Star Wars TLJ sucks

Is it finally ok to come out of the closet and say star wars fucking sucks and always have? Not just TLJ but all of them. Empire is an ok movie that relied on SFX and barely anything else. Episode 4 is a boring drag that has one of the most lame a cheap 3rd acts. Return of the Jedi is a joke with a few good scenes in it but as a whole a dumb joke made for kids under the age of 5.

I always kept my mouth shut because it triggers too many loud fanboys and crazies same reason I have yet to tell everyone I think Roger Ebert is a fat pig who is clueless when it comes to what makes a movie bad or good that also made a mockery of entertainment journalism.

So now when people rightly call out the last Jedi for being shit does this mean that perhaps people start to realize or admit they all suck. Perhaps others like myself who just didn't want to ruffle any feathers can finally speak up about how much star wars fucking sucks.

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Star wars is for dumb people.

Star wars the force awakens was the best star wars movie it really was and that says it all. I bet not a single person today watches the old movies other than as background noise as they whore themselves out on Instagram.

I would put the phantom menace ahead of episode 4 and 6. But yeah they all suck. Terrible movies and franchise. Only star wars I ever enjoyed was video games knight's of the old republic. That game is 10 times better than anything Lucas or Disney ever created.

It really is.

>Come out of the closet
OP doesn't usually come out and admit they're a fag in the first sentence. 2018 off to a good start
>I always kept my mouth shut
>Now that people know that a 2017 movie made by Rian johnson sucks, maybe the 1977 movie is suddenly not good
nope, still good. sorry fag

You guys ever notice the chick that played Crystal in Inhumans is a carbon copy of the chick that plays Supergirl?

Dude it sucks. Star Wars always sucked. A dumb flash gordon or Saturday day morning cartoon with great SFX at the time but nothing more. It is fucking torture to try and watch it today and some if my favorite movies are twice as old. People who lack refined taste or are just dumb enjoys them.


You sound like a pretty big Star Wars fan

>Star Wars is good fags
Funny because most star wars fans are fags.

No because no one has ever watched whatever that is. Sounds like some stupid marvel shit.

>It's bad because i don't like it, please stop talking about it.
no u. go watch "The Great Train Robbery" or something faggo


Nope. I tried to like them but never could. I would just smile and nod at my friends and other people when they gush nerd out over it, but I hate them always did. I would rather watch a bad star trek voyager episode with the singing doctor than see the retards swinging light sticks at each other one more time.

>No because no one has ever watched whatever that is. Sounds like some stupid marvel shit.
It is, but I caught it on TV the other day and swore it was Supergirl. Threw me off at first

You only love Star Wars because your dad does it I bet. I also bet he likes to dress up in women's underwear.

A New Hope, Revenge of the Sith, Return of the Jedi
Rogue One, Force Awakens
Phantom Menace, The Last Jedi, Attack of the Clones

40 years in and only one movie, arguably 2 with A New Hope, have been great.

The next movie, Solo, looks like shit. I think normies will start to turn against the franchise and Star Wars will slowly become geekshit.

>it is marvel shit
Lol only marvel property I care for is xmen. Maybe the hulk before Disney got their hands on him anyway.

Supergirl turned into some PC bullshit. Can't watch any hero shit anymore.


Star Wars is just a movie senpai, its just a good science fiction, fantasy, family movie that is fun to watch. It's entertaining, it makes you think about heroism and good and evil. It's a classic story just like any hero's journey, but it's a classic of cinema because of how it goes about presenting an age-old story.

It's so good at doing this that it has maintained momentum for over half a century.

And Disney cucked it all up

While I disagree with Empire being great, maybe a 4/5 for me at the time but today at best a 3. I don't understand how any one could enjoy rogue one. For me that and clone wars were the worst. I hated it. The actress wasn't good enough for tv even less carry a movie. The assassin guy was worse than when the pianist hunted predators on an alien planet with a SCAR. The plot idiotic and pacing terrible. I also left in shock after the end with vader being an entirely new character perhaps the video game vader from star wars Battlefront making a cameo. I found the movie to be unwatchable. That and Prometheus are only movies to literally put me to sleep in the cinema.

