Daily reminder that he did nothing wrong and Jesse is the reason everything fell apart

Daily reminder that he did nothing wrong and Jesse is the reason everything fell apart.

Okay, Walt

>kills multiple people
>did nothing wrong
OK sure

he did everything wrong he got cucked three times by faggy men and sulked I mean wtf that dude with his ex and took over the company (2 cuckings) and then ted who was a fucking supercuck himself

this. name ONE time walt made a mistake. I'm waiting


He honestly seems like he has autism or something.

It was for the good of his family user, he only killed low-lifes, and he did what a man should do for his family, provide.

he goaded hank into restarting his investigation because his ego was hurt

when he left Gale's notebook in the bathroom for Hank to find

>has a chance to end everything
>nah fuck it season 5 with nazis and shiiiit