What if this scene wasn't the future, but the past?
What if this scene wasn't the future, but the past?
or maybe the portal was just wrong
It could have happened during the 50 years between season 4 and 5
>Guardianfags in charge of moving on.
We all know this aint the end
Genndy will do a season with the new timeline and we will see that Jack soon enough
he has his magic sword in the vision though
eh I dunno fuck you
>jack is still cursed to be ageless.
post yfw
>just like in TTGL there is an unknown scene with MC being cool as fuck that never actually happened in the show
The end is not the only thing he ripped off
But if that future doesn't exist any more, how could that message have been relayed?
And is this technically a message from the past or the future?
Fuck time travel.
Or maybe Gennedy can't write for shit without being supervised by someone.
>this delusion
I was expecting it before the finale even aried but this is fucking hilarious.
Im dying
Samurai Jack aired before that shitnime
>Jack is still ageless.
>Eventually decides to use the portal to try and save Ashi.
>He goes back to the final fight, stops ashi from portal-ing them back, and duos future Aku with past jack.
>Sends past jack to defeat past Aku.
>Stays in the future and throws the biggest party to celebrate Aku's death before the future vanishes with him in it.
>talking shit about TTGL
them fighting words
>guardian fags get their second fight
>we get a climatic fight against a full-powered aku
>Ashi and Jack get to spend the rest of their lives together
hire this man
>Samurai Jack aired before that shitnime
Please end your life.
But how can he travel into the future since it doesn't exist anymore?
It really hurts my brain.
Doc Brown explains it pretty well in Back to the Future
two words
>Ashi still disappears Yoda style.
>Lady bug scene still happens
But then
>Jack has a bittersweet farewell with his family
>Cut to Ashi waking up in the future
>She now lives in an apparment with her sisters
>They go to a museum trip
>The bus passes through the city showing the other characters living happy lives in this alternate timeline (the scotsman is alive, scaramouche is a guy playing in the street for money, X-9 is walking lulu in the park,the talking dog is the curator of the museum, etc)
>the centerpiece of the museum is a black obelisk
>All this time Ashi looks confused as if she feels something is missing
>the obelisk beggins to glow, two figures came out of it
>The guardian comes out smiling looking like he took a beating
>Jack follows him looking like king Jack from the guardian episode
>Ashi´s eyes grow and runs to Jack
General consensus is it kaminas dad, who lost and then died.
we both know this will never happen.
Neither the real ending, but at least you get to see all the other characters from the future happy.
I was actually thinking Genndy would do the obvious and show Jack flashing back to leading the 300 in some kind of battle back during the 50 year period and learning or doing something that forges his mind and body for the necessary trial ahead. Then opens his eyes to endure whatever torture Aku planned to subject him to without giving him any satisfaction
>But he has his sword
He has A sword.
Instead Genndy did the, debatably simpler, thing of just ignoring the matter.
>sudoku by time-travel
For fuck's sake the anime meme died in the 2000s
Grow the fuck up, kids
What if this scene was retconned because it was meant imply an ending when there was no chance that an ending would be made. What if- through some set of extremely fortunate circumstances- Samurai Jack was given a chance to make a proper ending, but instead of appreciating what a rare and remarkable circumstance they were presented with, certain autistic """"fans"""" were more concerned with protecting the non-ending that was loosely implied than experiencing the end that it got?
why not take the implied non-ending from your original series and make it part of your new ending somehow instead of ignoring it completely?
>not aku fucking with jack...again
To needlessly elaborate I expected it to be something that would allude to and mirror Jack's final decision.
Something like having to decide between holding the line with a small unit that had split from the main army or going back to the main camp to keep the king or someone from being over run.
Jack refuses to let the efforts or lives of the soldiers he's close with go to waste but is told by the soldiers they only trained their whole like to kill or die for their king, and if Jack keeps them alive and their king dies because of it then their lives have been wasted.
In my head Jack's decision is never shown, the idea is just that what happened and whatever he chose is what furthered steeled him into the silent and cold loner in Ep 1 instead of the warm wandered he was before the 300 campaign.
Whether he chose differently or similarly now when submitting to Aku is left to the viewer to decide. The bittersweet ending Genndy spoke of would be in not knowing if Jack had been forced to repeat something he felt was a mistake but did for the sake of others and swore he'd never do again, or had tragically learned from a prior decision to choose differently next time. Either way only the viewer would know the strain and suffering of someone held to the warrior code. Shouldering the consequences whether or not conquest is realized.
It's sort of what happened anyway when he sat alone far from his empire and took in what he'd lost and gained, not quite the same lay out.
Here goes my headcanon:
Maybe the guardian didn't understood correctly what the portal was implying. He knew only a man would use the portal, the one who was able to defeat him. But he also knew that Jack wouldn't be that man. It turns out it was Aku the one who defeated him and used the portal by destroying it. The portal reacted to Jack because knowing of its own destruction by Aku, it wanted to spare the only man able to kill the entity responsible for destroying it. Nonetheless, the guardian misunderstood this as if Jack was the chosen one, but it was never explicitly said that it would be him. The portal only showed a future version of Jack, confirming that he would stay longer than planned in that time.
let it go
>be Jack
>back in the past
>married that powerpuff girl from my childhood
>50 years have passed again
>still can't age
>realize that no matter what, I can't live without Ashi
>even in death, aku is the shapeshifting master of cuckold
>dad dies, become emperor
>still enjoying life with my Clannad waifu
>cue invaders
>raping and pillaging ensuesr
>remembers ashi curb-stomping army
>expect the same thing with my wife
>wife turns into enemy breeding in cow in kess than 5 seconds
>prepare for war with real flesh and blood
>curb-stomp army can claim enemy land as your own
>become king
>who needs a haircut and shaving?
