Hindu nuffin edition

Hindu nuffin edition.

It was weird how quickly the Bajorans were willing to start murdering each other over their caste system after it was reinstated.

>Skrain "Never borin' shootin' a Bajoran" Dukat
>Corat "Blowing up the Feds with Jem'Hadar warheads" Damar
>Elim "Destroying Bajor is my Nature" Garak

Obsidian Order agent and simple tailor Elim Garak was once asked what it felt like to kill another person. "I wouldn't know, I've only killed enemies of the state".

do you think Odo ever pretended to be a chair that Kira was going to sit on? haha how weird would that be

>laughing dukat.jpg

I thought Garak was a simple plain tailor, I had no idea he served.

He didnt do nnuffin

Odo has a dick? Can he have sex?

He was extremely asexual before developing feelings for Kira, and even then he sought her partnership in romantic fashion, not in a carnal, physical way.

Also, why bother disguising as a chair where people put their sweaty butts on you and press you down for hours, when you can just pretend to be a tray or a cup?

>Also, why bother disguising as a chair where people put their sweaty butts on you and press you down for hours
yeah like who would ever want that haha

Actual thread for anyone interested

It did seem a bit rushed, but their entire society is on a hair trigger anyway because they're acting on the direct commands of verifiably real living "gods," and the majority of them grew up under the occupation and have learned that violence is the surest means of political expression.

I guess, but he couldn't really ejaculate. And if you can't fill up some cardie's spoon, what's the point.

I'll have you bending over and spreading for me this year, trust me.

shit is always pretty bad when you have a overly religious society recently liberated from occupation and with a provisional government.

They just narrowly avoided civil war the season before.

Not a GOT-damn thang!

this wasn't a thread, btw, my baby, it was a come on

What are some good episodes of Voyager no one talks about? I remember the one where they find that hologram supremacist who killed his old crew as being pretty good, had kind of a space-horror vibe to it.

>Elim "Dying for my State is Bajor's fate" Garak

You realize there would be a good chance of a half-drunk Klingon or other disgusting, obese and bad smelling alien race sitting down on your body, right?

not if you morph into one of the chairs in her room

I know STD is seen, rightfully so, as SJW trash.

Yet DS9 had:
>stronk womyn
>lesbo shenanigans with mirror Kira
>Dax being moments away from scissoring her wife from a former life
>Garak's questionable sexuality

Yet, its the best ST series. Why can't modern writers do shit without it being in your face.

I enjoyed that one. The one where the Doctor (notice a pattern here...) finds that Janeway is erasing his memory is pretty good too.

Why is the heading always "three one zero mark two one five"?
Whenever anything interesting happens, that is always the direction towards it. That is even the direction of the wormhole from DS9.
Seriously, listen for how many times they say "mark 215" across TNG and DS9, it's disproportionate.

Is it like the "47" inside joke thing?

>sneak into Kira's private quarters
>hide her favourite chair and morph yourself into in its place
>she returns after a stressful day of work in the OPs
>she falls into her favourite chair and doses off immediately
>concentrating your sense, you feel every curve and shape of her perfectly formed butt on your body
>hours pass
>you realize you're fucking stuck
>your body begins to slightly quiver and fall apart
>there's literally no way out of this situation that doesn't end in humiliation and possibly suspension from your job

what do

>Oh wow! Did Odo get me a new chair for my office.
>He's been so nice getting me this and treating me to the lunch of fresh homemade extra spicy hasparat.
>I wonder where he went, I wish I could repay him! *Belly Gurgle*

Star Trek has always been progressive, what bugs me about STD is that the upbeat, positive atmosphere of the older series is gone. It really goes for the whole "moody and gritty" atmosphere that audiences can't seem to get enough of these days. That said, I didn't hate STD. It's different, to the point that I think I'd actually prefer it more as it's own original series: it's obvious that they want to do something different with this series and I feel like placing it in the Star Trek universe is just holding them back.

Latent Image, one of the best in the series imo.
I'd have a nervous breakdown to if I chose Harry Kim over pic related.

Its placed in JJ Trek though, so it totally fits.

do what you must i have already won

>stronk womyn

Wasn't so much a "WYMMYN WHO DONT NEED NO MAN" feminist bullshit as it was "hard working women who can rise up to powerful positions in society". Unless you're talking about physically strong?