>science fiction
Are you fucking retarded? Well yes you are a Star wars fan lmao

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

Let's hope. It has all the signs of an absolute disaster, but terrible movies still make money hand over fist as long as they have the proper brand attached. I'd love to see Disney's hubris completely fuck them over.

It's really childish.
As a Dune (novel series) fanboy, I used to be mad at Star Wars for getting all of the fame when it's a rip-off of the superior Dune and other sci-fi worlds, but I don't care now.
I can enjoy the films with my brain "switched off", but I seriously enjoyed Rogue One. I also kind of liked TLJ for tearing apart expectations and being so off-beat, like a healthy wild fire to renew an old forest.

As far as good vs evil I imagine all rebels to be Muslim terrorists. They always came across as hippies hating life and refusing order. The Empire never did anything bad in the movies.

As an oldfag, you have to view movies for what they were when they were released.
When Star Wars was originally released in the 70’s and 80’s there was nothing like it. The movies had the slow pace that was common back then but they were exciting and had great special FX, the toys were amazing and there was an endless supply of characters, the internet didn’t exist so you had zero fucking clue of what the next sequel would be about, cartoons, breakfast cereals, posters, and until Star Wars nobody knew what a blockbuster was.

This is the reason Star Wars has (now had) so many men that turn into children when talking about Star Wars. It wasn’t a movie when it started, it was a lifestyle. Sad really.

Well I also tried to brainwash myself to liking them. Turning off your brain basically and you obviously succeeded because you say you enjoyed rogue one and TLJ. It is ok turn it back on now I think, isn't it time to be honest and call a turd, turd?!

Or maybe the time isn't right. Maybe Disney can go on making these terrible movies for another 10 years with retarded fans throwing their money at them and pretend they are universally loved and not a single critic giving them a bad score.

It was only ever good because it had super simply scifi-fantasy tropes that were mind numblingly simple.

>sword of light
>literally called a lightsaber
>bad evil empire
>literally called the empire
>emperor of the empire
>literally just called the emperor
>giant killer ball thing
>death star
>thing that blasts
>magical force
>the force
>bad guy
>name is DARK EVIL
>good guy blue
>bad guy red

I mean seriously this entire series was thought up by drooling brainlets at BEST

>have to review them at the time...
No fuck that. Can only speak for myself but I review all movies old and new by the same standards and guess what, many old movies make my top rated list without having to be reviewed at the time it came out.

Special effects then were amazing for its time but today they are pretty bad and if noticing that makes you focus more on the rest and by doing so you see mark Hamill can't act, princess Leia is a stiff reading lines and Harrison Ford feels stupid pretending to be a space smuggler with a subpar plot and stupid dialogue, then that should reflect in its score. The force is basically hippie new age bullshit.

I can still say it made an impact even if it sucks.

I would say Star Wars aka A New Hope is getting some age on it now. Especially if you watch the original 1977 version. Not only does it look like an old 70s movie (duh) but the pacing is slow to the point that modern audiences won't be able to pay attention.

Does this mean it sucks? No. But it means it's just not going to have the impact it once had. People forgave the pacing in the past because the special effects and the mere concepts of the movie itself were so amazing they sat in anticipation of what could come next. Now, there is no wow factor with Star Wars. So it's just an old movie.

I don't have to do anything and acknowledging the effects the movies had on the industry, mostly bad, doesn't change the fact that they are bad. ILM was the only good thing. The fact that the movie is dated as a result of effects being bad and crude by today's standards wouldn't matter if the movies were better when it came to everything else. You won't see me making a thread about 2001 unless it is to praise it yet again and that movie came out before SW.

haha you can't enumerate on that can you?
>Dune elements in Star Wars
(Jedi, sand crawlers, water collectors)
>Valerian elements
(Pic related)

It's science fiction just like how HG Wells is Science Fiction.

