How did he plan to make Deckard speak Offworld?

How did he plan to make Deckard speak Offworld?


who cares?

he has torture dungeons where you get tied to a chair and just left to rot for days with nothing but jared leto spewing some shitty monologue


he was gonna extract his memories of Rachael and then insert himself in Deckard's place and force Deckard to watch him do all the things he did with Rachael. At least that's what I would do.

If I pulled you off world, would you die?

Force him to watch TLJ again and again.

great villain

So was Deckard a replicant or what? I watched the original and read the book 10 years ago and have no recollection of what the verdict on him was.

It actually turned out that Wallace made deckard when he was just a kid to set everything into motion in 2049. Reminded me of star wars episode 1

Confirmed by Ridley Scott, and the only way to explain the unicorn bollocks.

I felt like it was implied that offworld there was no government that was going to stop him from doing crazy torture stuff

>confirmed by Ridley scott
He changed his mind like 2-3 times
Deckard definitely wasnt a replicant (long lived and human strength) hell he fucking aged you mongoloid

Jared Leto was fine in this role. Why do you guys shit on him?

I think the point is once yea dissapear all limits are off on what can happen to you
that said I want a room like that holy shit

So they just took a shit on the source materials' ambiguity basically?


Leto's character sort of makes the implication, but mostly as a means to antagonize Deckard (and the audience).


I guess off-world he has some Guantananmo Bay type deal where he can get away with shit

Just a very, very cliche God Complex villain that felt miles below the quality of the rest of the film.
He did alright, but the movie deserved a better villain than that.
Luv was great though and luckily was the main antagonist.

he was great

>source material
Except the book flat out says Deckard is a full blooded Human

He was gonna make him see things you people wouldn't beleive.

He does a ton of illegal shit on Earth and seems to have a pretty big influence on the LAPD. Makes you wonder what sort of tools he had offworld.

Deckard wasn't supposed to have superhuman strength because he was made to be a Blade Runner who thought he was human

Nope, Ridly Scott is a demented old rambling madman. The original and the sequel never specifically says that Deckard is a replicant or not,

Do Androids Dream was much better than both Blade Runner movies desu

No he didn't down right say that. He was fucking with Deckard to make him emotionally vulnerable so it will be easier to manipulate him to confess his secrets.



Keep on suckin' that Philip K Dick, bro.

You keep on sucking yours, pindick.

Let's not pretend that a pulpy and goofy-ass science fiction novel bordering on comedy is some kind of literary masterpiece. It's good for its high concepts, not for the story, and the movie picked from it exactly what it needed

He was gonna show him the SeaBeans off of tan nigger gate

Still didnt answer the aging question
Also consensus is split on whether he was human or replicant. Scott says he was a replicant but Ford and Fancher have said he is human

>made to be a Blade Runner who thought he was human

oh yea for no reason at all

It was deliberately left ambiguous if was a replicant or not in both movies. My take is that he was a nexus 7 or proto 8. Wallace implies that Deckard and Rachel were just an experiment by Tyrell so they could produce replicants. Deckard is not sure of his own identity either when he cries "I know what's real."


>he actually doesn't find the book to be superior to the film
Go watch a Marvel flick/tv-show while you're at it.

he was going to administer the
hymen/rothchild comp test


An experiment to perfectly replicate humans, even the ability to reproduce. Tyrell made them out of vanity.

Nexus 8 replicants do not age and live beyond 4 years. Deckard could have been one of these models.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

god i wish that were me

You never had an argument to begin with, genius. You were just spewing shit.

He was gonna make Deckard watch TLJ on repeat like the indoctrination in A Clockwork Orange.

what do I see here?

Deckard is a replicant. This is the director's final word. Any whining about it is irrelevant, what he says is FACT, deal w/ it, nerds.

You mean Z-beams right?

He doesn't care about Soy Wars, only Hamill. Maybe listening to Scott about why he chose to make Deckard a replicant on repeat.

not only doesn't he care but I'm pretty sure he hates star wars. Perfect.

I agree with you user, that Leto's character felt a bit forced and heavy-handed. Something that really halts a viewer's immersion into a film, is when the characters in the movie spout lines that seem obviously scripted and crafted. A character seems less real when their words don't seem produced in real-time. This is how Leto's lines came off a lot: "An angel should never walk into the Kingdom of Heaven alone"....

All in all though, I appreciated how dead and inhuman Leto seemed. Ironically the major contributing factor to humanity's cosmic expansion, comes in the form of an inhumane, robotic, dead, ambitious husk of a human being. I think its actually very relevant to our current times, that those in power who seek most fervently for continued expansion of the human population, are actually very inhuman in their intentions to exploit and profit from more and more beings pulled into existence.

he's alive in br49. he's not a replicant. replicant's dont live that long


According to the original director, yes. The BR49 director left it ambiguous. Since he's not explicitly stating anything, Ridley's word still counts, so Deckard remains a replicant. Age and whatnot can be chalked up to SPECIAL NEXUS VERSION, like Rachel's child bearing hips.

Being a BR was a dangerous profession for a human. Holden was crippled and Gaff was using a cane to walk.

Ridley didn’t write Bladerunner so he’s not the final say. That would go to the writers, but everyone has made it pretty clear that it’s supposed to be interpreted


How did K know which car Deckard was in?

Ridley is an old man who flip flops and says stupid shit about his movies all the time

Judge a movie based on whats on the screen, not what the director says you should think about it

>replying to a bot meme
you're making people who consume literature look bad, retard

Super human perception. He may also followed them from Wallace HQ, and striked where they are vulnerable.

Cry and moan as much as you want, that doesn't change the fact that the director has de facto the final word on the movie he directed.

not anymore

Well excuse me for not paying attention to every thread, bellend.

>can lic the anywhere in the world
>chooses to live in California

it's literally in just about every thread, on every board, dumb limey

Easy to get rid of enemies

Why didn't Deckard go off-world?

You have no life.

Actors probably have contracts with (((them))).

>You don't have children, do you?

oh look, the big boy on Sup Forums arguing about a fuckin bot in a br2049 has a life, oh wowwwwww

you fool no one

It would be extremely painful.

>they will never make ichigo mash replicant fuckdolls

Nexus 6 don't live that long, earlier models were much longer lived, 8's are functionally immortal, we don't know how long 7's live.