NEED me a Joi waifu lads
NEED me a Joi waifu lads
Other urls found in this thread:
the star trek black mirror episode and blade runner reveals Sup Forums hypocrisy at its finest
the blade runner argument: joi is indistinguishable from a human, there's no difference between the synapses in your brain and the electrical signals in a robot with AI. she's capable of "loving you"
in black mirror: the people aboard the ship are just digital copies but not the same as their real life counterparts even though they behave exactly the same. they are just "1s and 0s", it's OK to abuse them, they dont actually "feel" emotion
choose one or the other
that was honestly one of the best scenes ive seen in a long time
what wrong with her shoulder
You could get one if you're black
I mean you have a slight change if you're not, but being a darkie you'll for sure get one
Why do you retards keep posting it? The actress has nothing to do with JOI, aside from appearance. Who cares if she is a coal burning whore in real life?
You do realize that Sup Forums is visited by more than 2 people and that these arguments (if they even exist) are from different groups?
there is another inside her.
she's synchronizing with a prostitute
thanks user
why would you think these two arguments are being made by the same people, are actually fucking retarded?
here you go user
I wouldn't be surprised if the same autismos who think Daley did nothing wrong are the same people who wish they had a robo waifu
>Why do you retards keep posting it?
Cuckold fetish doesn't work without coalburning being a taboo. Since most people don't care they have to stoke the flames to stay hard.
Tfw no Luv waifu
I have a rational counterargument
Daley's crew and Joi were all sentient entities that were for all effective purposes "human beings."
However, Joi was a kind and loving and sweet fountain of benevolence and moral support, while Daley's crew were unbelievable cunts.
Saying someone is a hypocrite for being upset by the destruction of one while tacitly approving of the destruction of the other is like saying someone is a hypocrite for crying when they hear their sister is dead but laughing when they hear Osama Bin Laden is dead.
He's a soyboy. Nothing to worry about.
I think this goes beyond "Soy"
I hold both those opinions at the same time. Even if non-human humans are capable of human emotion and sensation, it is not immoral to damage them. They are ultimately objects.
He's just a fancy boy
Lol. imagine having a JOI of your own and having her talk smack about Jews and faggots all day every day.
aka faggot