Nooo, this can't be happening!
Nooo, this can't be happening!
>the acquisition paid off
Do these people not know how finances work? They bought the entity for $4 billion dollars. That doesn't mean that the budget for the movies is factored into that $4 billion. Is this a real article? Are they that stupid? They're still quite a while away from breaking even on this whole deal.
>Replying to a mouse shill
You think? Outside of the films Disney must have made a packet of money from sales of merchandise. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are well into profit by now
>50% goes to the theatres
>They spent $1b on production costs (that includes Solo)
>Spent around $500m of marketing, so far
So they probably made back $500m from a $4b investment
Merchandise sales probably covers the cost of the x2 Star Wars Lands they are currently building
Basically they are far off making a return on investment
Do you understand simple English?
No need to reply, junior. You have already shown yourself incapable of reading and understanding a few simple sentences.
>Spent around $500m of marketing, so far
Overall? For all three films? I'd say its way more than that, probably a shade or two under 1 billion
>spend $4 billion in cash buying Lucas Arts
>give George Lucas the second largest outsider control in stocks and stakes in Disney after Steve Jobs
>spend at least roughly half a billion dollars on producing and marketing individually TFA, R1, and TLJ each
I don't think they've made their money back.
Yoda! It's Skywalker, Luke Skywalker. You're my master so I think you should know I've killed a lot of padawans. Some escort girls in an cantina uptown... uh... some homeless people maybe five or ten. Uh... Some Twilek girl I met in Tatooine, I left her in a parking lot behind some deathsticks shop, I killed Bethany, my old apprentice, with a blaster and... some man, some old faggot with a droid. Last week I killed another girl... with a gaderffii... I had to, she almost got away. And there... was someone else there I don't remember, maybe a singer, but sh- she's dead, too. And, uh- BEN SOLO. I killed Ben Solo with a lightsaber. In the face. While he was sleeping. His body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen. And not the planet Hell, but the actual Hell! I don't want to leave anything out here — I guess I've killed maybe... 20 people... maybe 40! Uh- huh huh-I have uh... holographic recordings of a lot of it. Some of the girls have seen the recordings — I even... I ate some of their brains and I tried to cook a little. Tonight, I uh- just had to kill a lot of padawans! And I'm not sure I'm gonna get away with it... this time. I mean... I mean I guess I'm a pretty sick guy. So, if you get back tomorrow, I may show up at Mos Eisley Cantina. So, you know, keep your eyes OPEN. BYE!