>memory of ashi disappearing still haunts my mind
>realizes there's only one way to get her back
>thinking the guardian is still alive in this time
>travel to the same place where the portal and guardian is
>and there he is
>a long fight, but unlike the first time, I come out winning
>guardian allows king Jack to use the portal
are you faggots legitimately autistic? are you able to let go at all? what part of 'guardian was killed by aku' do you not understand?
are you retarded? aku died long before he could possibly meet the guardian. were you paying attention at all in your history class?
>The only one who could beat the guardian is the one who can go through the portal.
>Gets beaten by Aku
Except he was still killed in the future by Aku, which is what I'm talking about, dumb guardianfag
But he has guarded the portals for eons, meaning he still exists in the past to which jack has returned to.
According toooooooo...
For what purpose does he guard it?
There's no Aku.
It's a time portal, Its not exclusive to Aku and anyone might want to use it for any purpose.
read the thread before posting
>For what purpose does he guard it?
I'm not one for the guardian myself as I felt he was a needless obstacle, but I think you're ironically assuming the purpose for his presence while dismissing that other user assuming things must happen.
Many things in Jack's world were guarded for the sake of it, whether or not Aku was there. The portal the monks knew of had the stone guardians, the gem Jack and Ikra seek had a guardian and so on.
Everyone's so dumb, jack still has a long life ahead of him, have y'all forgotten how old he is? What if this is a prelude to his future not the imidiate one?
>says user on his cartoon and funny pages board
It's clear whatever prophecy was being shown there by the Guardian was interrupted by Aku coming and destroying the portal, thus altering the course of events
Probably. It means he got that far, failed and became a hobo for a while.
This scene will happen in the inevitable season 6.
people can't into their headcanons being wrong
Genndy is a fucking hack who ripped off Gurren Lagann, user.
Yup. Aku "has the power" to stop fate. If any of these cunts had a brain they would have realized it during the Ikra episode. Aku had a vision of the future that would happen if he didn't intervene so he intervened in the form of Ikra and stopped it from happening. Simple. Fucking autists, I swear.
Let it go.
His immortality is side effect from time travelling. Even Aku haven't expected that. Time travelling back to the past may amplify this side effect
Just read the Samurai jack comic
This is the first time I've ever heard that.
General consensus with whom?
The only theory I ever heard more than once about that scene is that the scene shows a Simon that didn't quit piloting the gurren lagann and brought about Spiral Nemesis.
I think it was just a cool scene they put in without thinking too much about it. It was intended to be something at some point but got pushed to the side.
Also, the guy in that scene is clearly an older Simon, with his voice actor and all. If it was to be anyone's ancestor, why would it be Kamina and not Simon's?
That makes a lot of sense
Nigga, the creator said that they changed what they were going to do in mid-production, thus that became a scrapped timeline where Simon lost control of the Spiral nergy and became a menace to the entire universe.
My personal take on it, is that Jack eventualy got old, decided to travel and search for the Portal and the Guardian.
He was feeling that he was getting close to his death by old age, and wanted to die seeing the timeline that he created without Aku ruling over the world.
Possible cameo of characters like Scotman, living their lifes peacefully without Aku
>a scrapped timeline where Simon lost control of the Spiral nergy and became a menace to the entire universe.
From what I heard, it was a popular fan theory that the creators gave their blessing when it was brought up in an interview or something.
In a "sure, why not" kind of way.
>ashi uses power to go back in time
>aku doesnt follow them and tag team/merge with past aku so there's an actual climactic fight
I mean I know they were tight on time, but they could have cut some of the crap to make the ending better.
Would be great.
Imagine if there was a post-credit epilogue with old Jack finding the Guardian's portal in order to go and see what the future without Aku looks like, defeating him in one swing (to show how far Jack came, and also because it would be a scene in the episode not a whole episode) and the series ends with him going through the portal. with a smile in his face.
Could be. I still interpret it as the portal claiming that if someone would ever use it it'd be Jack. It didn't say anything about it not being destroyed before Jack stepped through.
>he lost his sword right at the end of season 4
ehh fuck you
Season 5 didn't air before it, you autistic monkey
If it had, he would have gone back to the past.
He grew a beard only after losing his sword.
>hating guardianfags
looks like you are the autistic one
>muh linear timeline
>Jack is going through his mad king phase
>Goes to rematch the Guardian
>After a brilliant fight scene we never see spanned over four years Jack wins through means we will never know
>Goes for the portal
>Aku forms out of the gray in his hair
>Jack now religiously uses Just For Men to prevent such treachery from occurring again.
that doesn't even make sense. but the same scene after the ladybug would have been nice (without the guardian meme). just the people jack met living their akuless lives in a brighter future