>Garak's questionable sexuality
First of all, it's so downplayed that it's barely there. Especially after Paramount decided they didn't want any Bashir/Garak shipping. After that he was basically married to his job/conviction. Second of all, I kinda liked that aspect of him. He's so intellectual and mysterious that he doesn't even discriminate through gender. He strikes me as an individual who is far more impressed with someone's mental capabilities and willpower than their looks.

>Its placed in JJ Trek though,
Thanks for bringing that up, here I had successfully blocked those movies out of my mind.

Pretty sure that counts as sexual abuse. And that is verboten in the Federation.

good thing Odo isn't working for the federation

Physically, Kira and Dax specifically. Kira being a soldier before anything else, and Dax being able to go toe to toe with Klingons in battle.

Who cares, they exist in a different universe. And they are OK generic action movies. Not good Trek movies, though.

He actually is.

nope. he works for bajor. did you even watch the show? notice how he doesn't wear the starfleet uniform?

Has it been confirmed that STD is in the Abramsverse? I mean it may as well be, but I'm looking for something confirmed.


Star Trek has always been fucking awful at the correct representation of physical prowess amongst different alien species. The average Klingon is roughly 3-4 times more robust and stronger than your average human, yet everyone seems to be able to knock them out with their bare fists in one punch. And I'm not even gonna mention how they're supposed a warrior race, yet all they do is charge headblind into enemies all the time.

He is the head of security on Deep Space Nine. Who owns DS9? Exactly, they feds. He has Bajorans and Federation security under his command. Sisko told him several times that if he doesn't play along, he'll replace Odo with another security chief.

Yeah, aren't Jem Hadar supposed to be roughly equal to Klingons in terms of strength? Yet when they beam aboard the Defiant for the first time, Sisko knocks out three of them in a few seconds. It basically comes down to who's more important to the plot.

>implying he isn't a crucial security asset and would have trouble finding work anywhere else

Pretty sure the Cardassian would enjoy having a shapeshifting intelligence agent in their service.

It's not though, it's supposed to be in the original continuity, while JJverse is not.

>reach out a long tentacle from the chair
>use it to gently pick up kira and put her in her bed or something
>slither away under the door

exactly. he is irreplaceable

whys that surprising, they're literally native americans

thats dumb

Why is there so much shitposting? A month ago there wasn't this much.

I think its in the STD verse desu

People still take the JJverse seriously? I don't even count the fucking Mirror Universe as canon, as they're just lazy work-arounds for the actors to play "different roles" every once in two seasons. Also deus ex machinas.

Circling back to the original point: Pretending to be a chair to grope female staff members is still verboten.

>implying you'd still have the strength to carry her gently and without waking her up with your quivering body structure

It's actually not as bad here as it was a week ago.

It's because the JJ movies don't want to be forced to re-enact events from TOS exactly. That wouldn't sell tickets in China or whatever they care about these days.

>it's a "Everyone has a Kira fart fetish" thread in disguise

Not gonna defend the JJ Treks, but you do realize every Star Trek movies has had it's main focus on generic action?

STD doesn't tell shit from the TV series either.

The Cardassians did the galaxy a real disservice by not fucking the Bajorians out of existence.

i suppose he could ejaculate a little piece of himself

Yeah, that's why they are decent action flicks.

>they're just lazy work-arounds for the actors to play "different roles"
Yes, exactly, but that's quintessential Star Trek. It's all about "what can we do for literally no money that seems like sci-fi if we technobabble around it?" It's all movie magic, that's the point of the holodeck, of makeup transforming humans into aliens (put on some Klingon makeup and call it surgical alteration), of Empok Nor and the Mirror Universe (just different settings that allow them to use the same set in different lighting).

I think it's more like creativity on a budget than laziness.

What shitposting, user? There's barely any banter going on in here.

Did you see the general pop up while browsing the first page and just assumed everyone's a shitposter in this thread?

who cares? they can't afford to replace you

>implying you'd still have the strength to carry her
Ok, what about slowly transforming yourself into a soft mattress and lowering her down onto the floor before completely melting out from under her and then slithering away.

>lebos are hot
>garek never got further than rubbing julien's shoulders

it's a giant leap to this..

It's not about the same cast so they can do almost anything they want as long as it's not "find the enterprise and kill captain kirk" or something.

TO be fair, with all that's gone down in recent weeks that's not an unfair assumption.

