>muh marie sue
she's a marie sue because she's Anakin reborn, literally the Force incarnated
she's the ultimate form of the Choosen One, hence she's perfection
Muh marie sue
>doesn absolutely skite for 2 hours of the moive
prove it
How does that work when she'll literally surpass Anakin at the height of his powers in a week given her trajectory.
she faced kylo trying to help him, she faced snoke, she have been in the cave
i don't think that's nothing
She is. And to be clear so was Anakin. Luke was not. Deal with it.
I like the theory that MaREY Sue is a reincarnation of Anakin, because it kind of explains why she's such an annoyingly flawless character, but I think that's been disproven by TLJ apparently confirming that Rey's parents were insignificant meth addicts who abandoned her on Jakku.
Anakin didn't reach his full potential
she will finish the job
A friend of mine has this theory that young Kylo was way too powerfull so they did some Force shit and they turned him in two persons so his powers would be weakened.
So Rey and Kylo are two faces of the younger Ben.
What do you think ?