At what point did you realise this was Kino?


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Honestly, the opening scene and blaring music. Made it immediately feel kino and nothing afterward broke that vibe.

this part

Why are plebs that use "kino" always such plebs?

The moment the eye opened up.

this part.

but seriously it was every scene with the memory maker

The moment they announced Denis Villeneuve as director


The first baseline test.

It was solid enough up to that point, but that was the scene where I realized this was going to be something special in its own right and not just an attempt at recapturing the magic of its 35 year-old precursor.

Mate, Everyone and their mother expected the eye

>tfw i still dont get what the poem means

I'm halfway through it right now and I'm falling asleep. Does it get better?

I didnt. It was very pretty and aesthetic af but it all felt so shallow

When I saw who the director was

The pounding drums as K flew into LA.

>Companies will always fail.

>One motivated and fanatic man is more powerful than 1000 men.

>All companies care about is to increase their profits and stock value.

>You need to be obsessed and dedicated with the idea of creating a perfect SAI.

>You need something that these companies will never truly have.

>That's a god complex.

>There two kinds of men, slaves and creators.

>We, the creators, are the definition of god. We create, we create something bigger than ideologies, something bigger than empires, and something bigger than humanity itself.

>We create new life. Not human life, artificial life.

>More human than human.

what did wallace mean by this?

When I was on my way home after the first day first show.
Glad I went outside that day.

This, it's a guarantee that I'll like it.

This. The movie was amazing but when I left it was lightly raining and quiet out, the drive home made it feel complete


Previews. Reinforced by the first hour of the theater experience.

This part and the Sea Wall ending cemented it as my favourite movie of the year


>Rachel's eyes were green
>Joi's eyes were green
>Both copies had the the wrong eyes

Like pottery

That part really was magical. It was heavily marketed but I always thought it was going to be a throwaway CGI wank, so I was surprised by how moving it was.


You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half.


And on another level: Rachel's eyes are supposedly green even though Sean's are brown, while Joi's are given in her settings as "brown," even though Ana's are green.

When the movie started and that's when I knew it was my movie of the year.

Reminded me of pic related.

When Sup Forums told me my opinion of it.

Reminded me of pic related.

I haven't read the book where the lines are from (Pale Fire), but I think it's something like this:

Guy has a near-death experience and sees a pale white fountain "on the other side", thinks he may have seen a glimpse of the afterlife.

A few months later he's reading the paper and reads a story about a woman who almost died and she describes the same scene: a pale white fountain. What are the odds? The man is now certain that he glimpsed something of the afterlife. He calls the newspaper and tries to track down the woman. They tell him that unfortunately she died but that her story was true, except for one thing. There was a misprint in their story, she actually saw a pale white mountain, not fountain.

So you can see how it ties into K's belief that he is the child and then being told he is not. Does it/should it make any difference?

Me too, even though it's been years since I last watched The Neverending Story.

My pic related looks more like it though.
I used to watch it all the time, it was my mom's favorite movie as a kid. My dad's was WIlly Wonka.

he looks like he's suspended outside of a giant shuttered window here

He looks so nice.

Elvis scene

Elvis scene was too good, and i loved the shots of Joi walking through the casino by herself. It established that she was, in some ways, real.

I pity people that didn't see this scene with cinema sound system.

When I noticed the way they framed the interior shots of Sapper's house, with K sitting in the shadows, I knew I it was going to be legit kino and not just a sci fi action movie or a nostalgic cash in.

I really enjoyed it up until the point where wallace sliced the new replicant up. At that point I realized the movie isn't going to be amazing all the way through.

how can anyone watch this scene and not come to the conclusion that his Joi was a fake little cyberho?

When K went back to smell the pot on the stove.

>it probably smelled delicious
>still didnt eat it so his holofu could make him "dinner" over his cellophane noodles
fucking K, man

When i saw K had chosen "bleached anu" under JOI's options

>They still go by name...Bladerunners

Got chills there.

The. 15 minutes later the fly to LAPD scene with the city below, the insane reverb on the drums and the terrifying revving sounds in the background.



The moment goose was confirmed as the main character.

