Name a better modern day World War II film

Name a better modern day World War II film.

Bet you can't

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Fury was more interesting than this

Batman v Superman

Hacksaw Ridge.

There is none. The last great WW2 films were Das Boot and Stalingrad, Dunkirk is the first decent one in years. The rest are all pure fake empathy schlock trash

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

>400,000 mean ran away from war

>>Winston Churchill’s 1940 “We Shall Fight on the Beaches” speech is paraphrased in Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk, but after watching nearly two hours of uninspiring mayhem, it rings hollow. He seems incapable of conveying a sense of cultural authenticity or patriotic feeling. Like Michael Bay’s fantasy Pearl Harbor (1999), Dunkirk uses history as a pretext to show off the director’s fascination for calamity.
>The film’s opening epigraph refers to “The Enemy” instead of citing a nation, philosophy, or religion. Its routine to describe battle films as “anti-war,” still, that misnomer doesn’t describe Dunkirk — the apolitical Nolan transforms the “anti-war” genre into his patented “life is cheap” genre. Nolan typically evokes nihilism without any follow-through. Dunkirk feels dispassionate; it caters to pampered Boomers who never fought for or believed in a war or military service. It’s possible that Nolan, having created an audience of Millennial pessimists, is uninterested in the fellow feeling that Ang Lee made so intimate and that Clint Eastwood’s Sully and Mel Gibson’s Hacksaw Ridge made affecting as well as spectacular. Dunkirk has been made without wartime sympathy. That’s why the Churchill speech comes off as unconvincing and sappy. Nolan’s detached style mocks the populism that relates to average-grunt, working-joe service; it continues the attitude of Nineties indie filmmakers who chose cynicism over sentiment, anti-Western subversion over jingoism. Nolan won’t risk offending our godless film industry.

I'll just leave this here.

Stop making new threads nolandrones.