>Blowing up a planet to hold power over the galaxy isn't "bad".
Okay my dude, Alderaan was "asking for it" right?

>it's too simple
you must be the guy who has all those hyper advanced ideas but never does anything with them right?

Lucas is for sure an idiot. Besides prequels and redtails listen to Steven Spielberg talk about how George Lucas demanded aliens and wrote Indiana Jones crystal skull.

How did Star Wars rip off Dune, besides being in space and having a desert in both series? Genuinely curious.

The pacing is much better than in TFA, we actually get an idea of where the factions stand, how the characters think and who they are, and how plot elements connect to each other. It's not brilliant writing of course but it's not just frantic go-here-do-thing like TFA was.

>ILM was the only good thing
Started Pixar too, indirectly

Star Wars is children's fantasy.

Alderan was asking for it. Did you even watch it? Bitch literally sacrificed her people for her terrorist cause.

Pixar sucks and helped make kids even more dumb and gay. Cheap animation with little effort but computer craft manufacture emotion with the cheapest Disney tricks and pulls at heartstrings ever made. Fuck pixar.

>Not just TLJ but all of them.
This angle is the most pathetic one that shills will take. PATHETIC.

I mean George himself pretty much admits he just lifted everything from other stuff. Entire idea of star wars was just to remake stuff he liked. Indiana Jones was the same but thankfully he had even less control and influence on those until crystal skull. American graffiti was also a movie he remade or stole and that redtails was a tv movie or whatever that he took and made a feature film. Dude isn't creative never was, just look at the prequels or edits to the old movies. Wasn't Han solo suppose to be a green lizard man also. Han shot after greedo too according to George.

>for hating Disney Wars
Kys kid.

What is wrong with Children's fantasy stories? Nearly every culture tells children fantasy stories to help create basic morals and guidelines for life.

Are you implying that the rebels should have let the Empire build the Death Star? That they should have given up their planetary cultures to unelected regional governors of a military dictatorship lead by an ancient occult wizard?

...Then go watch LOTGH

I read that Dune was an explicit inspiration for Star Wars, and that Star Wars was going to have Houses, and that there was going to be a Spacing Guild, but they were taken out during development.
More details and a comparison chart here:

>what's wrong with children fantasy
Nothing if you are a child. But now we have millions of men rested in development and gay claiming kids fairytales are great. You do realize kids brains are not fully developed until they are in their 20's even.

It is just as dumb and retarded when grown ups suggest we should listen to kids on matters of politics. Kids are dumb. If you still watch ducktales as an adult and enjoying it then you are retarded or extremely slow to develop. That's a fact.

Star Wars is also worse than ducktales...

The Empire was the ruling body of the galaxy. Don't like it then leave, with your super lightspeed travel anywhere in a second even if piloting a piece of junk.

Even star trek fans admit when shit is bad, star wars people are literal retards

"Jedi Bendu" is never said in the original movies at least, not sure where that is named.
It definitely could be that original drafts took much more substantially from Dune, but it is as much or more inspired by old Flash Gordon serials and whatever.
This is all true though, and why he worked better when his team had more input of course.

No, for not acknowledging how much worse Disneywars is

Every single movie (including the original trilogy) had me wondering when the fuck something was going to happen. Nothing of note really happens until the last 20 minutes or so of every movie

I love Star Trek but have no problem saying all but one of the movies suck and half the episodes are bad. But I would still watch an episode with Seven and Janeway having sexual tension as chakotay talks about his spirit animal before I watch Star wars again.

Literally the first 5 minutes of ANH is an action sequence, and the battle on Hoth comes early in ESB.


Disneywars at least have better effects. They all suck and star wars back then also sold itself on the back of the SFX like these new movies and their plots sucked. You hate TLJ because it wasn't consistent with other garbage basically but you don't realise they are both dumb. What is the force if not the cheapest fucking SFX trick they could think of same goes for the lightsabers and evil Empire because they look menacing. Rebels are good because you know, they rebel...

