>God you're pretentious
He talks a whole lot of shit for being a rapist
>God you're pretentious
He talks a whole lot of shit for being a rapist
Other urls found in this thread:
But he's not a pretentious rapist.
>new family guy
into the trash it goes
>that one episode where he fucks an underaged girl but doesn't have to go to jail because his mother fucks the judge
Are you implying that the old family guy was any better?
Has Quagmire just suddenly realized he lives in a world where being pretentious is not only common, but commonly accepted?
That's the point though.
The scene is basically Seth MacFarlane talking to himself through two of his characters.
>Having consensual sex with droves of women
>Is a rapist.
She consented you faggot
It would be a lot more understandable if it was Peter finally going off on him instead of Quagmire
didnt he rufee the bachelorette
the thing that annoys me is Brian wasn't originally pretentious at all
he was mostly just sarcastic with a dry wit
Shut the fuck up, you faggot.
>>Having consensual sex with droves of women
That's not that part that make him a rapist.
It's all the women he has roofied that does.
>he was mostly just sarcastic with a dry wit
Stewie basically take that role now.
He might be the one character to have improved.
Irony has become a no-no because of it's overuse.
Being sardonic and aloof is equalled to pretentiousness. There's currently an obsession with being "real" without people being able to define what it means.
It was by fucking miles though. Not amazing, mind you, but it would've certainly been looked back upon as a classic if they just left it at 3 seasons.
Bad writing general?
Being pretentious is worse than being a rapist.
it's a serious moment
>"Dear Diary... Jackpot!"
>gives shit to brian for loving Lois
>whole first season he's a total creep collecting Lois' belongings and loving her too
>ITT: we point out that Seth McFarlane is incredibly up his own ass about every single aspect of his USI riddled personality
who doesnt know this already
he is what all men should aspire to be
During the episode where he teaches Meg how to deal with a bully that he has sex with women unconsentually.
It was pretty funny because the plot and jokes were actually civil and sane while now it's just autism intensified.
Welcome to Sup Forums. Where whenever a straight cis white male has sex, it counts as rape.
>My brain is full of fuck
Fuck off Sup Forums
this ep is new family guy? I think I saw this 7 years ago if not longer. Though to be fair I have no idea when family guy ended or if it is still going on.
>Implying Sup Forums is the only board that views Sup Forumsmblr with contempt.
So Sup Forums? Because there's no difference at this point.
'new family guy' is everything after they got un-cancelled, which is the vast majority of family guy a this point
That scene is so fucking stupid.
>Constantly attempts to fuck his friends' wives
>Literally fucked his friend's wife and attempted to hide it while continuously doing so
>Tries to give a holier-than-thou speech to Brian, including shitting on him for wanting to fuck Lois
It was a LOT better. For one, the jokes didn't use shock humor as a crutch, the show just happened to be aimed at adult audiences.
So you don't watch the show then.
maybe in very early episodes when they were all still human, but now its cannon that Peter habitually physically and emotionally abuses Meg, and there was this running joke for a while that he has a huge collection of child porn. Everybody in the show is some kind of horrific criminal now because it's easy to write.
>has a trunk full of Chinese sex slaves
>as they escape Quagmire says "It's alright, they're tagged."
He's a rapist.
At the time Brian needed this but its shifted waaaay to far in Quagmires side.
Then again Brian only got this bad because the Writers let him be such an asshole
And more importantly is fucking family guy. Stay for the cutaways then go home
Is Family Guy the only cartoon where the main characters are sick criminals? I can't think of any other series where everyone is a damn degenerate.
Lois is the only one he didn't bang right?
he tries but stuff happens.
is loretta's will still canon (glenn gets the money instead of cleveland if conditions aren't met)?
Who cares?
It could've been hitter saying it and it'd still be true.
That's all well and good, OP. He admit that he's a rapist so that makes it okay!
You now remember that this happened
Actually since 2 years back Peter and Meg actually have a great relationship for the most part, it's basically Meg and Lois that have this spiteful relationship where Lois hates everything about her and Meg has just given up and doesn't treat her with any love or respect.
Along with that random episode where they didn't even try to give Stewie a legimitate grievance with Meg.
Lois has come close to banging Brian a few times but never Glenn, though he has slept with both Bonnie and Loretta.
This is the basic level of contratianism and having no idea of men of religion also doing scientific research.
it's a run of the mill surface level joke like any other Family Guy joke
No, Seth has a hateboner for Christians but won't say shit about Islam because he's a giant pussy
>Peter's Sister happen
>It's another ending with Peter promising to stop abusing Meg.
