What did you think of the new jumanji: welcome to the jungle

What did you think of the new jumanji: welcome to the jungle

>Noting is going to happen to him
>He will continue to own a $6M house and fuck bitches
Suck it

Why are people freaking out about this video? Its not unheard of. Ive seen a couple documentaries of that suicide forest on tv before. They even have squads who go through the forest to check for/retrieve dead bodies and try to convince people they come across not to kill themselves.

What does Sup Forums think of mobile posters?



The face of the poster behind this image: soyboy


Because he not only kept on recording the corpse, but he fucking edited it and uploaded it on youtube to his 12 year old fanbase, he even cracked jokes through the debactle.

Can't imagine the smell in that forest.