It's crap. All of it dude. Workout that brain of yours and watch/read more stuff and you will realize how shit it is.

>action sequence
>pew pew pew pew
Smh now over to the boy cleaning his droids.

By "things happening" I don't mean "muh action" but actual interesting plot-relevant developments, dialogue, etc. Keyword here being "interesting". Yes the battles might be relevant to the overall plot of the movies but they are too cliche and mindless to be interesting

I still enjoy Chuck Jones cartoons because they're well made. I still enjoy Star Wars because it was well made. There's nothing wrong with watch the same movie at different times in your life to see how you've changed. If you don't like Star Wars thats your opinion, but saying it is "bad" is something you will have continued trouble justifying. If you can't fathom the concept of sharing a movie you enjoyed as a child with your children, then you probably don't understand George Lucas's overall interest in myth, family, and heroism.

>The empire was the ruling body of the galaxy
No it was the Galactic Senate, which the Emperor disbanded as the Death Star was being completed. The whole point in the prequels was that Chancellor Palpatine was creating a war so that he could justify the call for temporary war time powers. A random person on Alderaan who was vaporized by the Death Star had no hand in voting for "Emergency Powers", nor did they have an opportunity to maintain the sovereignty of their Kingdom outside of a Galactic bureaucracy. Even if "The Empire" were good guys, The Emperor is still a bad guy because he has lied about everything to install his "order". How many Stormtroopers knew they were dying to protect the Sith?

It's literally no different from the plot of Metal Gear, where the villain's plans revolve around building a Nuclear Deterrent mounted on a mobile platform for the purpose of political leverage.

Disagreeing with George Lucas's perspective on power and freedom is one thing, but saying that the material is bad just doesn't cut the mustard. Not only has nobody in this thread ever made a feature film with success like Star Wars, i doubt anyone has even attempted to write one. I'd like to see someone do better considering how Dune and Valerian panned out

But yeah, kids these days are fags. Blame the chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay, and the lesbian communist jews who put it there

>goes on to explain galactic politics from the prequels
Nothing made any sense. By the way are the rebels in the new movies the resistance or...

Galactic Senate was disbanded by the emperor to thunderous applause MEMBER.


>metal gear
That's a video game?

>blame Jews
No I'm not an antisemitic scumbag like you. I just blame greedy businesses exploiting kids thanks to dumb liberals who destroyed good parenting. But enjoy your anal buttplug up your ass as you watch Star wars for the millionth time.

>intro of characters and plot elements in the first act
>shit head expects plot development which always occurs in the second act
You really don't know what you are talking about.

Sorry but I can't take this discussion serious now that you use the prequel movies to argue in defense of the original trilogy. They didn't exist back then for starters and not even George entertained them in his mind back then as he admits to. It was a choice to keep it simple rebels=good empire=bad and nothing more.

>Nothing of note really happens until the last 20 minutes or so of every movie
That how movies work, retard.

What's up with her facial expression?

The original Star Wars trilogy is a masterpiece and your opinion is objectively shit

Could be better pacing if George didn't want to copy Lawrence of Arabia because we shoot the desert now.

>intro of characters and plot elements in the first act
And all of it is handled in an incredibly bland manner. They don't make these characters or plot elements appear interesting when they're introduced at all

She is a hot girl playing a tough dike.

The Galactic Senate was disbanded until Episode IV, you idiot.

Might wanna rewatch episode 3.

>first galactic Empire
Not my fault that George didn't remember the old movies when he made the new ones because he too doesn't give a fuck.

>But what about the new movies
The new movies make no sense at all according to the rules set down by George, so i won't bother defending them.

>Metal Gear is a...
...story. just like any movie, book, or video game.
James Bond movies work the same way as Star Wars. Bad guy has a macguffin and wants to rule the world, better send a cool dude with gadgets to go stop the bad guys!

No, no you're not antisemitic, you just hate greedy corporations that happen to be run by jews. It's pure coincidence. Nothing political or religious is involved, everyone is "on the same side" right? Everyone "has the same goals" right? There couldn't possibly be other ulterior motives going on in the world right?