Yep. If it was in the JJ-verse it would be forgivable but it really screws with the original continuity just as a giant fuck you to the fans.

>having to work with a convicted sex offender because upper management hasn't found a better replacement

Because that's totally not awkward.

I was in the last thread and half the shit I saw were bait questions with fucked up grammar and energy drink memes.

Let's just get back to the sexy Cardie women posting. It's for the better.

They are a psychotic people.. if we ever got a Next Next Generation, it seems inevitable they would be villains

>bait questions with fucked up grammar
Those posts are actually against the rules, so you should report the shitposter every time you see something that violates Global Rule 3
>example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"

so what it's not like Odo isn't already awkward

Sure, but once she wakes up she'll wonder why she's lying on the ground and not in her chair. She'll probably come to you to report a security breach, like someone broke into her room and abused her while she was asleep - and charges you with the investigation. You just fucked yourself in a corner.

Why the fuck is his uniform orange? Did he transfer to The Orville?

Oh right, but once you lower her to the ground gently, you can find a replacement chair and then put her back in it before she wakes up.

LeVar Burton on Orville when?

Socially awkward* not "I was literally inside your butt crack and sniffed, lick and groped your ass cheeks simultaneously while you slept" awkward.

Well, I wasn't in the last thread so I wouldn't know. I can testify that this thread is mosty newfriend free. Enjoy your stay, user.

He could direct an episode

Bottleneck episodes were often the best in Star Trek, because they were dialog driven, and not focused on set pieces.

so what if it's really that awkward he can find gainful employment elsewhere

Does he even need a job? Someone in the last thread pointed out that shapeshifters can float around in space, he could just make like Laas and float around the galaxy looking for the other lost changelings.

>this thread is mosty newfriend free
>16 posters
>Wil Wheaton tears thread has 120 posters

>Geordi LaForge, Chief Reese's Pieces Officer

Odo's a pariah. Almost everyone is distrustful of shapeshifters. He was lucky even getting a job at Terok Nor during the occupation, and then as security officer on DS9.
And after killing one of his own people, breaking one of the most holy cultural taboos to the Changelings, he done fucked right up with them too.

Exactly, all the retards went to that thread, leaving this one nice and comfy.

Is that supposed to mean the same thing as a "bottle episode?"
But yeah, I do love when they work within their limitations to explore what they can do with their regular characters.

I've seen that pic posted several times now, and I just gotta ask if anyone knows if it's just a shoop or some weird prototype uniform they had planned for TNG?

he could but i don't think he was at that level of shape shifting yet. if he was i would just leave and come back as a different person and do it again lol
he may be a pariah but he is so unique in his abilities pretty much any security force would want him working for them

>He was lucky even getting a job at Terok Nor during the occupation
Lucky yes, but I think they allowed it because they saw him as a weird curiosity, almost like a pet or a trophy. If they had known there was a powerful race of shapeshifters that rules a distant part of the galaxy, they would not have trusted him at all.
>breaking one of the most holy cultural taboos to the Changelings
Well, that doesn't seem to matter in the end.

So much the better, keeps the fags out of this one.

>Is that supposed to mean the same thing as a "bottle episode?"
Err yeah. Like "Duet". Or the one where Quark and Garak talk about rootbeer. I think that was a bottle episode?

I think it's because the image was taken with a still camera using a completely different kind of film and likely under different light conditions. If there is show footage from the same shooting day, you could probably compare it and see that Geordi's uniform looks like normal TNG red.

>red uniform

He wore a red uniform for part of the first season

Oh right, slap me silly then.

He's been dead for almost 30 years now. Where did it all go?

commies go to hell

Better, because Roddenberry was an extreme lefty and egomaniac (he based the character of Wesley Crusher on himself). He also didn't want characters on the show to have any meaningful development. So thanks for dying, Gene Roddenberry, and let others make the best of it.

Of course then Enterprise's cancelation happened, then we got JJ Trek and STD and basically everything's fucking awful.

Trek was only good when Roddenberry was alive and later when his personally handpicked producers were still in control. Face it. Star Trek has sucked every since it was wrested from Roddenberry's chosen.

Enterprise was violently mediocre, true, but it was just starting to get really interesting with Shran joining the main crew and the whole Federation-Romulan war on the horizon.

Voyager was just generally awful, I give you that.

Where da Cardie women at??