Wow, what a positive fucking message.

They do

Just the creepy ones that torture realistic mockups of real people.

>watches black mirror
>expects positivity

he was a monster

I think I'm done with this show it was the first time watching it but it hit me too much in the feels she betrayed him even though she said he was his mentor, she was meant to be the innocent girl but even she had nudes on her phone (I guess no girl is innocent) , he was just a loner sick of being pushed around in life so instead of becoming an asshole all he did was take it out in a virtual world he built for himself and where did it get him? Killed. Nah fuck this show I'm never watching it again.

This is good pasta

And who made him that way? The guy's bullies and tormentors got away with their crimes.

those "people" didn't even have a physical form
next, you'll be saying real dolls have feelings

This guy should be killed for torturing a bunch of 1s and 0s even though he didnt harm any real people
Reminder that if you kill people in GTA you deserve the death penalty because #programshaverightstoo

This made me mad again, bravo.

welcome to normie media

Anxiety the show. Its always sucked the episodes are way too long it could be a better show at 30min run time max.

Tv and movies are getting worse each year.
We're at the point that betas are bad and whores are good. Fuck liberals.

Being such a Cuck to not man up in the 3-D world. The dude is an A-class soy boy and deserved it.

>allowing women to work on tv shows besides being actresses
That's you're real problem

I genuinely thought we established that girls don't want anything to do with low status men *centuries* ago.

There is a fair body of literature on the subject at this point.

All who abuse sentient software should though.

Dude, imprisoning / torturing / raping sapient beings that can feel pain and suffer intense emotional distress is a victimless crime, LMAO

Anyone else just bored that Black Mirror is mostly

>recording what people see and playing it back later, technology is evil

I wonder how long Sup Forums is going to sperg out about this. This is some SJW level shit

Colette treated him with only the utmost respect

This bothered me most. All that tech and he didn't even give them genitals so he could rape them. I don't think there's a single fucker on this whole board who wouldn't have used this program to his rape the AI constructs. It really couldn't be much worse than what he was already doing to them and at least they could get their rocks off. I'm sure Karen from marketing or whoever the fuck would've preferred the odd rape over being Cronenberged.

>ones and zeroes have feelings!

He did literally nothing wrong

It is. Because they're not real people.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

I'll give you deez nuts.

Too much promiscuity and race mixing in this show

right off the bat you're wrong, the whole point of the show demonstrates a technology so advanced it blurs the line, the cookies have your feelings inherently.

Until she shunned him because some bitch said he was creepy.

> calling the ai forms "cookies"

Tell that to the feminists who are keen on creating as many beta males as they can, whilst claiming women can respect men with lower status.

His fault for being creepy. His co-founder was alpha as fuck.

The only women who create men are mothers. Did your mom make you beta?

>NPCs have feelings

Guess everyone who played the Sims is a monster too considering how often they'd murder them for fun.

Who are we to say they don't have feelings beyond our understanding?

The show is about what might happen if NPCs literally did have feelings. Do all these people really not get that?

>shunned him

She literally just walked away without sucking his cock. She didn't deserve eternal suffering for this

Did you make your sims self-aware? Can you tell me how you did it?

>muh soul
>muh flesh and blood
I so hope Musk is right and we're all living in a computer simulation, just to spite you.

>Sims are conscious sentient, sapient beings as alive as you the player, who feel pain like any living creature, joy, sadness, true unique A.I.


We are all a bunch of 1s and 0s in the universe, no different from avatars in a game

she couldve not been a bitch and treated him like a person.

did they really say that? if that happened who would consume their shitty media?

I hope they put all us neckbeards in fema camps together. We can take the weakest menlette neckbeard and make him the camps waifu simulator.

Yes, and who created the situation where mothers became the father figures for millions of fatherless boys, mainly as a result of no fault divorce, single motherhood welfare and alimony laws, which incentives women to destroy their families and to have children by themselves? Who feminised the educational system and taught a generation of boys that masculine qualities are bad and oppressive? And who has had the most influence in the media when it comes to gender politics?

would he feel himself dying of dehydration/starvation or whatever in real life in the game?

Bullying isn't criminal.

Half these episodes are filler

I hope you're a faggot. Wish granted.

Question: was there any implication he would take his sick tendencies and bring it into the real world? Or did the writers expect you to believe he would just because?

Your mom did all of that? Holy shit...

He didn't treat anyone else around him like a person. He just stared and talked like a beta. He should've been more like his CEO cofounder.

Nice bait faggit

>He should've been more like his CEO cofounder.
He couldn't be like him that's why mcpoyle became CEO and left Daly as CTO

why rape, you fucking sadist? i would make it so they all have the hots for me and it would all be 100% consensual sex in missionary position for the sole purpose of cyber procreation

Of course not, he has no reason to be confident and relaxed when he is the stranger in the group.
And trying to dissuade people from associating with lonely or ostracized people is a really shitty thing to do.