>Being "antisemitic" makes you a scumbag
>Being "homophobic" is okay
Check your privilege shitlord, you're making less sense than a Star Wars movie :^)

Oh Jesus Christ kids. Name another movie like Star Wars that was released before Star Wars. That is why it was such a big fucking deal.

TFA is just a bad movie.

This precisely. Besides Harrison Ford everyone is a talentless stiff too and it takes awhile before he is introduced.

The Rebellion will continue to gain
a support in the Imperial Senate as
long as....

Suddenly all heads turn as Commander Tagge's speech is cut
short and the Grand Moff Tarkin, governor of the Imperial
outland regions, enters. He is followed by his powerful ally,
The Sith Lord, Darth Vader. All of the generals stand and
bow before the thin, evil-looking governor as he takes his
place at the head of the table. The Dark Lord stands behind

The Imperial Senate will no longer
be of any concern to us. I've just
received word that the Emperor has
dissolved the council permanently.
The last remnants of the Old Republic
have been swept away.

That's impossible! How will the
Emperor maintain control without the

The regional governors now have direct
control over territories. Fear will
keep the local systems in line. Fear
of this battle station.

>moving the goalposts
>going from story elements
>now criticism focuses on pacing or characterization
Fucking pathetic.

>Could be better pacing
Are you Jay Bauman? Because that faggot uses that to criticize every movie he watches and he's a fucking hack. The pacing is designed to ease the audience into the story. ANH was written for 70s audiences, not millennial who voluntarily suffer from ADHD.

>And all of it is handled in an incredibly bland manner.
To make them relatable. Luke is a fucking farmboy. Ben goes from being a mysterious old man to a Jedi knight. Once again, 70s audiences were real people who real lives, not Millennials who based their lives on Naruto or Goku.

The issue here isn't the OT but the fact that Millennials want everything to happen in the first 20 minutes and need their main characters to be OVER 9000 the moment they are on the screen.

>Jews Jews
You leftists hate Jews more than Hitler lol wtf is wrong wirh you. George isn't Jewish and dude knew he can make bank on toys. Liberals and leftwing politics destroying parenting is why greed goes unchecked. Star wars wouldn't fly 10 years earlier.

Metal gear is a game with a terrible retarded story. If you play metal gear for the narrative you are a dumbass or child. If you enjoy James bond you just have bad taste. All James bond movies suck. The books are better though.

Also fags are a disease. Not imaginary racism idiot.

So they literally gave everyone more freedom.

Again not a bad thing.

Movies can be slow. Slow or fast pacing like anything else is only bad when it doesn't work obviously. Context. Star wars isn't Lawrence of Arabia but a shit kids movie.

>TFA is bad
It is. Still not as bad as the last Jedi or a new hope. Fuck it. Like arguing who's shit smell worst. They are all smelly shit.

>George isn't jewish
George doesn't own Star Wars.
Disney owns star wars, and the boss of Disney is (((Bob Iger.)))

"I sold it to the white slavers" - George Lucas on selling Star Wars to Disney

Fags can be manufactured in childhood with the usage of common chemicals and psychological manipulation. It's obvious, but you're not paying attention. Why do you think so much rainbow colored horse shit is thrown on the screen these days? There wasn't a single gay character in Star Wars until Disney bought it. All of a sudden "is Finn going to get with Po? Oh my goodness diversity! Finally a star wars for pink haired girls!"

>"I love you"
>"i know"

>"I like nice men"
>"I'm nice men"

Name a sequence in the Disney movies that has something like that? Is it a chubby asian chick kissing the short black guy with the wide hips? Was it when the round faced girl who can't have kids kissed the comatose black dude on the forehead? Realy good stuff coming out of (((Disney))) amirite?

Show us your movie? Your script? Oh right you don't know how to write or direct.

Face it, you faggots couldn't do what George has done if you were handed the money upfront.

