Highjacks your escapist fantasy for men

>highjacks your escapist fantasy for men

>Expects you to vote Democrat

What other world is their to go now that we’ve been replaced.

Didn't just hijack it. Destroyed it. Muh hyper space ram. Why didn't they do that to all the death stars, star killer bases, etc, why are there not hyper space torpedoes? Explain it. Someone explain it to me. Go ahead Disney Shills. Explain it.

Make your own

Shut your mouth. You’re only a wallet to us. You will accept this.

Ours. It's time to wake up.

Why is Sup Forums so triggered by purple hair?

>What other world is their to go now that we’ve been replaced.
Warhammer 40k

Why does Sup Forums pretend to be smarter than the masses yet they seem to exclusively watch mainstream trash like Star Wars? I've never seen Sup Forums talk about arthouse cinema.

I promise this Is the executive mindset.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

>Hating shit narrative is Sup Forums
When did Sup Forums become everything you don't agree with?

>a woman rises to power
>freely employs her strategy without men holding her back
What's not to get?

shes literally a meme

The movie has a lot more problems than stronk women

>actually watching fucking Star Wars and then getting triggered by it
Absolute STATE of (You). Please consider suicide.

>Lol triggered
>Lol snowflake

Perfect meme

>Keep making us franchises for us to steal, exploit, and butcher

>a woman rises to power
>destroys the entire resistance


Keep this on the down low lest they decide to make a movie that reimagines the lore.

Maybe Saudi Arabia had the right idea and women are subhuman afterall.

>You will see Islam become the dominant religion and eliminate feminism in your lifetime.
Inshallah, brother.

At last we will have our revenge.

Reminder that X-Wings and the Jedi Fighter hyperspace loops completely btfo out of any "i...it'd be too expensive to suicide hyperspace bomb shit!" defence that these shills will try to counter with.

A pea sized piece of rock travelling at hyperspeed would wipe out a planet, let alone a multi-tonne space fighter.



But I want Games Workshop to sell out and ruin their franchise too. At minimum I want to put them to the Litmus test.

There's already a 40k movie, dummie. I'd rather have you become homeless than ruin 40k for the rest of us

Who cares. Both Blade Runner films are infinitely better than any Star Wars film including the originals

Yeah but only the first 15 minutes were any good.

>I'd rather have you become homeless than ruin 40k for the rest of us
I can't do it. Only GW themselves can. I want to see if they have spine or not. Don't you?
Also, I am not scared of them falling, they will come crawling back when their customers leave. Either that or it will be the birth of a new franchise, I love capitalism.
t. 40K player since '91

i fucking hated her voice

Blade Runner is trannhumibst robots in a shit alternate future. Star Wars and 40k have space, aliens, and fantasy elements despite one world being edgier then the other.

THQ lost exclusive rights recently I believe. If anybody wanted to make one, they could have. But Dune needs to be redeemed before I watch a 40k film

> create a female character that's very real

> Rey

>thinking any SW fan, writer or shill knows about that
It's the same idea as a gun. Just shoot a tiny little thing really fast. You don't even need full hyperspace either. It could lead to interesting plans, like the FO making a dummy ship full of garbage, pretending it's some big important ship, and the resistance attacks it. The resistance is known to go with all out attacks. Then you just hyperspeed bombard their big command ships. Since it's FTL, you don't even need a big ship to be there, just some scout ships to triangulate positions and proper positioning. You could just simply launch the missiles or smart bombs from the other side of the galaxy and warp them in.

Maybe even send the resistance some shitty intel showing the grand command megaship is located here. Then they all out on the dummy ship and get btfo because Holdo can't do tactics worth shit. SW writers don't know shit about logistics either, the FO could easily just cut people off from the hyperspace routes. Now the entire galaxy is reliant on the FO because the resistance keeps fucking off. Grats, now the entire galaxy is against the resistance because the resistance is why they can't get food and goods to their shithole of a planet.

Alternatively, you would could also rely on relay jammers. Warp them in next to a command ship and the fighters are without their core communication. If only there was tech in SW that cut off all communication that the Empire had access to. It would be real useful.

Or just warp in an object, slow it down, attach it to a bigger object, and then warp the bigger object away. You could do that during the communication black out.

Because it's a waste to randomly kamikaze their ships?

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

Holdo destroyed like 10 star destroyers with one similarly-sized ship. That's not wasteful, that's very efficient.


Come the fuck on. Sup Forums here, we've been dealing with them permanently economically ending our beloved franchisees, tons of them, for forever now. Pic related.

Been going on forever but now that they ruined something you personally cared about, NOW you care. Kys

forced meme is forced

Congratulations. You've now put in more thought into the realism of Star Wars than any of the (((producers))) ever have or ever will.
>chill out nerd, it's just a movie! turn your brain off, lol

>wah Sup Forums


Jesus Christ, is this real? The self-insertion is off the charts.

Reminder that if Poe had just followed orders everything would have gone fucking fine.

>why do you care about things you like instead of things I like


>the producer publicly wears a 'The force is female' t-shirt
>you're not allowed to observe any feminism in the movie
What did you mean by this?

She's literally a fucking Mary Sue.

You look like a fool

You're a fool.
I can't cope with this stupid "bitchee" !