Muh marie sue

>muh marie sue
she's a marie sue because she's Anakin reborn, literally the Force incarnated
she's the ultimate form of the Choosen One, hence she's perfection

Other urls found in this thread: bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else./

>doesn absolutely skite for 2 hours of the moive


prove it

How does that work when she'll literally surpass Anakin at the height of his powers in a week given her trajectory.

she faced kylo trying to help him, she faced snoke, she have been in the cave
i don't think that's nothing

She is. And to be clear so was Anakin. Luke was not. Deal with it.

I like the theory that MaREY Sue is a reincarnation of Anakin, because it kind of explains why she's such an annoyingly flawless character, but I think that's been disproven by TLJ apparently confirming that Rey's parents were insignificant meth addicts who abandoned her on Jakku.

Anakin didn't reach his full potential
she will finish the job

A friend of mine has this theory that young Kylo was way too powerfull so they did some Force shit and they turned him in two persons so his powers would be weakened.
So Rey and Kylo are two faces of the younger Ben.

What do you think ?

Except Anakin dedicated his life to Jedi teachings and training and still got his ass kicked by Count Dooku. He wasn't a flawless character who never failed

Anakin was in the first movie, not in the second. Going mad and killing people = automatically disqualified. Fucking a woman when you are being told for YEARS you cannot fuck a woman = disqualified.

She is perfect. Luke gets her mad, she doesn't turn. Ren gets her wet, she doesn't turn. Just finished battling the equivalent of Force User Assassination Squad, is able to lift a fucking mountain with her vagina powers.

It's not just about power but character, nothing can stand in her way because she's the One Above All. If she was in the Marvel universe, which she could be since Disney, she'd be pre-retcon Beyonder. Now she's basically the Living Tribunal of the SW universe. The OAA is Kathleen Kennedy, who makes sure nobody can touch her LT.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

If she was anything other than the discarded offspring of trash she would have some feelings that argued against it.
Her inner feelings were apparently always gravitating towards Kylo's admission yet she couldn't face it.
Goddamn, this sequel series can not do a thing right from a story perspective.

This made my day, thank you kindly

who exactly did this?
idk, Kylo is great but he's more human, and the actor said he portray him as a religious fanatic who think he's right
anyway i wonder if Darth Plagueis was involved with Anakin "virgin birth", and so maybe with Rey too

Anakin and Rey were fathered by the Force. Who their parents are is literally pointless, Anie just had a touching backstory to go with his. Rey's apparently just sucked.

Most people don't like how Anakin was written, saying she's like Anakin doesn't make her look good.

Mary Sue or not she's just not that well written as a lead character, what are her motivations ? Goals ? Character flaw ?

Anakin at least had those even if it was poorly handled. I just don't understand what Rey is about expect ''extremly righteous female lead''.

what if Rey LITERALLY have no parents and popped out of nothing thanks to the Force?

Anakin was trained for almost 20 years, and he didn't reach his full potential. This is all just horseshit.

>force perfection
>but she's also a female who doesn't need no man to help her

I somehow suspect there are ulterior motives at play here.

>Kylo Ren looks up to and is guided by Vader more than anything
>Rey and Kylo have a force connection as an extension of Kylo's visions of Vader, not as blood relatives
>when he finds out she's Anakin incarnate he loses his shit, they get together with their super force powers combining dark and light and end both the republic and empire once and for all
what the fuck, is this kino

But Anakin was made by Palpatine deliberately using the force. That explains his birth and power level perfectly.

Rey just got made. That's it. She's powerful just cuz.

Leaked Kylo death scene from IX.

>Rey was the Chosen One all along
>Anakin was a Sith usurper trying to steal her rightful place before she was born

I think you can chalk that one up to age and experience difference there. Also I'm pretty sure Anakin charged at Dooku and fucked the whole thing up with pure stupidity

Which would make her completely boring and still a Mary Sue.