>"Yeah sure lets see how long this lasts..."
>MFW it actually does so far.
Everything is going better than expected.
To be fair, he didn't know she was underage when he picked her up. You're saying that Rob Lowe should be in prison too. Statutory rape laws are pretty draconian. He's done way, way worse stuff that he hasn't seen any repercussion for.
Simpsons? Futurama?
That was the point though, the joke is that it's Quagmire of all people that hates Brian despite the fact that he's worse.
It's like if Adolf Hitler called you a shitty person because you parked in a handicap spot.
I haven't watched this is years but I don't they're that fucked up.
Not this either but last I remember they were actually likable.
Bender prides himself on being a criminal.
>comparing bender to family guy levels of degeneracy
What about ATHF, Squidbillies, Superjail, Dora the Explorer, comics like Megg and Mogg, and regular shows like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
>Taking a cartoon's characters rants about morality seriously
Why Sup Forums act same way when called out like stereotypical jews when called out?
People who call Quagmire out for being a rapist, missed the entire point of this scene. This wasn't him comparing himself against Brian, this was his answer to why he doesn't like Brian. An answer that Brian kinda forced out of him.
Sup Forums are a bunch of self-hating jews
The problem with family guy is that essentially everybody except Joe is a fucking ruthless psychopath. Joe is the only exception because the show thinks being a cripple counts as a characters flaw.
Seriously. Name one character that is even slightly sympathetic
Adam West and maybe Dr. Hartman.
he heard a "yes"
That doesn't mean Quagmire isn't a hypocrite when he says Brian is a jerk for trying to sleep with Lois even though Quagmire has tried to do the exact same thing.
Chris' closet monkey
Also Jesus came on the show just to say that there's no difference between Christianity and Judaism, and that all religions are false.
>you can't criticize me because of your flaws! Therefore your valid points are disregarded
Peter doesn't provide for Quagmire and Glen doesn't shit on his lawn either.
>he takes her home
>she willingly lies to him about her age
>he still gets a sentence
>she gets nothing
Adam West has straight up murdered people for fun, is extremity corrupt and arbitrary with his power.
The doctor is unlicensed and has killed people with his malpractice and his incompetence left joe fully paralyzed.
Does anyone remember that episode where Lois kidnapped a child and literally faced no repercussions whatsoever?
Being a hypocrite doesn't mean you're wrong. For example, a drug addict is the best person to say that drugs are bad.
I'm still baffled as to why they let Quagmire try to rip Brian apart
It should have been Joe
And the teenager who was tied up that he nailed.
Are you talking about the Christian Scientist one? Because she had good intentions on that one, so it's far from the worst example.
"I am in NO mood!!"
Meg is 100% faultless.
I think this episode was from 2009
Bender actually is a degenerate though, it's just executed better in Futurama
What is the WORST Family Guy episode?
>Hey Lois, remember that time I went to Mexico?
Comedy gold
Herpes The Love Sore. It made me irrationally mad.
the one where peter has a conjoined twin. That's the episode I decided to stop watching the show entirely
seth stopped writing for the show way before this happened.
All of them
>Name one character that is even slightly sympathetic
Meg is the most sympathetic member of the family since a lot of her problems can be traced back to them shitting on her.
stay mad
Definitely Herpes.
Even that brian/stewie hybrid episode that people often bring up isn't that bad because the gore is over the top cartoonish instead of just horrible like Herpes. Also, the offhand cruelty of that episode kind of reminds me of Beautiful Darkness, one of my favorite comics.
It wouldn't have been so bad if it was just a one and done thing. Or like Brian had done something to quagmire where he started off alright but just made him more and more upset as the episode went on, leading up to the rant.
But instead they made it one of those rare and weird moments where the show likes to keep continuity. Didnt' really help that for the longest Quagmire was throwing the first punch in the feud,
She's crazy but it's hard to blame her.
Hepres. It's bad enough that I'm being assaulted with disgusting shots of the sores, the sub-plot involving Peter is insufferable too. This is possibly the only episode of anything that actually made me genuinely mad. I'm baffled, why of all the fiction out there, one of the only ones to make me actually mad is a fucking FG episode.
Stewie Is Enceinte was the breaking point for me. Herpes the Love Sore is sick, but Enceinte is just outlandish and disturbing.