ITT: Post your shitty fanfiction endings. I know you have one, so you might as well post it here. I'll start:

ITT: Post your shitty fanfiction endings. I know you have one, so you might as well post it here. I'll start:
>Ashi throws her and Jack through the time portal
>Shows them falling through the black and white
>Cut to the past
>Show Aku flinging past Jack into the portal
>Show Past and Future Jack meeting in the time warp
>They grab hands, spin around, and throw each other in the direction they each came from
>Past Jack goes back to the past
>Future Jack goes back to the future
>Fight scene that cuts and alternates showing future Jack fighting future Aku and past Jack fighting Past Aku
>Split screen showing half of future Jack and half of past Jack with the sword slicing down the middle for the final blow
>Future Jack continues to live in the future with all the friends he's made over his 50 year journey
>Still doesn't age
>Ashi learns to control the Aku part of her, so she doesn't age either
>The two literally live happily ever after
>The past is saved, and so is the future

10 episodes of pic related would suffice

Oh and of course with jack in the corner doing this while it all happens. gif related.

>Jack kills Future Aku
>Ashi somehow sacrifices herself during this and throws open a time portal before dying
>rest of episode continues how we say it
>short post credits sequence showing the now wonderful future and the people Jack met having happier lives

It's the whole bleakness around all those people getting erased that bothers me.

Everything is the same but ashi lives. Ending could've been so much worse you gotta give it a little credit.

>The welcome party saves Jack
>Scottsman fights Ashi while JAck tries to get his sword
>One of Scottsman's daughters tosses him the sword
>Jack & Scottsman fight Ashi
>Blah blah feelings, blah blah he kills the fuck out of her per necessity
>Jack kills Aku
>Everyone celebrates
>Jack is sad about Ashi
>Ashi uses the last of her willpower to make a time portal
>Ashi dies (for real)
>Jack stares at the portal, and looks back at the massive army of companions he's made
>Jack squints his eyes, tosses his sword, and jumps through the portal
>Jack appears right before past him was teleported
>Pushes past Jack out of the way of the time portal and allows himself to be teleported back to the future
>Past Jack kills the fuck out of Aku
>Past Jack is a celebrated hero
>Cut to future, everyone's celebrating, Jack's drinking with the Scottsman while one of his daughters cuddles up next to him


>Post your shitty fanfiction endings.
>everything the same up to the wedding
>nothing happens and they carry on with the ceremony
>afterwards it cuts to black and we see them some time after
>Ashi and Jack are together and alone
>it is revealed that Ashi lost her human form forever
>her true self is a shape shifter with great flaming eyebrows
>and she can't speak
>she has to use her powers to hide it
>neither she nor Jack age
>they both feel out of place
>but they can't return to the future and their friends as all of it was destroyed with Aku
>they can't talk about it to anyone else as they wouldn't understand
>especially with Ashi being as she

I would have written the whole season to be about Jack figuring out a way to find hope after coping with the fact that he can't get back, becoming King Jack, and killing Aku in a final battle.

Akushi knocks Aku out cold then rapes Jack with her vagina in front of everyone on screen.


I'm kind of disappointed you didn't just greentext what Genndy wrote


>When Ashi rebels against Aku, he forcibly removes his essence from her, injuring her in the process
>Seeing this, Jack leaps into one final battle with Aku, and finally defeats him
>Ashi, still alive, takes some of Aku's remaining power from his dying form
>Using it, Jack gets back to the past, and pushes his past self out of the way, allowing him to finish past Aku off
>Jack is returned to the future, and sees it change now that Aku is gone
>Seeing all of his friends one last time as everything ends, Jack goes to Ashi, and the two embrace right before everything fades to white
>In the distant past, Jack is seen walking, before eventually stumbling upon the tree
>A girl resembling Ashi is there, she smiles at him, and the two begin to talk to each other as the episode ends, showing the land restored from Aku's reign.


I'd do this but show a montage at the end of the world changing from its desolation under Aku to a peaceful thriving world. Maybe have Jack and Ash walk through the world and have a bunch of scenes from the previous seasons play, like Rooster Jack, the Shinobi, etc. Make it look like Jack is recounting the tales of his adventures to Ashi.

Terrible but;
>Ladybug flies off
>Jack is left alone to his thoughts sitting there
>A figure approaches in the distance
>We don't see who it is, but Jack has a brief look of confusion on his face, followed by overwhelming joy

>Ashi dies in episode 3 with the rest

Just a few changes really.
>after aku is killed
>when ashi falls have her vanish at that moment with them holding on to each other, kiss, and say their farewells
>que scene where we get a glimpse of how the future turned out without aku's rule instead of that bullshit ttgl rip-off
>keep the final scene
This would've been much better. Just remove the unnecessary dramatic wedding. And replace it with an actual answer to how the future turned out.

You know, at first, with him riding through that misty grove, I honestly thought he was gonna revive Aku at the pool where he was born so Ashi could live again.


