing thing I'll read on Sup Forums for the entire year.

Pewdiepie says "nigger" in a moment of anger/frustration and becomes the bad guy that youtube doesn't want to deal with, like putting him in their godawful rewind video.

This faggot posts dead bodies and nothing happens.

>There it is. Not even 3 days in and that's the most embarrassing thing I'll read on Sup Forums for the entire year.
There it is. Not even 3 days in and that's the gayest thing I'll read on Sup Forums for the entire year.



I am now yes. I like so many others spent my teen years on Sup Forums watching beheadings and what have you, but you know, you grow out of those things eventually as your empathy develops and start to see them just as disturbing.

not really. she's "calling out" the "internet hate mob" on a public platform. that's a bit different than telling someone irl that you don't want to talk about politics. it's self-conscious, calculated posturing and is 100% motivated by the same 'social points' she decries others for seeking.

do you not understand that it's not her opinion that's objectionable but the hypocrisy in her own stated reasoning?

I don't want to leave in this planet anymore

>bunch of fags get pissed as all hell at this white lad making some inappropriate jokes
>that two white faggots band gets dropped by their label, shows cancelled, music scrubbed from streaming services after some chick accuses him of being creepy
>meanwhile that black rapper who beat the shit out of his gf and locked her in a room for months while threatening to shove bbq tools up her cunt and kill her has his record deal continue with a major label, no shows cancelled, music still on every streaming service

Why is the Sup Forums so right?

Awful lotta reddit spacing ITT

Do you think people in pre-pozzed Europe broke down sobbing every fucking time they saw a corpse?
Go fuck yourself, you limp-wristed faggot.