IMO, it was also a sign of respect. Eating the guy's food after killing him might be considered poor taste.

>nothing afterward broke that vibe.
I went into the movie as a fan but it forced me into critic mode with all the completely uncalled for violence that makes zero sense. In the original, replicants randomly murder people because they're defective, angry and desperate with nothing to live for.

2049's equivalent of tyrell randomly 'killing' a replicant and luvs senseless killing of multiple characters didn't work. I don't know what he was going for but I was pic related.

None of the replicants in the entire franchise were defective.
>killing because they're angry and desperate
That is exactly why Luv kills, when not under the direct order of Wallace.

>In the original, replicants randomly murder people because they're defective, angry and desperate with nothing to live for.

Hmm user, I think you're thinking of a completely different movie.

>replicants randomly murder people because they're defective, angry and desperate with nothing to live for
That's exactly what Luv is, though

The violence in 2049 was artfully done, aside from perhaps the scene with Wallace

I meant nothing to lose, my bad. The nexus ARE defective, if they weren't defective they'd be doing their jobs instead of murdering eople on earth.

Luv and wallace killing makes zero sense. They kill two new replicants for no reason at all, they apparently just like killing. Don't even get me started on the police station killings that wasn't artful it was plain retarded.

>nothing to lose
They had everything to lose, that's why they were so desperate. The whole point of Roy leading that little rebellion was to extend their lifespans.
>if they weren't defective they'd be doing their jobs instead of murdering people on earth
Were you asleep while watching the film? The Nexus 6 were built specifically to live for four years, because they begin to develop complex emotions over time. Roy and his gang developed emotions (as per their design) and escaped.
>they kill two new replicants for no reason at all
The first replicant was killed by Wallace to establish his character as a villain with a god complex, she was supposed to be disposable. Luv kills the Rachel remake because they had no use for her.
>police station killings
What exactly was Luv supposed to do with K's boss? It was obvious that Joshi had her own agenda involving K and had to be eliminated.

>Luv and wallace killing makes zero sense. They kill two new replicants for no reason at all, they apparently just like killing. Don't even get me started on the police station killings that wasn't artful it was plain retarded.
Wallace killed the new born replicant because he was pissed that he failed again to make one that can reproduce. Not to mention he was probably one of the richest men on the planet/off world as well so he could afford to kill his toys whenever he wanted.

As for the Rachel replicant, he killed her because Deckard refused him and wanted him to suffer more before they took him off world to torture him for information.

And Luv killed the lab doctor to clean up the secret and Ks superior because she didnt cooperate with her. Not to mention she was obliviously very mentally unstable.

When he yelled goddammit and woke my dumb date up.

>They kill two new replicants for no reason at all
If you can't see why Wallace killed nuRachel I don't think I can really help you. The other one was him being decadent but he obviously killed his Rachel just to fuck with Deckard.

I disagree with all your points. There was no reason whatsoever for any of those characters to die. Especially the humans, a replicant killing humans just proves that K's superior was right and that replicant ban in the past was justified.

I always HATED the premise of blade runner. So they are completely humans- with human emotions- and are persecuted because of "muh racism"? Also they have an expiry date so what the fuck is the importance of hunting them down.

In the book the main character starts to feel compassion for the droids and fall in love with one of them, but ultimately is revealed that these droids are intelligent yet empty. They are purely reflexive intelligent appliances incapable of feeling empathy for even other droids. They can perfectly simulate a human but there is nothing inside. This to me is terrifying and makes a lot more sense than "Muh poor misunderstood human robot".
Plus, they infiltrated human society and tried to run parallel societies.

blade runner final monologue ("tears in rain") was exquisitely pathetic and cheesy

still, I will surely watch blade runner 2 even if I feel the premise will be just as stupid

classic bait

it's not. I really think the premise of blade runner is stupid, or boring.

It's probably just boring to you because you're a brainlet
>replicants are human
core struggle of the franchise
>why hunt them down
Because they're killing people and they're illegal on Earth
>misunderstood human robots
They are not robots and they're not specifically "misunderstood," everyone is violent and reacting to each other.
>tears in rain was pathetic and cheesy
It was adlibbed by Rutger Hower and was an excellent representation of his character's struggle, you poor "enlightened" cynic.
Don't see 2049, you don't really deserve to and you won't understand it either.