>Vanilla ending - Good version. Ashi doesn't fade, no dimensional retro closure for dramatic effect. They get married, the past and future ambiguously exist in different timelines. The series ends on a high note as Jack recites the series' opening to his and Ashi's child(ren).
>Vanilla ending - Extended cut, Take I. Jack and/or his parents meets with Odin, Ra and Rama. They call into question everything that has transpired since Aku's creation, and how the gods' refusal to act led to the suffering of billions across the galaxy for thousands of years. They decide to restore Ashi as a small compensation for Jack's heroic deeds. See: Ending 1 for more.
>Vanilla ending - Extended cut, Take II. An older Jack narrates over his experiences, the world and those he left behind. He approaches a prism of light in an open field, and is greeted by a large cloaked figure. The Guardian. They exchange words and Jack sees an echo of the future that was, Ashi's smile reflecting through the time portal. They draw swords, and the episode comes to a close - "WATCHA!"
>Divergent ending - The true final battle. Aku uproots himself and all his power in the future to follow Jack and Ashi back in time. Merging with his weakened past self, he and Jack fight across spacetime from the birth of the universe to its end. This takes them to the realm of the gods, where Aku is defeated and forever imprisoned while Jack is reunited with the spirits of his parents. His journey is over and he finally gets closure before returning to the future (or from this current perspective, "the past") to be with Ashi. Epilogue with an older Jack and Ashi sitting under the lone tree from Episode 5 with their children, now a thriving forest overlooking Jack's home village.

Bonus: Jack and Ashi have a son named Mako. Off-hand remark about him being "named after his grandfather"

>Ashi doesn't think to open a time portal
>Jack doesn't either
>They just murder Aku
>Ashi loses Aku powers and can't make portals anymore, but it's K because neither thought of it.
>Jack, having already basically made peace with never seeing his village again like two episodes prior, moves the fuck on, with his new friends and Ashi by his side.
>Becomes world king or some shit and helps bring world peace.

When Ashi said she felt Aku leave her, I thought it was the part of Aku that wasn't slain leaving Ashi to reform elsewhere.

>Jack goes back to the past with Ashi
>defeats Aku
>Aku leaves Ashi's body, reforms into a small Aku somewhere to lay low and regrow
>this process takes decades, if not centuries
>Jack and Ashi get married, make little Ashis and Jacks
>overall a happy ending
>when Jack is old, he hears a voice

It's essentially making the future that Jack was thrown into inevitable, because with Jack passing of old age Aku would have no one to oppose him; thus creating a world where his evil is law.

>that spoiler


Why do I feel like the internet will now be filled with better endings than what we actually got?

Timeline is split to resolve the paradox. Ashi can't live in a timeline where Aku didn't exist, so she ends up back in the original timeline.

Jack is unhappy, wanders around, finds Guardian and his portal. Show ends.

>Jack only imprisons Aku in the sword
>Ashi survives
>She still has her power to create portals
>Jack and Ashi get married
>Half the guests come from the future alternate timeline, and half come from Jack's original time
>Big wedding
>Sometimes Jack's family and friends from the past visit the future, sometimes those in the future visit the past- they are separate timelines to avoid any paradoxes
>People become less dependent on Ashi and use the other existing portals, eventually trade and travel between the two timelines becomes commonplace
>Some time passes
>Jack and Ashi begin raising a family and eventually take the throne of Japan
>They train their children how to fight to defend themselves and their loved ones
>If Aku, or any other evil, ever rises again then they will have dedicated and trained warriors to resist and defeat them
>The past is saved, the future is rebuilt
>Jack is happy

Ashi doesn't go back to the past with him, and jack bumps into an identical ancestor of her

Its tricky, but I think I've come up with an ending that will satisfy:
>Guardian/ prophecyfags

First, make it a 2-part 44 minute special:

Part I:
>we see everything as usual up until Ashi gains control of Aku's powers, plus a bit more struggle gaining Ashi back from Aku's control
>instead of going back to the past immediately, the two of them combine forces and slay future-Aku
>Episode ends with a wedding with all of their future friends

Part II:
>Jack and Ashi live together for many years happily in the future
>however, the anti-aging effect cast on Jack is destroyed after Aku's death
>Old King Jack from the prophecy has come true
>in the back of their minds, both Jack and Ashi know what they must do before Jack becomes too old
>She creates a portal and the two of them travel back in time to slay past-Aku
>Shorty after the battle, Ashi begins to fade
>they walk to a beautiful green place as she flickers from existence, each at peace after having lived a full life together
>years later after rebuilding the past, a very old King Jack, now Emperor of Japan is sitting under the tree we saw at the end of episode 10
>a ladybug lands on his hand and he smiles
>as it flies away he sits against the tree, looks over the beautiful landscape and closes his eyes for the last time, remembering the love that both was and wasn't, and a life well-lived.


