You’re flexin!
You’re flexin!
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was this scene meant to be allegorical?
I miss watching soprano. I used to make kraft mac and cheese but with ketchup. I'd pretend to be eating at the table with Tony and carm
that scene where Furio spends hours sauteeing sauce and meticulously cooking vegetables and pouring wine and making pasta meanwhile Tony just takes a frozen dish out of the fridge and puts it in the microwave really hit close to home for me.
>That's our hell. It's an Irish bar where it's St. Patrick's Day every day forever.
Years ago my grandma fell down in her house and dislocated her shoulder and she laid there for 8 hours because she couldn't get to the phone and my uncle who lived next to her didn't check up on her. Her mind was pretty much broken after that
The bald guy - is it dean Pelton from Community?
Which one season character would you have liked to see have a longer run?
Tony B.
Jamal Ginsburg the Hasidic Homeboy
Tony B. On rewatch he was one of the most weirdly out of place characters in the show. He almost feels like a fanfiction character dropped into the show, and after he dies not one of Tony's family even once comment on his disappearance in Season 6.
Tony B. could've used with some more development and it would've been cool to see him interact with everyone a bit more. but i guess his arc gives season 5 that nice little self-contained feel and season 6 wouldn't have been as engaging without all the animosity phil had because of it
>you will never have a bro like Silvio
what the fuck am I doin on tv?!
pls link scen
Richie should have been whacked the day after he got out of jail.
Dislocating your shoulder doesn't allow you to walk? Sorry user but your grandmother sounds retarded
my grandmother lived her last years with an abusive alcoholic who got her addicted to pills and shit. One time she was home and fell, resulting in a broken hip. She lay there on the floor for days, shitting and pissing herself. Meanwhile her alcoholic "husband" just kept drinking.
>I'll have the rest [of the $] for you tomorrow.
>I *know* you will.
>[Richie Aprile] has a problem with the current leadership
>*Oh really??*....I really don't think there's an upside to keeping him around.
based friends
apu grandmas are dumb af lol
Frozen italian food that he drinks with milk, while Furio drinks wine.
Late season 4 I think, just before Furio leaves the US.
He is never mentioned specifically before season 5 as well.
Noticed on my rewatch as well, not once does Tony speak of his 'best friend' and cousin. I mean, it works with the character I guess but his whole arc and purpose was odd.
Anyone else had scenes that hit close to home?
The episode where Junior walks away from home and wanders about, at the end he's sitting on the couch with Tony after Tony was repeatedly angry with him for bringing up that athlete shit time after time. Tony suddenly asks him that he understands the situation but asks why Junior can't bring up nice things instead of repeating the same hurtful situation over and over again. With my dad demented it hits close to home for me cause he does this with my mother who still takes care of him regardless.
patrician taste user. that scene always gets me too
Probably a lot of people on Sup Forums.
But you said it, right?
It's odd specifically for a character like that. Richie and Ralphie are introduced without ever being mentioned beforehand, but this is kind of believable since Richie was further removed from the main characters and nobody liked Ralph much. But Tony B is a family member and someone Tony apparently loves, to the point that his last panic attack on the entire show is directly related to Tony B.
>that sad little nature documentary music
lol you got me Tony, I said it. I'm always running my mouth and spilling the beans. I'm a real liability when you think about it
>With my dad demented
fug. I think my dad will be too, since he drinks too much, and since he started 5-6 years ago, his mental acuity has noticeably diminished. Not looking forward to that. Best wishes, bro
Is there a better moment than the end of season 5 when Tony emerges from the woods like the bear?
I really like the scene where Chris returns home after Paulie messes up his plants and he's drunk.
Also the finale of season 2 was great, with Pussy's death and the ending.
>like the bear
very allegorical
Yeah that's some sad shit, with another perfect use of music to match the events