Broadly speaking the nice part about geekdom was not having to try to pretend to be something you were not.

in the feels

fuck you for using this. complete your words bitch

>watching any tv series past the final season of the sopranos or even mad men

Wouldn't someone just unplug him when they got back to the office?

>Of course not, he has no reason to be confident and relaxed when he is the stranger in the group.
He was only the stranger because he wasn't confident and relaxed.


it was christmas and he put his door on 'do not disturb'
nobody was going to find him until he already died of dehydration

He was in his apartment you donut.

>no one would randomly barge in
>there’s no failsafes
This episode just gets the stupider the more you think about it

Like literally every sci-fi story ever when you have enough time to reflect on it.

Don't think he deserved to die

They were lines of code. He wasn't a bad person, he was just taking his real life frustration out on computer simulations. Now us autists can't even have our video games as escape?

Neither did Walton's son.

Literally whom?

>what are you NPCs doing?
>we're going into the wormhole to kill ourselves!
>okay go ahead, I can just recover your data anyway, I have backups

And then this could trigger the whole, are you still you if you're a copy etc. Would they kill themselves knowing they'd be "resurrected"? Or would they say fuck it, it's just a copy of me, not the current me?

come on, who just leaves lollypops lying around on someone else's desk like that? it's fucking gross
the little twerp got what he had coming to him

He didn't die, just a VR of him

>he was just taking his real life frustration out on computer simulations.
This would be a solid argument if he didn't make them using the DNA and memories of real people and actually let them turn off when they weren't in use. He could've programmed actual simulations with none of the memories and personalities beyond what the scenario needed but he went for exact digital copies because it wasn't just about catharsis. He wanted the actual people there to torment.

With all the memories intact. He could've just made a mindless digital copy and had the exact same effect but he decided to create a self-aware being just to kill it.

What difference does it make? Playing interactive buddy is fine, but playing interactive buddy with George bush's face on the avatar is evil?

>memories of a real person


Care to explain this? You really think memories are stored in dna?


I'm perfectly open to the idea that we'll someday be able to create simulations of the people in our lives that are so real they're basically indistinguishable from the real thing. I also accept that many of us will do it just to rape/murder/injure said simulations as a form of anxiety release.

But if you're going to make them that way and for that purpose, don't be surprised when they start plotting against you and take advantage of the fact that you never turn them off and give them enough autonomy to indirectly undermine you.

That was clearly the show's premise, whether or not you think it's realistically possible.

>This goalpost moving
Nobody said he shouldn't have taken more precautions, were arguing about whether he did anything morally wrong.

He absolutely did. Most "interactive buddies" have neither the motivation nor means to act against you or I. If someone creates something with that in mind then it's effectively the fault of the developer, not the creations.

> shows premise

Lol, the dude had a program that analysed a person's social media to simulate their memories.

Are you a fucking idiot? If I stab myself int he hand with a fork, have I done something morally wrong because I fucked up and hurt myself?

Absolutely. I find it morally repugnant to be retarded. Seriously, how is this not a matter of right or wrong? If you create something that's able AND willing to kill you, how is that not your own damn fault? Darwinism at its finest.

He also had that "Gizmo". So don't forget about that. This magic device might be able to transfer memories with help of good old space magic.

>a bunch of biochemical signals inside a meat bag have feelinhs

You are truly an idiot, much more so than most people using this site, and this site isn't a hotbed of geniuses to begin with. You cannot grasp concepts that ten year old children easily understand. Always remember, you are extremely stupid.

Spoken like someone who regularly stabs himself in the hand with a fork.

>Little bud thing battery dies
>Wake up
>Remake your mod
>Redo everyone's DNA into the game
>File a lawsuit for the woman who broke into your home

user, you've fucked up and made yourself look stupid on Sup Forums, I suggest you repent for this moral evil you've brought upon yourself.
By the way, the hospital rang, they want you to go and punish all the old people that so evilly fell over and broke their hips.

Hey I'm not passing judgment. If you want to stab your hand, go right ahead. But I reserve the right to call you morally bankrupt. We cool?

Why did he program realistic effects of human space exposure if he was also trying to keep it PG by removing genitals?

``freeze and crack like a porcelain doll'' is inconsistent with ``stealing my pussy is a red fucking line''

>Little bud thing battery dies
They're using at least lithium polymer. On a device like that which is probably just a transmitter, it could last days if not weeks. If by some miracle he does wake up, the only things that got stolen were DNA samples. I'm sure the cops won't ask any questions about why he wants those back.

They've shown deaths like that in Trek. They've never shown genitalia. Consistent.

You're on level 1, stage 1 of moral development. I hope you realize this stage is reserved for children that have only just learnt how to think, and youn children are expected to move past this stage very quickly.
Unless you're actually autistic, which I'm beginning to suspect, in which cause your...unique...moral thinking might make more sense.


Ok, wow
You make a good point

>mfw I read that this is considered "one of the more humorous episodes in the series" with a "rare happy ending"

How did you manage to stab your hand with a fork anyway? Did you confuse it for food?

I agree. I hate Trek episodes when the villain dies. Those are never very happy for the villain.