I could live with that, but ideally I want to see Ashi see Jack's time and meet his family. To know what a true family is and to see natural beauty.

>Guardian still doesn't show up
>Everyone in the future still ceases to exist
It's shit

This. Make it kind of like Over the Garden Wall and just briefly show bits of the new happy lives of everyone.

Just watched the final ep.

What the fuck. The LITERALLY ripped off the entire ending of Gurren Lagaan. Seriously what was the entire fucking point of her character if they just have her fade into non existence? Every single thing could've happened without her being included in the episodes.

It felt like they tried to cram 3 episodes into one episode. Like I'm glad it's done, but shit guys, would having the two of them just get married have been THAT bad?

>jack goes back to the past, future aku follows him
>future aku and past aku morph together and start attacking jack as double aku
>jack is outmatched, but manages to separate them
>pushed to his limit, he manages to succ past aku into his sword
>future aku sees his chance and goes in for the final blow, but realizes he's disappearing from existence
>with his final breaths future aku taunts jack saying he can never truly be defeated and that one day he will escape again and create the future that is aku
>jack looks worried, but the gods step in to help him
>jack plants aku back into the earth and the gods give up their celestial forms in order to form the chains that bind aku to the ground
>jack is crowned emperor and becomes the benevolent ruler of his kingdom

Not exactly changing anything, but making the ending better:

First, I would cut Episode 8 entirely, which means Jack goes to the Guardian's place right after getting his sword in Episode 7. With this, I would make Episode 9 end right after Jack and Ashi travel through the portal, allowing the episode to be better paced and making a great setup for the finale. Not to mention the "power of love" bullshit that makes Ashi break free would be more justified and impacful, since they would not have confirmed their romantic feelings for eachother until that moment.

So, in the final episode, we get a longer battle between Jashi and Aku from the past, and Ashi actually dies right after Aku is defeated, since she's part of him (yeah, much better than just vanishing from existance days after the battle). This saddens Jack, who's still in deep pain after he returns to his land and frees his people. He goes to mourn in the florest (having his conscience taunt him would be a nice plus), but gets over it after seeing a ladybug, and the scene goes on just like in the episode we got.

But, instead of closing to the credits, the camera pans upward and we see a fast-foward sequence showing the world changing as the centuries passed, while quickly showing pictures of specific events of the world's history. But, as it gets farther from the current times, the world starts looking grim, showing a world not that different from Aku's future. Not by the power of a Demonlord, but from endless wars/scarcity of natural resources/whatever reason you can think for a distopic futuristic world.

Then suddenly, it all turns to black. and we hear in Jack's voice something along those lines:

"Many years have passed, and I still haven't find the one who cursed this land. Aku's grasp chokes the past, present and future, and only I can fix this. Gotta get back, back to past..."

And the camera pans upwards showing King Jack, exactly like the Guardian's Vision.


It was pretty bad.
I'd give the fifth season a solid 7 throughout, the finale (Up until they go back to the past) an 8, but the last few minutes a 4.
Jack gets back and that's it. No answers to any questions, Jack is alone, no images of a happier future, no actual closure.
It's clear where they drew inspiration from but instead of an homage they did a bland and rushed copy.

Exactly, and all they needed was either 5 more minutes to explain shit and it could've been fine.

Seriously I am sick and tired of the forced bittersweet ending every writer feels the need to do these days. "Hero succeeds but loses something dear to him but then looks up to the sky and smiles pan to black"

It just feels lazy and contrived at this point.

Not to mention the obvious implication that EVERY single human ceased to exist at that point, and if we go on the logic that Ashi lasted for at least a few weeks, all those people are at home, rejoicing finally getting to connect with their loved ones, and the soldiers are beginning to force the remnants of Aku's forces out and they ALL just begin to fade into nonexistance as that world ends with cries of terror.

Goddamn I'm so disappointed.

Thank god there's places like here to discuss it and come up with better ideas, also fanfics.
It's not official but it puts the mind at rest.

>Goddamn I'm so disappointed.
Yep, that about sums it up

>Jack is forced to kill Ashi
>Aku turns Jack into Johnny Got His Gun and he lives forever, knowing that he failed and Aku has won

Mine is largely the same as what we got, up until the moment Aku rains spikes on the battlefield in the original.

Instead, he goes beserk and unleashes a dark magic attack that kills everyone except Jack and Ashi. EVERYONE. The attack immediately kills all the attacking forces, as well as laying waste to the entire world. Only Jack and Ashi survive, possibly by having Jack inside her Aku form for a few moments longer. This is not merely for grimdark purposes; this is so that, when Jack does go back to the past and erases the timeline, we do not feel as guilty; if all the characters we came to love have already been killed, we don't have to deal with the horrifying implications of their world being erased nearly as much.

After turning Ashi back to the good side, Jack and Ashi have a climatic final battle with Future Aku, who is eventually killed. In his final moments, Aku admits a sort of grudging respect for his foe, tells him something to the effect of "you win, Samurai", and dies, his form burning into cinders from sword strikes.