What point was OP trying to make?

if she's Anakin reborn I'd imagine her as a continuation of Anakin, not a total reboot, in other words she has all the previous powers but she doesn't know yet

So she would be a space Avatar

That would just be very lame and stupid, friend. Good thing you're not a writer.

2 cents a post doesn't get you the calibre of shills it used to.

>Dark Side sends Sidious to destroy the Jedi
>sends Anakin and Luke to destroy the Sith
>no light or dark orders left in the galaxy
>send 6'3" smoldering hunk to distract Chosen One from bringing balance
>she don't need no man

2pure, 2chosen 4you

the point is that the final form of the Force incarnated must be a marie sue
the Star Wars canon rotates around the Choosen One, and now we have the Choosen One in the final form, finally

Rey is the Jesus of the Force

>must be mary sue

no, just no. Anakin was considered space jesus (before the canon was ruined) and this nigga fell to the dark side, so yeah, force perfection can certainly fail. I haven't seen Rey fail a single time, she never learns anything from her mistakes because she never makes any. It's just a boring character. Contrast that with whiny Anakin who made a mess out of everything (yes it was written terribly but I know where they were trying to go with it)

>that massive hand

The SW canon has always been about a chosn one bringing balance to the force. What point would there be in some so overpowered that by merely existing they completely fuck up the balance towards whatever side they choose?

Star Wars initially came to be during the subconscious eschatological mania preceding the year 2000. It was basically satisfying because it was humanity going "YEP, WE GOT THE HERO'S JOURNEY RIGHT IF NOTHING ELSE."

As 2000 actually approaches, George gets consumed with autism over how dated and corny his magnum opus is starting to look. He does the special editions with the new FX. He does the PT. TPM is an abortion during a train wreck. It takes a village to salvage the story for the next two movies. George gets more and more disillusioned with the franchise being delegated to cartoon fuel for children. Sells to Disney after seeing what they did with Stan's bullshit doodles.

You will never be satisfied looking for "the correct" or "your" version of Star Wars. It's just a story being told with words and acted out on a stage. It can offer you no validation, not even for the opinion you hold regarding it itself.

Now half of you seriously just need to stop bitching if you're not gonna make more Reylo OC.

She's a big girl.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

How the fuck does one so fundamentally missunderstand a film?
Holy shit. You're beyond retarded.

is this some new meme I'm missing about in 2018? bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else./

I completely agree with you. I think that Anakin's father is the Force and Rey's father is also the Force.

That's the point. There are no sides. The dichotomy was always a fallacy sentient beings forced on the Force.

Saying TLJ ruined Force lore is like saying results objectively demonstrate how genetically fit your offspring will be for survival and reproduction. Despite getting the general idea of what's going on and what we're talking about, you're being a hypermassive black hole of autistic selfishness about it, and that is neither attractive to the opposite sex or bearable to normal human beings.

>Anakin was made by Palpatine deliberately using the force
Does this come up in the films? Or is this an EU thing?

Anakin was not instantly liked or trusted by other, which is important in a Mary Sue. The opposite happened; save for a few people, everyone treated him with suspicion. Yoda even said that he sensed grave danger in his training, and only agreed to it because Obi Wan would have otherwise trained him in secret.

No idea why feminists aren't all up the internet's ass taunting everyone because it seems like Rey is the real Chosen One and Anakin was some kind of male Dark Side ruse to take her place early.

Guess it was a bad year to have ovaries.

Yoda sensed that Anakin's grandson would carry genetic butt-blastions with the midi-chlorians and not accept that Rey is the Chosen One.

Truly a master among masters.

And again, that is boring and poor decision-making by Disney. Are you trying to argue that having a character "who is Mary Sue because they are the Force incarnate" is worth sacrificing all flaws that humanize them and eliminating all potential growth or tension?

it's a fan theory with no proof except that "it would be cool".

No, Darth Plagueis.


Did he really have to explode them in such a gruesome way? Simply crunching their hearts should suffice