Black Mirror - Hang the DJ

>go on date
>she starts telling you how many miles of dick she's gone through

He should have left right then and climbed over the wall by himself.

>one time while I was taking dick I actually imagined myself sitting across the room watching myself take the dick
>oh man! what a great story!

literally a cuck

It's nice to see a black woman/ white man combo for once

So they were like the AI inside the app?

Everything up to the 30 seconds of bar scene was a simulation, yes

That's the opposite of what "literally" means


Brooker seriously overestimating Tinder's algorithm.

>see show
>buy this series is sure diverse and sheit
>last episode
>WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL also this is a boy not a girl

jesus christ

>also this is a boy not a girl

Wait when was this mentioned?