Umm, actually, Rey is under-powered in Last Jedi if you think canonically

umm, actually, Rey is under-powered in Last Jedi if you think canonically

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Maybe I've just paid more attention to the coverage of The Last Jedi than I have for other films, but I cannot remember the last time a movie had so many writers at magazines and websites defending its decisions. It's like TLJ is some sort of innocent child that has to be protected.

I thought Forbes was /oursite/. Why are they now working for the Mouse?

That's because they've all been paid by Disney.

Where do you think that marketing budget is going?

>We also know that Rey is much more powerful than Luke.

This is just horseshit. Luke has the same amount of midichlorians as Anakin, the Chosen One. Why is this literal nobody stronger than Force Jesus? How can she pilot so well as a beginner when it's mentioned Anakin failed multiple times at podracing?

>Mind Trick
>"Well that was mostly just intended for Daniel Craig's cameo and for humor"
>implying this is OK in a film
The absolute state of mouseshills

They're not going to go against the house of mouse as they all want the exclusive interview or the spot at the premiere, it's the same reason initial reactions for films are nearly always positive, reviewing films have never been unbiased, but it's just gotten worse.

I really fucking hate "Here's Why" or "It's Time to" or "AKSHULLY" articles.

Christ almighty. Luke needed more training even three years after blowing up the Death Star. He could barely pull his lightsaber from the snow. Then he's still headstrong and brash, abandons his training, and loses his hand for his decision. Even then, I still think RotJ only being a year after Empire is too quick for Luke to have become that much more competent, I always felt like it should have been another three years of Luke researching and self-meditating. Even then, Luke would have only been a fledgling Jedi Knight in terms of prowess while Rey can now take on Kit Fisto and Mace Windu blindfolded.

fucking hell why is someone named Erik either a villain or a fag its bullshit I tell you

This. And what time period is covered in the two films? Like 1-2 weeks for TFA and 2-3 fucking days in TLJ? Unless she's literally Anakin incarnate in 9 there's no explaining this shit.