Besides the Shat, what other celebrities do you think come on here?

Besides the Shat, what other celebrities do you think come on here?

Wasn't it confirmed once that Taylor Swift goes on Sup Forums?

No one embodies the term /ourguy/ more.

Deadmau5 was on Sup Forums

I can't watch anything with him in it.
His body grosses me out.

Trevor Moore uses Sup Forums and /x/.

The guy that made Minecraft was a regular Sup Forumsirgin, but there was some drama and the entire board hates him now.

Most cartoon creators have been on Sup Forums at one point or another, we've had a few of them like Rebecca Sugar drawfag on the board and Justin Roiland has admitted to going on Sup Forums and shitting on new Rick and Morty episodes for fun

He turned his game to shit and then he sold it off to Microsoft.


PewDiePie browses Sup Forums. He also apparently started showing /gif/ and /wsg/ YLYL threads on his channel, so we're currently experiencing a huge influx of newfags as a result. /gif/ in particular has gone to unbelievable levels of shit recently and the mods there are nonexistent. Expect that to spread.