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If only we'd known how bad things would get after this…
Whats the premisse of this film? I have seen it
It explains how the Rebels in A New Hope knew the Death Star's weakness.
I won't apologise because I always loved it.
Fun times.
Nah complete clusterfuck and stupid. TLJ and TFA were better by miles
>TLJ and TFA were better by miles
Fan service, but not awful.
I didn't see it in theaters because I was mad it wasn't going to be the movie I thought it was going to be when it was announced. A gritty war movie with a Star Wars skin. The promo clips of the womanlet knocking around stormtroopers with a police baton looked fucking retarded. Even more so with latino ally just standing there in awe over her Mary Sue fighting abilities instead of covering her with his fucking gun. The movie is pretty good. I wish there was a fan edit to replace the awful music in it with anything else. Even Halo or anime music would be better than the mess the faggot who did the music for the movie made.
Why? I always thought it was better than the main episodes of the nu trilogy