Fuck star wars

Star trek is better.
Stargate is better.
Starship troopers is better.
I'm sure I missed something that starts with Star, but whatever it is, is better than star wars. George wasn't even first one with Star.

And fuck the dumb fans.

>this pathetic
Star Wars fanboys trolling this hard lol muh juice ruined muh white star wars LMAO


ITT: false-flagging shills and pretend-contrarians

Get the fuck out of here

Is this the Disney play? Hate their movies and you must be a troll or shill brought to you by Disney shills baka

Dude you are triggering too hard.

When they can't argue they try to label us as haters trolls antisemitic even and throw around words like homophobic and islamophobe. Old tricks.

Instead defend star wars but they obviously can't.

Battlestar Galactica is also far better than Star wars.

Oh yeah way better. Way way better.

>"Star Wars fans" upset about Disney fucking up alongside every other company.
>Implying it isn't every single franchise whose fans are upset at the degeneracy.
>Implying there won't be a "Back to the Future" reboot starring that girl from Transformers as Vanessa "Marty" Martinez who lives in section 8 housing with separate parents. Doc Brown will of course be played by a strong woman of color and the solution to the time travel problem involves keeping the parents divorced because "Sometimes it just has to be like that".
>Implying there won't be a "Good the bad and the ugly" reboot aimed at women where Angel Eyes is a bad guy love interest and Tuco is a beta male trying to fuck "The woman with no name". (She will literally say "I am the woman with no name" when some h'wite male tries to pick her up at the bar)
>Implying they won't try to make a Casablanca reboot starring The Rock that takes place in Iraq or some designated shitting street where the nazis are played by Aryan male PMCs. Sam the Piano man will of course be played by Kevin Hart who will be "more of a comic relief character than a token stereotype of a bygone era". Captain Renault will be played by Djimon Honsou for diverse reasons.
>Implying they won't make a sequel to "The Matrix" now that the Wachowskis have transitioned
>Implying they won't make Akira with a Black guy as Tetsuo
>Implying they won't make an HP Lovecraft movie and hire a black director who wants to "address Lovecraft's racism."
>Implying the person reading this isn't here to troll

No argument. Just don't care for the racial argument especially since my own white friends would love a back to the future with a Negro lesbian fatso from section 8 housing lol it also has nothing to do with race as it is bullshit. But there is barely a line between racists and leftists obviously both require you to be stupid.

Movies have mostly all turned to shit but what many fail to realise is that star wars was one of the reasons for why it happened. That started the shit. George loves PC. Star wars has always been fucking PC junk. Their point political message what have you, is more leftwing than anything Gene Roddenberry ever did.

Disney, if you say it sucks then we have to defend it. Defending the series will cause some to try and defend the new movie.

Your elaborate shilling won't work on me.

Star Wars is "punch the Nazi" movies. Good=diverse, women bad=uniform, men

Works for kids. Today most adults are manchildren.

What if George Lucas with his black wife and shilling toys and licensing from day 1 are just as bad? Now what, dumbass.

Yeah because Lucas arts is different baka


Nice bait, but that's stupid. Gene loved to talk about how diverse the Star Trek cast was back in 1968.

Star Wars vs Star Trek is just as stupid as Marvel vs DC. it literally does not matter if you like one more than the other because you can watch and enjoy both of them. You're never going to get fun space battles, laser swords, and laser blasters from Star Trek. You're never going to get complex political drama or hard science fiction from Star Wars.

Stop being stupid.

i have it on good authority that the cunt who plays supergirl has really bad breath and pussy odor and pretty bad b.o. too

Probably a nasty false rumor spread by her gay costars and fans who hate her for being "homophobic" and not into BBC.

>think old star trek is same as star wars
It is nothing like DC vs Marvel where everything marvel is a mirror image of DC. You obviously don't know anything about either property as you vehemently try and portray us who hate star wars as being antisemitic and racist. I look forward to your bloggers trying to use this thread to defend your shit so you can sell more plastic shit to manchildren, shill cunt.

>women serving coffee and sitting by the phone
Good diversity.