Afterwards, surveying the damage, Jack breaks down as he realizes everyone except him and Ashi have been killed, and wishes to go back to the past so that this carnage will never have happened. Ashi realizes she can form a time portal, and so the two go back to the past to kill Aku.

As the two fly through time, Jack is horrified to note that Ashi has begun to fade away. Ashi realizes that if Aku dies in the past, she will die as well. Jack begs Ashi not to leave him, but she tells Jack not to be sad, that her fading away is proof that he will succeed in killing Aku. Jack and Ashi share a tearful goodbye as she fades to nothingness in his arms. Jack bursts into the past, alone, and kills the weakened Aku with one final blow.

Jack exits Aku's lair and makes his way to his father. The Emperor, weakened from years of pushing the wheel, enjoys seeing his son a final time before dying.

>Ashi gets free from Aku and got his powers
>She and Jack defeat Future Aku together
>After Aku dies, Ashi loses Aku's powers
>Scotsman, Jack and Ashi discuss about how Jack will get back to the past
>A giant bird appears (The same from the Gate Guardian Ep)
>Jack recognizes the bird, say good-bye to his friends (add emotion here), then Jack and Ashi ride the bird to the Gate guardian place's
>Jack discover that gate guardian isn't dead (the guardian glasses got broken when he as fighting Jack in Season 3) and the portal is not destroyed
>the gate guardian says that NOW IS TIME for someone use the portal
>epic fight between Jack and Gate Guardian, Ashi just watch, because Jack said to not interfere.
>Jack got his victory, Gate Guardian insist to die (because his job and the prophecy are concluded)
>Jack and Ashi get to the past
>Jack kills past Aku
>Ashi starts to feel weak right after
>Jack encounters his family (add emotion here), and they are just like in the episode that Jack left them
>Jack's parents met Ashi, and Jack proposes to her
>in the mean time before the wedding, Jack start to thinking about the friends that he left in the future
>Ashi gets weaker and says to jack that without Aku in the past, she would never exist, then faints (do not cease to exist or die, only is not conscientious anymore, a empty body) (Add emotion here)
>Jack looks for some way to get her back to normal, and start traveling the world (with her body) looking for help (and says good-bye for his family) (add more emotion)
>Years passed, no success, Jack now aged, and so Ashi's body
>Jack hears a about a portal through time (that you can get even to parallel universes) form an old man (an Aztec guy), then he starts to thinking about that if he got back to the future that Ashi was born, then she will live once again

>(Imagine Aztec ruins) Jack reaches to the portal, and there he found the Gate Guardian, but now made of stone and magic, Jack notices that the place looks like to the original gate guardian's place
>They fight, Jack wins and then Jack see himself in the portal (Same moment in Season 3, when Jack lost to the Gate Guardian), and warn the future guardian to not kill the younger Jack
>The Episode from Season 3, now, make sense
>Then Jack uses the portal to get back to the future (in the same moment that he left)
>Jack get young again, and Ashi body too. Ashi get contentious, time passes.
>Jack and his friends rebuild society after defeating Aku
>Jack, his friends and Ashi are in some park having a party
>Jack start thinking about his parents
>Ashi notices, and ask if he is thinking about his family
>He says that he's family is in right in the front of him, and them the camera shows a frame of time, showing He, Ashi, the Scotsman, and the other friends. (Add Emotion, and some song)
>End (include more talk and more details, in the history above)

Jack is crowned the new Emperor of Japan, with a grand and elaborate coronation ceremony being thrown, with guests arriving from across the world. However, Jack is unable to share in the joy and celebration, having lost almost everything he has ever held dear in a very short period of time. He slips away at first opportunity, to be alone and think.

The final scene is essentially the same. No dialogue. Jack rides his horse into the misty forest, dismounting and resting beneath a tree. As Jack sits, a ladybug alights upon his fingers. Staring at it, Jack smiles, thinking of Ashi. The ladybug flies away, the fog lifts, and the full beauty of the forest is revealed. Jack, the new Emperor, stands tall, knowing that his actions mean that the world will never suffer the destruction Aku would have wrought upon it. He finally feels a sense of closure for his loss, and is at peace.

Fade to black. Roll credits. The end.

I'd keep everything exactly the same but instead of Jack searching for the tree he showed Ashi, he's searching for the Guardian many years later in his Old King Jack outfit. The show ends as they notice each other and begin taking out their swords.

>The Emperor, weakened from years of pushing the wheel, enjoys seeing his son a final time before dying.
Eat a dick

something something monkeys with typewriters

>Jack goes driving on some country roads in his grey 1968 Dodge Charger R/T
>Stops at a stop sign
>Ashi pulls up in a white Toyota Supra
>"Hey. You thought you could leave without saying goodbye?"
>They drive off and when there's a fork in the road, they take separate paths

Thank you Sup Forums for all your ideas and speculations. They really helped me find peace with what I saw as a very lackluster ending.
Still glad Season 5 even happened and I'm glad I can see it possible within the realities of the story that Jack and Ashi can both be alive and happy together.

