Is anyone else concerned about this trend in Hollywood...

Is anyone else concerned about this trend in Hollywood? It's like directors think "If they see some flashy shit and get a few yuks, it'll be just good enough for them to buy a movie ticket and then the home release" but as a result they don't make a film that ages well or leaves a lasting legacy.

They're like "assembly line" films, or "fire and forget" films MCU/Post Disney SW being probably the worst offenders

Yes, precisely. These films are immediately dated and forgettable. Fast forward 20 years these films will be forgotten while the OT will still be timeless.


I don't really mind as there's always been mindless blockbusters out there.

However, I don't know why every movie needs fucking quipping. Quips have their place and I'm not a humorless fuck, but it doesn't work in every movie.

Take the opening scene of The Last Jedi. Yeah it's fun that Poe is taking the piss out of Hux, but at the same time they're taking their secondary villain and instantly reducing his effectiveness.

Look this exchange from New Hope:
>Leia: Governor Tarkin, I should’ve expected to find you holding Vader’s leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board.
>Grand Moff Tarkin: Charming to the last. You don’t know how hard I found it signing the order to terminate your life.

It shows that even though Leia isn't afraid of Taekin, he simply does not give a shit. He's in charge and has gonna do what he wants. Imagine that scene today:

>Leia: Governor Tarkin, I should’ve expected to find you holding Vader’s leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board.
>Grand Moff Tarkin: [casually sniffs his armpit] What? I, uh...I don't stink.

Villains should never EVER be bested, even verbally, before the film's climax.

Yeah the modern language doesn't help either

In a couple decades people are going to watch Poe making fun of Hux's mom via prank call and just be like "What"


They should have had Poe playing with fidget spinners and listening to Lil Uzi Vert for full effect

Can't wait for Finn to talk about "binge watching" his favorite holonet shows to show he's hip with the audience.

Yes there was tons of stuff that felt like "present day Earth" not a galaxy far far away.

Even the prequels still feel like an alien galaxy and haven't injected early 2000s culture into Star Wars.

>Kylo Ren sees Poe and Rey
>"Who's he?"
>"I'm with her."

>However, I don't know why every movie needs fucking quipping. Quips have their place and I'm not a humorless fuck, but it doesn't work in every movie.

This shit is starting to piss me off. Can you imagine the first scene of A New Hope, Vader walks in all menacing like and the first words out of anyones mouth are "who talks first". Why do these movies go out of their way to not take themselves seriously.

>Luke and Leia meet up for the first time in God knows how long
>you would think an incredibly emotionally charged scene
>"I know, I changed my hair"


Post modernism means nothing has any meaning and everything must be made fun of and deconstructed.

"hahaha funny joke 10/10 movie whew classic star wars is back whew no midichlorians"

Even the PTs will have that timeless quality about them. I can't believe how easy it is to defend the Prequels with the Sequels around.

Postmodernism a shit

Yeah the "I hate sand" line is cringy, but the line won't lose meaning over time.

"I have a message for General Hux's mom" will.

This is part of why I feel killing Snoke was such a bad decision. He seemed like a genuinely evil motherfucker who was dangerous as hell and knew how to take care of business. The Empire is now led by an emotionally immature Darth Vader fanboy who gets his was kicked every step of the way and Hitler junior seemed like a capable guy until they turned him into comedic relief. They pose zero threat to Rey and the rebels.

"I hate sand" actually fits in the universe, though. Star Wars has always had weird, clunky dialogue but it works because you just accept that's how people talk in a galaxy far, far away.

"I'm looking for General Hux's mom" doesn't.

But no, it has "practical effects" so it "feels just like the originals!"

I think killing Snoke was kind of a cool idea just because of that shock moment.

The problem though is now you have a villain who was not only beaten TWICE by an untrained girl and an old man who just kept stepping out of the way but ALSO cried like a bitch because his boss yelled at him.

That is not an effective villain. The Last Jedi reduced the Resistance down to like 400 people and I still don't don't The First Order to be a threat.

They don't have the talent to make anything better in the first place. Better try to put food on the table by pandering to the lower common denominator.

