Why cant Jedi force grip/choke? Why couldnt Luke just choke Ben in his sleep from across the temple rather than pulling out a lightsaber?
Why cant Jedi force grip/choke...
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Choking people is pretty mean.
but can Jedi do it if they wanted to? Or is it something you have to be on the dark side to learn/use?
Jedi only use the Force defensively or something like that.
Not too sure, never saw any star wars film because star wars is crap.
>Why cant Jedi force grip/choke?
Luke did it in the first 15 minutes of Episode 6. If you include the "non-canon" clone wars stuff, Anakin did it many times too.
The implication is that Jedi are a capable of doing it but choose not to because of the darkness behind the act (wanting to seriously harm another living thing). It's the same reason we see Jedi chop off hands in the Star Wars movies instead of stabbing people in the heart.
Anakin can force choke in Clone Wars cartoon. But he basically was a Sith already so
oh shit thats right I forgot about that. They were just capitalist pigs though
Of course they can you fucking idiot. Its just using the force to push down on a guy's wind pipe.
So killing his nephew in his sleep is kosher but only if he does it with a light saber?