All of Jacks friends from the original show up even when they shouldn't make sense to be there and they all help fight Aku in an EPIK battle but then Aku turns the tables on them and they all DIE in a BLOODY MESS


This thread is making me sad.
Why did it have to end the way it did, Sup Forums?

>Why did it have to end the way it did, Sup Forums?
It didn't.

>just making out right there in the throne room

>old jack and ashi in the past and kill aku
>they both fade away
>young jack arrives in a different future. bumps into some people in a city. they call him jack. WHACHA!

>old jack and ashi kill aku in the past
>wedding happens and ashi lives on
>you see a little hint of aku still existing with in ashi.


>Jack and company manage to kill Aku in the future, just barely and with heavy casualties
>Ashi reveals that killing Aku has severely weakened her powers, which were less than Aku's in the first place
>she can only send him back to the moment he first left, she can't send anyone with him, and their timeline won't be undone so much as be made irrelevant by the "fixed" timeline
>Jack initially refuses, not wanting to abandon everyone, including Ashi, to their fates
>everyone assures him that they'll be fine, to give past-Aku a heavy blow for them, and other words of encouragement from the cameos
>with a heavy heart, Jack accepts, and allows Ashi to send him back but not before the two share one last moment (maybe he tells her his real name)
>upon returning alone, Jack handily destroys the weakened past-Aku, and in his moment of triumph he happily yells for Ashi before remembering what has happened
>montage of Jack being a wise, benevolent ruler in the past, rebuilding, with shots of kids playing and everything else he loved about the past from his description in episode 9
>this is intercut with scenes of Ashi and Jack's friends rebuilding the now-abandoned future timeline, with scenes like the raider Aku brought getting stuck in a prison with with the monster from episode episode 8, or Ashi trying to learn how to interact with others from the Scottsman's daughters
>final scene is a split screen of Ashi and Jack sitting at the tree, clearly separated but the ladybug is able to cross the frame separation. Looking over their respective prosperous kingdoms, they smile, with the final shot lacking the obvious split screen

I really like that but if there are other time portals then Jack and Ashi can still see each other.
>Set up a date
>"My time, or yours?"
Others could go through portals and visit Jack or Ashi as well. Presuming the portals were always around.

If Jack were to to through a time portal to the future, he would go to his revised future, where future-Aku and therefore Ashi never existed. Ashi and company are out of time portals because future-Aku destroyed them and and Ashi's powers aren't strong enough/didn't last enough to open a second new one after the first.

I mean, its all just fanfic so you can justify anything, but I liked the idea of it being bittersweet.

Honestly when I was watching it I thought the reason Ashi didn't disappear is because Aku is an interdimensional eldritch horror and Ashi isn't so much his daughter as a human with a bit of Aku in her- meaning that Jack was once again in love with Aku and that Ashi wouldn't disappear.

But then she disappeared.

Your idea would probably be more fitting for the show, and satisfying. Not trying to take away from that or criticize it.

Mine was just a little fun and light-hearted. Jack and Ashi being silly and enjoying to very diverse times. I was kind of hoping the end would involve both worlds mixing into one but that would take some crazy events to make happen.

>Ashi doesn't immediately open a time portal, instead she gets Jack his sword and holds down Aku so he can't escape
>Jack kills Aku
>Big party
>Ashi opens a time portal
>Jack sees all the people he's helped
>Realizes they'll all be erased from history if he goes back
>Asks Scotsman for a favor
>He uses his ghost powers to allow Jack to talk to his parents
>Jack explains that he doesn't want to go back, since that would sacrifice everyone and everything that exists in the future
>Parents thank him for stopping Aku and give him their blessing to stay in the future
>Refer to him as Mako
>Jack and Ashi get married or whatever
>Mostly happy ending

Oh, sorry, was just explaining further. But yeah, I think a fully happy ending would potentially be a nice balance too.

Oh, or if you want a sadder ending, Aku's death causes Jack to start aging quicker, and he dies soon afterwords.