Speilberg warned about this 5 years ago and Sup Forums was all LMAO STUPID J00Z

Sauce? I want to know what daddy Spielberg has to say

>some flashy shit and get a few yuks

You certainly aren't talking about The Last Jedi, which was way smarter than your favorite movie.

yeah wtf the good guys are no longer underdogs
the movie is just gonna be they win

To be fair you need a high IQ to understand The Last Jedi

That dialogue between Leia and Tarkin is a really good example on how to have banter with a villain done right.

>"I'm with her."
>Quote Clinton when she tries to run again like a idiot in 2020
Hahahahahaha-I hope they don't do that...

....they will, won't they?

The Force Awakens really worried me because it fit into this really bad trend of "soft reboots" that has surfaced in beloved franchises as of late. Want to profit off a new Jurassic Park movie? Well, writing new plots is hard, as evidenced by the three or so failed Jurassic Park 4 scripts shopped around Hollywood for years. So why not just effectively remake the first movie, change a few things to make it "more epic," ignore whatever made the original great, and still call it a new installment while banking on nostalgia? Why not just remake A New Hope with better special effects and tell everyone it's different because it happens 30 years down the timeline? And now that The Last Jedi is crashing and burning with audiences (and even though it still cribs a bunch of basic plot beats from Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi), I'm concerned that the only lesson Disney will take from this is that dumb shiny retreads make more money than trying to be original. Not that TLJ suffered from some very basic storytelling errors and often tried to be subversive for the sake of subversion without actually adding anything of substance to make up for those changes.

She won't. It's already over for her.

>Someone wrote some pseudo-philosophical platitude in their review, so it must have been a good movie!

Loving every laugh.

I'm pretty sure the DNC will keep her chained up in a shed like in a werewolf movie next go around.

>You can't open the shed no matter what you hear! Promise me! I won't run anymore, it's the only way! Don't open the door until the primaries end!

That's reality.

But her, the nuts running Disney, and their writers don't pay heed to reality.

Fuck man, I don't understand what's wrong with that line.
Anikan's a dumb kid with no experience in normal adult relationships; he was a slave kid then a monk.
The chick he likes says something about sand, he's thinking frantically about what he should say because he desperately wants to keep talking and hold her attention. He says "I hate sand ..." and it ends up in a weird/dumb/creepy teenage compliment. The quivering delivery is spot on, down to staring awkwardly at her tits.

What's the problem?

I think it's just been memed Like I said, it's a clunky line, but Star Wars is full of clunky lines.


Is it a clunky line tho? It's not meant to be a Han Solo tier pickup line.
Saying it's a bad line because it's awkward is like saying a horror movie is bad because it made you scared.

im going to say this for the nth time, the prequels are legitimately too smart for most people. something as simple as understanding anakins character is actually leagues beyond what the average person can grasp. i dont know if its truly a lack of intelligence, a lack of empathy, being sheltered or a combination of all three but its fucking shocking how stupid people are when they see some kid spilling spaghetti over a hot chick and dont understand why hes spilling spaghetti

It might be more the delivery than the line itself, but it just comes across weird. The prequels as a whole had a lot of weird dialogue choices. I agree with though that the prequels are better than they're given credit for, though.

>don't make a film that ages well or leaves a lasting legacy.
Video game programmer here and I can explain this.

With yearly releases of games we've had to construct our games in such a way that they're fun to play in the short-term but that the longevity of the game doesn't last longer than a year or two at most. This way the consumer will buy the next installment of the game when it comes out. So in a sense, making a game (or movie in this case) too good will be a detriment because then the consumer will be less likely to go and see the sequel.


Please tell me the bottom half is chloe

>videogame programmer
lmao sure

My uncle works at Nintendo he can confirm this

Haydensen is just an awful actor
Obi-wan's line are just as "clunky" (aka all star wars scripts because they are soap operas in space) but he's able to deliver them convincingly over and over again

I'm not sure that works with movies.
With games, you can just keep playing them if they're good. New one comes out? I already have this game, it's perfectly fine, I don't need another one.
But with a movie, you aren't going to just sit and re-watch the movie forever unless you're a kid. You want to see more and if they are consistently high quality, that's good.
But the thing about movies is they don't need to be good enough to watch heaps of times. You get people to the cinema and maybe buy the DVD; that's enough. It doesn't need to be watched more than 3 times to get all your money.
Making an enduing story is excess to requirements.

