Okay, Dad

Okay, Dad.

Other urls found in this thread:





That's not my boy.


I knew my boy wasn't riiiiight


you're not the boy

I must get eggs for my boy

Someone really needs to make a template of that. Total meme material right there.


brown bricks


Maaaarge, wheres my donut?


I tell you GHHhhwhat!


Maarge I have no character arc Marge...

I go get eggs for bart

Why are Julian and Ding Dong such degenerates?


you mean missing an eye and being critical over video games?

Same beer?

Both are massive gay furfags. Julian is into vore and wanted to fuck the hydra from Disney's Hercules


is that a bad thing?

Same show...

Are you guys on Chris' side as far as having a perfect copy of small Hitler goes? I think if you duplicated him but just be smaller it'd be funny to fuck with him

if you had a tiny anybody it would be funny to fuck with.

Look on my shoe it says Andy

When is bobby finally going to go SJ2

His dad's already unlocked the power of BWAAAAAAAA!

So you're saying they're (((ourguys)))


fuck off back to youtube

can you clon me a more sexy historical figure to fuck, hitler is not really my type.


Julian would fuck Brain, you know


What is this fucking thread?

Have a boy

why did you bring the grid into the thread

you stand in the way of getting eggs for my boy

Is this an animation where can I find this



Where does all this supposed shittalking about DingDong come from? Everywhere I've seen people seem to really like him. Twitter maybe? That's the only site he uses a lot that I don't keep tabs on.

How can one stream be so unfunny?

it's what i assumed

do you....actually know what this thread is about, user?


>Oney thread

Oh okay. I'm out.

Because it's Oney. It's more annoying when people are laughing hysterically to try to make it seem like the 'joke' was actually funny in order to appease eachother.

people also found dingdong's FA


Proof it's him?

Yeah, and that audio is from a youtube stream.

who gives a fuck honestly
i pity the kinds of people who waste their time smearing anyone who even comes close to achieving any kind of recognition. and even as far as "e-celebs" go he's no one.

>youtube stream
You're either ESL or retarded


thats not a stream user
just get out you're embarrassing yourself.

>It's more annoying when people are laughing hysterically to try to make it seem like the 'joke' was actually funny in order to appease eachother.
Yeah unless this video can recreate the experience of having smoked 2 bowls beforehand it's irritating af

A stream involved live, unedited video and/or audio

This is an edited, not-performed-live Let's Play hosted on YouTube.

It was a stream. These are live casted on youtube user.

Even without that, it's still irritating af

No they're not you fucking idiot, they're recorded, edited and then uploaded.

quick rundown

>mentions on stream that he has a FA account
>somebody posts link on Sup Forums
>people deduce from the profile that it is him

it might not even be him but there's some signs that it is. i dont think people should think less of him for it, we're on Sup Forums. i just think it's strange how somebody managed to actually find that.

that's what makes it better

Ah, so it was Oney. Nevermind.

Alright, I mean, I like YMS and he's openly a gay furry, but he doesn't bring it up in his videos and makes content I like, so whatever.

I feel bad for DingDong, but at the same time I get a little bit annoyed that he's so hung up on this. He seems really sensitive to criticism, but he doesn't take LPing or streaming all that seriously. I just kinda wish he would get over it because he does on way too much in videos and streams about how people in the comments hate him, when all I can really find (again, unless this is all on twitter) is positive stuff.

This just goes to show that furries are a contemptible but strangely productive people.

What, the idea that they're nobodies so you can have some illusion of power over them?

this feels so fucking unnatural

uh that explains it.

who are these fuckers anyways, dont care.

yeah, i didnt dislike him until he started whining about how people dislike him

>tries not to be a big deal on the internet
>private person in general
>faggots go out of their way to dig up everything they can
What's your damage? He doesn't deserve this shit.

he seems like the kinda guy that takes pride in all the work he does. trigger treat was supposed to be some game they were gonna shit out in a month for some company, but after the company went under ding dong decided to actually work on it and make it as good as it could be.

furries are productive as fuck, they gotta get money for their commissions somehow.

i didn't find it, someone else did. if he really cared about it that much he wouldn't just casually mention that kind of stuff while streaming. stuff like personal info is crossing the line, but shit like random internet accounts doesn't seem like a big deal.

I mean I still like him when he gets over it and talks about other stuff. He and Julian bring to the table what few if any other LP's do, because they know at least some shit about video games and call it out, but do it in a snarky, casual way, rather than harping on it and sperging out for clicks like Arin. Streams are comfy as fuck though.

I guess so. But for someone who for the most part seems to have a healthy understanding of how unimportant LPers and ecelebs are, he seems just so oddly thin-skinned about the comments, especially when 99% of them are praising him.

Though, he did say that he prefers Sup Forums to reddit because on Sup Forums people are willing to call him out and on reddit everyone is an ass-kisser. Maybe he's just a masochist.

Even if it is, it's still trash.

Cool! Now that you've expressed your opinion and decided you don't like what this thread is about, you can leave now :)


let's plays are podcasts for children and retards

The person made this between 1-2 weeks, yeah? Seems fairly impressive.

Only Julian is a furfag. He's also a gay Mexican, so there's no redemption for him.

Ding Dong is just a monotone loser.

this boy is not correct

my husband where
come home for a scare

But Marge, the frame rate...


reminder that DingDong is a pajeet faggot and the reason why he toned down his autism slightly is because he has seen the threads (that he makes himself sometimes) because he's an egotistical piece of shit

...we all have shoes...

>let's plays are podcasts for children and retards
let's plays are podcasts that gamers (children and retards) watch

>that episode where they made fun of us again

DingDong outed himself as "not straight" in his Sonic Adventure stream. I dont know if thats bi or what

they don't hate all the fans, just the vocal retards
it's dingdong's fault for trying to gauge viewer opinion, opinions are like assholes

Never heard a pajeet with a South Carolina accent before


him and julian are... close
it's not clear if they're fucking but there's porn of their furfac ocs fucking

there's a lot of misinformation flying around about dong, in actuality he's black as coal

At least DingDong and Julian have actually worked in the games industry.
I am honestly disgusted with the amount of success Arin has had. Genuinely funny guys like SuperMega, the OneyPlays crew re reduced to mere employees in the GameGrumps circle.

Arin knows fuck all about anything. Life, games, animation. Fucking highschool drop out that got lucky every step of the way. Even GG wouldn't have been popular if not for Barry and Jon.
Arin's fat ass gets carried and still ends up as the boss.

There's a guy that's doing better shit than Egoraptor and Oney ever did

His cartoons were popular because they were wacky and he used to be funny.
He only lucked out by getting into let's plays at just the right time.
The only reason oney and supermega are headquartered there is because arin was a huge retard and rented out an office he doesn't need.
sup jeremy, nice cartoon B-)


He got into it at the right time and got carried to success by Jon and Barry. He was never actually funny. In old GG he was the straight man and Jon was the catalyst for anything funny that was ever said. The editing is what set it apart from other LPs and that style of fun shit has been almost totally absent for years except in rare cases