What's Sup Forums's opinion on him?

what's Sup Forums's opinion on him?

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I've never seen anything he ever did and I assume most of us haven't because we're not 12 year old girls. Now go away

Borderline retarded, but passably attractive enough for a never ending supply of preteen pussy which will devote their existence to him.

*dabs by your corpse*

TV: Television and Youtube

Why does it matter that he used a dead guy's body to get views? Doesn't the News do that all the time? And what about all the documentaries and movies of currently dead people. I don't understand how what he did is any different. Well his video didn't get any dislikes, so the people who watched it didn't care, I feel like he made it a bigger deal than it was, which was not at all, with all the disclaimers and talking about how bad suicide is in the video.

it's like you programmed a super computer to create the world's most punchable face

Probably got to fuck Peyton List on set of The Thinning so I hate him

I liked him in SVU

he is a (tele)visual artist

That's the whole point mate, some random youtuber is beating the tired old msm at their own game

Old media just necked themselves and haven't even realised it

It’s a fake corpse

When did we turn into Sup Forums 2.0?

He didn't do anything wrong.

your basic lack of tact and understanding of respect outed you immediately as an autistic retard. You have no understanding of context whatsoever and should go back to an early stage of schooling to learn the basic social skills we all picked up years ago - as children


He's balding and tries to hide it with a combover

Will do anything FOR VIEWS

Something about his face looks too big for his head

Why is this still up

I don't see the problem it's just a dead guy's body. People make videos and documentaries all the time about currently dead people. The news constantly shows dead people and crimes. There's videos of war. There's open casket funerals. Why are people making it seem like showing a dead body is a horrible thing in just this one instance. At most the worst thing he did was violate Youtube's policy, but I don't know if he even did that.

An auteur. Appreciates visceral films such as The act of seing with your own eyes, Salo and Dog Star man

>media showing images of bodies and tragedies as a form of news and information for the public relating to local and world affairs
>a youtuber laughing next to a recently deceased man with his friends for the purpose of a 'vlog' aimed at pre-teens

exactly the same thing i totally see your point

>Hold, on, let me just google "supercomputer" and upload the image to make sure I get my point across. I think the visual aid will really help. People don't know what a supercomputer looks like.

What lack of respect? Who is what he did disrespectful?

Was it kino?


The news' job (supposedly) is to inform. His job (supposedly) is to entertain. Showing a dead body in order to better inform the viewer is conceivably appropriate. Standing next to a dead body and laughing your head off is fucking vile and exploitative. I don't really believe you can't see the difference though.