The problem is capitalism.
Notice how the most critically-acclaimed films of all time either come from the Soviet sphere of influence, or were made by uncompromising leftist directors in the West.

It's not leftism, it's just the fanatic values.
In a climate where right-wing politics were trendy all the good artists would be producing traditionalist masterpieces. But since the '40s leftism has been the trendy ideology, so that's where the fanatic artists go.

this is not a recent trend. Bay`s Transformers movies are dog shit but really successful enough because MUH EXPLOSIONS

And i think the only reason why the Star Wars trilogy is such a rehash is because of the sucess of capshit movies. We are so used to get the same origin story rehashed over and over again (Batman, Spiderman, Fantastic Four)

>two siblings share a chuckle upon meeting after years
this is by far the worst scene to nitpick

blame capeshit movies for soft reboots

Post more THICC Kylos

Which is it? Is The Last Jedi controversial because of its story decisions and direction, or is it forgettable because it sticks to the plan?

Its whatever suits my agenda in any given thread because niggers kikes feminism Mary sue, fuck off shill

And there we have it.

This guy gets it.

Anakin's not supposed to be a smooth-talking Chad because he's a teenager who's fucked up on the inside.

People don't like the prequels because it shows them awkward parts of them deep down that they don't like to talk about at parties.

Film went from an art medium used to tell a story to purely profit driven

>"Incoming communique from the lone fighter, General."

>Hux:"Is the Dreadnought in position?"

>"Aye, sir."

>Hux: "Tell them they may fire when ready."

>"The fighter, sir?"

>Hux: " ... Leave him. Let him bear witness to the death of his Resistance."

There. Now Hux is a proper fucking villain. Then let his own arrogance bite him in the ass by letting the hotshot fighter pilot do something truly amazing. Nah, on second thought, just let him tell a lame-ass yo mama joke and have the big, bad villain react like a fucking ass-blasted 12yo.

And the worst part is that this fucking board eats it up. You only ever see threads about Starwars and superheroes here.
I legitimately think that this is the only board on the site where the majority of people are normies.

Remember when a superhero film was announced, it was actually exciting because you'd think they would make a movie with the most basic principles of film making in mind first and see how they could adapt it to "fit in" with the rest of the memorable movies out there.

Now they're literally just pumping out cartoon episodes.

When are we going to get an adaptation as good as The Dark Knight Trilogy?

Heck, even though Raimi's Spiderman wasn't edgy and "noir" like Nolan's Batman, it still had this feeling of completion to it as a movie. None of them vague references if you didn't watch the previous MCU movies or unnecessary cameos.

That's what made Winter Soldier good. Introduced a bunch of SHIELD agents that had their own personalities and skills that would never be even considered in Avengers.

Thats why the concept of having The Warriors Three show up in Thor was exciting. Just a wonderful way to expand their little universe and focus on their universe.....but obviously we got the fuckin Lego Thor Movie that is Thor 3.

Seriously. If you haven't touched Batman Begins in ages, go watch it again. Just the dialogue, the humour the shit that was referenced earlier shows up again. Most importantly the relationships.

The MCU started out rather promising but it's like they ran out of ideas after phase 1.

Never really got the unrelenting love for Nolan's Batman though. Like Batman Begins was good, and Heath Ledger did a great job in The Dark Knight, but other than that it just felt like an excuse to do SWAT team action sequences.

Hollywood is nothing more than a propaganda Vector. Making money is just a sidelight.

Tlj is smarter than Once upon a time in the west?

Is anyone else concerned about this trend in audiences? It's like moviegoers think "If I see some flashy shit and get a few yuks, it'll be just good enough for me to buy a movie ticket and then the home release" but as a result they don't support a film that ages well or leaves a lasting legacy.