>Asian writing everywhere
>No Asian characters
What did Dennis mean by this?

dense as fuck, i clapped

How did Joe know the exact route to ambush Luv?

Dis, nigga

At what point did you realize IT'S SPELLED WITH A Z FUCKSTICK realise realise realise realise realise realise realise

you see english writings in non-english countries

>Somali I am the captain gets 1:30 devoted to him jibber jabbering in his monkey language
>Gaff gets 1 minute.

>Olmos is a spic
who cares mudshit

I think you are probably the brainlet my friend

Look at your idiocy:

>>replicants are human
>>core struggle of the franchise

yeah that's my point. It's pretty stupid if replicants are basically human, but better. It makes the whole thing being about "muh poor oppressed minority"

the book was more interesting it's all I'm saying and I would like to have a br movie more similar to that

when i watched it in HD

I don't care if he's a spic he's a detective historically involved in deckards case and has more to offer the movie than a terribly written, out of place somalian.

apparently not, i couldnt even remember what lead he gave K. one small thing about how Villenueve structured his detective noir plot is not using a linear pattern. some leads were actual dead ends like torn records in negro Fagin's sweat shop. you obviously dont care about that aspect of plotting and just want to make racial point but is too much of a soyboy to state it directly. you arent fooling anyone.

This, honestly. Probably my favorite sex scene I've seen in years.

What eye?

from the get go

it's pseudo-deep philosophical drivel for detached autists who can't comprehend honest movies about human relations and for enlightened video game players

Are you legitimately retarded? Nobody in the film up to that point knows more about deckard than gaff. He gets a throwaway 1 minute scene that could have easily been cut.

For some reason however Dennis thought it would be a good idea to put this somalian asshole in the film as some kind of radiation expert which frankly took me out of the film.

Why is this asshole speaking somali(?) In that supposed to be a common language in california now? Doesn't he speak english? If he can't speak english how did he get any scientific training since somalian is a primitive language lacking the necessary words. Why is he offering K goats and shit? Does he really think K wants a goat? It's a shit scene.

When's the bluray rip torrent expected?

Deckard, Freysa, Rachael and co literally bent over backwards erasing traces of their existence to protect le miracle girl, you are already on weak footing trying to defend spic Gaff's value to the current story. I didn't bother reading the rest of your post when you were already so badly wrong on the central plot point of this little argument.

I haven't seen it since theaters but I realized when he got the horse out of the furnace

when Bautista put on his glasses

Luv probably would have killed Rachel anyway, just as she killed Joi, as her 'more human than human' trait is jealousy

Ok you you actually are retarded. Gaff could know any number of people deckard made contact with and his movements after the events of the first film.

>spacing between green text

Why no one talks about how Harrison Ford is such a dissapointment?
I was watching the movie trascending myself and I totally forgot HF was in it, then he shows throwing punchs and *almost* winning the fight , I facepalmed so hard I broke my nose
Someone put this oldfag into a retirement home, please
The rest of the movie is great tho

>we need to vanish, all connections to miracle girl must be severed if she is to survive
>Gaff could know any number of people deckard made contact with and his bla bla bla
we're anonymous here, just shut the fuck up already and recognize youre beat.

or name one. name one old associate of Deckard that isn't hiding just like him, Freysa etc that K could give the run around and interview then tell me how that would improve the plotting

Did you actually watched the first Blade Runner or read Do Androids Dream etc? On the future there's a mix bag of languages and anyone can understand words and simple sentences
I think you are the retarded here...

Why does WALLACE have K's JOI as advertisement? Didn't K customize his waifu therefore when his emanator got stomped on his JOI should seize to exist?


K had the default settings on.

>only have to wait 30 years to actually fuck your waifu

You can't defend the plot and claim that gaff knows nothing about deckards case at the same time. Or claim shoe-horning in a meme somali adding anything to the movie.

>huur durr book
The movies have nothing to do with the book dumbass.