>All of Jacks friends show up to help in a massive uprising against Aku's war machine
>sort of like HL2, complete with gas mask Spec Ops and Tripods straight out of War of the Worlds
>Jack fights his way to Aku's citadel, helped out immensely by all the allies he's made through the seasons
>arrives, Aku and Ashi are waiting for him
>Aku being Aku, does his thing: "Foorish Samurai. Ashi is mine!"
>Jack has to fight Ashi, hesitates through the whole thing, she takes full advantage of it, beating Jack into a corner
>but just as the final blow is struck, Ashi resists Aku enough to turn against her father.
>brief fight between Ashi and Aku, ends with Aku killing her while Jack watches.
>Jack gets hella pissed and charges into battle, suckerpunching and beating down Aku with no mercy
>lands the final blow once and for all, Aku finally kicks the bucket
>citadel begins collapsing, all of Jack's allies watch and cheer, the Resistance storms the last spaceport where Aku's Marine Corp are rapidly evacuating the planet. Desperately calling for reinforcements, none of them show up.
>battle ends with the good guys winning. Earth is finally free.
>however, no trace of Jack is found.
>brief scene in space showing Aku's admiralty board getting gassed by some Ho trying to play a Caesar. Leads the fleet meant to relieve the beleaguered army on Earth back to the core worlds, showing that the Lord of Darkness's Empire is collapsing into civil war without a clear list of succession.
>credits play
>stinger showing a man wearing a straw hat looking over a brighter and more optimistic future city rebuilding itself after the successful rebellion. Turns away and walks into the countryside.
>"Gotta get back... Back to the past..."

Maybe he live to become a teacher in bleedman's ppgd?

This is good. Best one I've seen so far.

A better ending would have been Jack killing aku in the future, going back to the past with ashi and killing aku in the past also.

During the wedding instead of having ashi die, the aku that's apart of her takes over and wins.

This fixes the time paradox as the aku evil future would still exist, Jacks friends would also still exist. Satisfying ending knowing he was able to save the future and it's a more interesting twist than ashi disappearing

>Aku and Jack fight
>Aku critically wounds Jack
>Jack falls dead
But wait...
>Something is happens to Jack
>Jack regenerates
>ooooweeeee oooooo
>Aku is actually the Mater and Jack is the doctor
>Watch out
>Doctor Who theme played in shamisen

>Past jack kills Aku
>Future jack ceases to exist along with the future timeline

Ok, I have many fanfiction endings I would have liked better:
1. Ashi disappears after the tower explodes, but Jack is able to go back home and is seen being happy as his parents hug him to comfort him over his loss, showing his reward for saving the past.

2. Future Jack arrives BEFORE Past Jack, and both him and Ashi kill Past Aku. Past Jack arrives just in time to see both Future Jack and Ashi embrace each other and kiss, smiling as they fade away. Confused, Past Jack goes back home and lives a life free of needing to dedicate himself to defeating Aku, who is now dead.

3. Due to traveling back to the past, now Ashi is immortal as well, and does not get erased, only loses her Aku side.

4. When Ashi takes control, she forces her Aku side off of her body, and it rejoins Future Aku, but she still is connected to it enough to control it. Because of this, she prevents Aku from being able to move, as Future Jack kills him. Ashi mourns that Jack was unable to go to the past and save his family, but Jack pulls her in tight, and kisses her, stating that "he is home", and everyone celebrates.

All better endings, and they have one thing in common. Can you tell what it is? Its Jack actually having a happy ending, for him at least. I do not consider Jack smiling at a bug while under a tree, alone, to be a happy ending. They didn't focus at all on what Jack had saved, his parents. I know you can't make everyone happy, but it should have ending on a happier and less depressing note.

At least Jack has a chance to find new love.
But Ashi, she's just gone, forever, and we saw her entire lifespan so there is no room for expansion on her life from a non-genndy source.
She was such a sweet and wonderful person, and she just got wiped away.
She deserved better, and I will miss her.

Episode 1 starts with a recap of Jack's adventures up to the point the comic book ends, getting everyone up to speed on Jack preparing to assault Aku's teleporting castle with his army of bros. Second part details Ashi's upbringing in full, with them charging out to meet the samurai and his group in battle.
Second episode shows the first wave getting massacred by the sisters, with Jack and the scotsman surviving and killing several themselves.
Three and four is showing Ashi survived and retreated to the castle to while Jack's forces regroup and try to muster the strength to strike again. Ashi and any remaining sisters are sent to assassinate Jack and his team while they pull back. Over the episode she sees Jack's army discussing their stories of horror and madness under Aku and begins realizing she was wrong. She battles Jack one last time before relenting and surrendering. Episodes 5-7 show Jack and his army pushing forward to Aku's castle while Aishi is a prisoner. Queue artistic scenes with minimalist music and dialogue as Jack and friends fight different monsters. Jack and Aishi begin to develop a relationship, but not that kind, because it's too short and we don't have enough time. Scaramouche battle also happens here.
Last episodes is the battle with Aku and Aishi's mother's cult. Aishi breaks free and sacrifices herself to save Jack, Jack kills Aku, helps the world rebuild, and eventually finds the guardian again. King Jack uses the portal to go back and save Aishi, then double teams Aku with his past self. Past self resolves to go back and establish a stable time loop while future Jack carries on with Aishi as his apprentice

>Aku is Larry the Cable Guy
I like it.

