George Lucas was going to have a female protagonist in his version of 7-9 too

George Lucas was going to have a female protagonist in his version of 7-9 too.

>The first meetings to visualize The Force Awakens happened on January 16, 2013 at Skywalker Ranch with George Lucas himself. Among the pieces presented at the meeting were portraits of an older Luke Skywalker training a new disciple named Kira (who was later renamed Rey). The idea was that, 30 years after the fall of the Empire, Luke had gone to a dark place and secluded himself in a Jedi temple on a new planet.

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I don't have a problem with a female protagonist. But at the same time, that doesn't excuse poor writing, poor acting, and zero character development. I couldn't care less about what happens to Rey because she's a non-entity

Everyone knows this whats the point of this thread

Yeah and his story would have made sense at the very least

Except George isn't a Feminist.

To rile up Sup Forums so OP can post about it on her shit blog for good girl points.

Nothing wrong with a female protagonist. The problem is they turned her into a mary sue who has no struggles, no flaws, no opportunities to grow and develop depth as a character.

The difference is Lucas would have had more respect for Luke's character and would not have given the female Jedi wannabe godlike powers before she even trained. Even if it was complete dog shit, it would have been more watchable than what we got

No shit, he probably would have had Jaina Solo become the main protagonist. I don't know anyone who read of her that didn't like her.