Is this a good ending?
>Jack & friends get asses kicked by Aku
>Guardian shows up to help
>One more assault, defeating future Aku
>Jack and friends rebuild future into a good world, Jack is king
>Guardian says Jack is worthy
>they spar respectfully, Jack returns to the past
>King jack finishes off past Aku
>Jack saves the world, becomes king (Again)
>Montage of King Jack traveling the world
>He meets and befriends this timelines versions of familiar characters
>reforging friendships across timelines
>never meets a new Ashi, bittersweet ending

>2. Future Jack arrives BEFORE Past Jack, and both him and Ashi kill Past Aku. Past Jack arrives just in time to see both Future Jack and Ashi embrace each other and kiss, smiling as they fade away. Confused, Past Jack goes back home and lives a life free of needing to dedicate himself to defeating Aku, who is now dead.

I really like that one.

Oh how about we get an actual choreographed and detailed skirmish that the final fight of a what ,13 year old series, merits instead of muh 3dpd teen dream waifu. I know sounds a little outlandish.

that's stupid, cameos and cameos up the ass! THAT'S what people want

I was honestly expecting Ashi to turn into Aku at the wedding scene.

And I was expecting something like
"You idiot samurai, you've forgotten your purpose!"
since he left some of Aku still alive via Ashi.

I'm glad that didn't happen since it would be really depressing if that fuck still managed to win in the end.

i wouldn't change anything, I'd just add a little after the lady bug. like following it until it poses on what a zoom out reveals to be an open window. there's the new ashi. it's her room. on the new future. th scene continues showing her taking a bus or walking through the city. there's some of jack's friends, the scotsman as an old man on the family business his daughters help him with, da samurai attending a local bar, a poster announcing a new exhibition on the dog's museum. things like that.
then in a park there's a statue of jack. hell, you could even put his name is on the plaque.
and that's the ending. jack never saw it, but he gave them better lives

To be fair, that's a reasonable outcome.

>i wouldn't change anything

I am on the same boat. If anything I just wish the episode was a 3 parter for bonus pottery. The show started with 3 seamless episodes, it would’ve been great if it ended with another 3 seamless episodes or if it was divided in multiple parts. Still a shame it was limited to 10 instead of 13 episodes but I was satisfied. Worst case scenario was that Ashi would become the next Aku so as sad as it was there was some reassurance over her vanishing.

Really, the only thing I could’ve ask for is for the final to last a lot more because it did feel rushed and the extra time could’ve added extra stuff like Jack meeting his parents again after so long and how much the past changed into the future now that Aku has been destroyed.

>Turns out Scaramouche's body retains it's consciousness
>Stumbles around the battlefield in episode 10
>Accidentally tackles Jack, while he and Ashi conjures up portal, causing Ashi to travel back to the past alone
>Aku fucking kills Jack this time without all the pomp and circumstance
>Ashi comes back too late
>Essence forcibly removed and is killed.
>Aku celebrates and kills the survivors of his spike rain
>After, in gratitude, gives Scaramouche a new head made out of gold and makes him number one for life.
> Flash forward in time, see Scaramouche massacre some remnants of Jack's friends while scatting

Good thing I don't write for cartoons.

The future doesn't exist, the people in the future were literally willing to get slaughtered by Aku to protect Jack on his mission to undo the suck that was Aku anyway

>Ashi fucks off after saving jack from killing himself
>both go on separate soul quests, jack to get his sword and ashi to learn about the good in life
>entire process takes ~3 episodes, culminating in scaramoush reaching aku and jack being captured for his public execution
>Ashi and allies show up, battle ensues, except w/o all that weird shit about ashi being a mary sue
>In the end, Jack gets his sword and strikes down aku
>2 episodes left
>full episode of celebration, jack meets everyone again (survivors, at least), says his goodbyes, scotsman passes on, kiss from ashi, and he slips off during the festivities without anyone noticing
>final episode, jack wanders, wondering what he can do with his life.
>no portals left
>no aku left to send him back
>comes to face with the gods again, who congratulate him on overcoming aku
>grant him any boon for his years of suffering
>jack thinks of past, mother, father, girl he met in the fields
>screen fades to white
>quick montage of images, each one moving by faster and faster
>x9 wearing business suit, playing music, lulu listening nearby
>mobsters making water free to all who need
>frog people living peacefully on land and sea
guardian chilling with the samoorai
>rave never ends
>scaramoush and sirens performing live
>spy scores big
>all the bad made by aku is undone
>scene suddenly stops in small japanese village; jacks home
>jack is sitting in silence, watching the world go by
>ashi walks into the scene behind him
>Jack smiles, pats ground next to him
>she sits down, leans on him

>the past is the past
>living at last
>samurai jack!
>da-dun da-dun da-duuuun

I like the one where aku and jack never die and they just represent the forces of good and evil, whereby evil (aku) ruled the earth for years. Then jack defeats him and then aku comes back later.

>Multiverse theory
>Divergent timelines
>Fuck Genndy

the exact same ending except the samurai baby from the last episode of the last season fights aku with everyone else

exactly. they're all whatever they could have been without aku. they never met jack. but they live in a better world and that's what's important

that would have been explained why ashi didn't vanished.
>nu aku vanishes him to the future
>it starts all again


*didn't vanished immediately

>Jack and Ashi go back in time to save Ashi's sisters instead, pic related happens.
>They find the Scotsman before his first attack on Aku and tells them to bide their time and gather more.
>Massive army and followers secretly plotting against Aku
> this happens
>Big fuck off battle

There, we can all go home happy now.

Series overall was rushed. The ending doesn't make sense. Having a paradox is fine imo if it is just for the sake of the show but only if you are willing to stick with it. If past Aku is dead then future Aku never existed meaning literally future Jack wouldn't had existed either. So how come was he saved from the fate that Ashi wasn't? The literally just wanted to kill Ashi off just to be "deep" with the ending regardless how stupid it would had made the writing as a whole.

Either they both should disappeared in each other arms or just live a happy life together. I hate Ashi generally speaking but even I think having them both be happy would make a better ending than a nonsense asspull to force a bittersweet ending. If you don't know how to have time travel work in your story then you would be better off not having it at all as a general rule of thumb as often you will ruin your story with it than make it any better. Hell at least the movie Looper knew their own rules.

Fan-fiction time then, is it?

>Keep episodes 1, 2, 3, and even 4 the same.

>Episode five starts the same, but this time Jack isn't swayed by her complaints, and sticks with his original answer to not show her, and that she has to see for herself.
>They part ways with her going off and seeing the world, only this time not under the context of looking for Jack. Seeing the places he's been and the impact he's had without everyone being obnoxiously in her face about it. Also cut that fucking trash rave scene.
>Jack himself continues to travel while getting into it a lot more with his hallucination, and despite himself thinking he'd made peace with the idea, still being bothered with having killed humans.
>Cuts between Ashi seeing the good Jack's done and Jack shitting on himself for being a failure.
>Episode ends on him seeing that green ghost figure again.

>Episode six starts and Jack finally decides it's time to follow it, going to that graveyard, where he sees not only those other three ghosts, but the hallucinations of his family as well. Tries to argue that with them that he shouldn't kill himself, only to have his parents tell him it's time for him to join them.
>Finally Jack gives up and gets down on his knees to commit sudoku only for Ashi to show up again, only she can't see the ghosts, so she can't have an actual fucking fight scene with what should have been another hallucination.
>Physically stops him from doing it, telling him that she understands now and that the world still needs him. They argue over what he did to her sisters, but she doesn't blame him for it. He struggles and ultimately decides to stop himself.
>Hallucinations all fade away and episode ends with him deciding it's time to go back for the sword.


>Episode seven starts mostly the same, with the two of them going back to where he lost the sword only to not find it. So he has to do the meditation thing again.
>Cut the army bit this time, just have Ashi fight her only mother, and give more focus to Jack struggling against that last hallucination of himself.
>Rest of the episode goes the same, him overcoming his anger and getting the sword.

>Episode eight, skip the stupid love build-up filler and go straight to Jack and Aku finally meeting up to fight. Jack still ditches Ashi before they get there, and the Episode goes mostly the same as nine, with Ashi showing up and getting controlled by Aku, though with less focus on a relationship between the two. Jack ends up giving up as he can't bring himself to kill someone being controlled the way that she is.

>Episode nine goes a lot like ten did, with Aku bragging about having captured Jack, and everyone showing up to fight and save him. I'd even say keep the whole Jack telling Ashi he loves her part. Have her bring herself out of it, and discover that she can use Aku's powers, then end the episode on them traveling through the portal to go back to the past.

>Episode ten starts with the end of Jack and Aku's first fight, the same scene they did. Maybe give the fight a bit more time. Jack kills Aku and saves his world and the future. Everything's good. Give a bit of time for Jack to reunite with his family, and to show Ashi his world. A good montage to show that some time has passed.
>Still do the marriage scene, only this time let it finish and when it does, both of them vanish, not just Ashi. Give Jack's father a scene where he gives some vague semblance of understanding what happened.
>End of the episode shows Jack arriving in the future from Aku's portal, only this time to arrive in a future free from Aku.


With how it ended I was hoping the show was going to go with a multiverse theory so Jack and Ashi can find The Guardian and go back to the future to save/fight alongside their allies

What happens happens, Jack is still ageless, and seeks to resurrect Aku to undo his actions.

Best of both worlds/have your cake and eat it. Not quite as dramatic. There needs to be a sacrifice for it to have an emotional punch.

I'm happy with the ending we got too and I like the tweaks that you added.

We're talking thousands of years here. In all likelihood, the events for their ancestors don't all line up like before, and most people (if not all) probably don't get to exist again ever.

It's a cartoon, dude. Realistically speaking, they would be wiped out, but for the sake of the show it works to show them as altered versions of the same characters.