What are your thoughts on the Good Place?

What are your thoughts on the Good Place?

god I want to die

It's ironic because Danson is middle management for the Bad Place. Bu t apparently devil stuff is bad, 1212 mockingbird, 666 dead end drive, don't mess with the b.. One season orders

Light hearted and fun, but season 2 didn't have the same bite to it than the first.

very good thanks to based Lindelof

It's good. I'm sad that my OTP is dead because of Tahani. Fucking hook up with Eleanor and leave Jason alone, you dumb slut. Also, does anyone have a link for episode 8 of season 2? I can't find it anywhere for some reason

Episode 8 isn't out yet, but the show returns tomorrow

it's a brilliant show and it keeps evolving the plot constantly whereas other creators would just sit and meddle and stretch season 1 out for six seasons.

Also I am sexually attracted to Janet.

I'm missing an episode somehow.

I started watching it when I saw that KBell was in it.
I am very surprised at how good it is, it's relatively unique and I haven't watched Ted danson in anything since becker so that's always a plus

Also guys don't spoil this show for anyone. But that season 1 finale evil Michael laugh gave me chills.

Tahani's boobs

Fucking this, maybe it's because I was expecting some cliche feel good ending, but when Ted went full lord of darkness I didn't blink for a full minute I was so engaged. What a fantastic laugh.

Top pairings

Janet/Jason (ride or die protocol)
Tahani/Chidi (with Tahani dominating)

it's very comfy, actress for Eleanor is very cute! I'm glad Sup Forums likes it too

It's pretty good
We need more quirky shit like this

literally "hell is other people"

The first season was actually pretty alright minus some of the cringe reddit humor. But you could tell after the season 1 finale twist that season 2 would just be utter garbage, which it is.

TV writers have a really hard time transitioning from one story to another. They're usually alright if they can stretch a single story out for a few seasons, but they decided to not go that route and there's obviously a lot of tension because of it. There's a lot of really fucking hardcore story restraints too. All of the character development from season 1 is reversed, and re-doing any of it for season 2 just feels like a rehash. So they made the sensible choice to focus on a different character, and they chose Ted Danson's. This makes a lot of sense in theory because it's largely the same kind of development Eleanor went through in season 1, learning about morals and friendship and all of that. But then they have bigger story beats they want to hit in this season, with Janet mostly. There's not really enough room for both, and so all of the Ted Danson stuff has felt super rushed (3-4 episodes for him to go from a devil to a good guy).

tl;dr The writers bit off more than they could chew.

please tell me which jokes from Season 1 were "reddit" humor? Did they reference subreddits? I don't recall a single meme.

I like how that's the part of my long post you respond to.

Anyway I don't remember an example from Season 1, but season 2 literally had the trolley problem joke (even bordering on the multi-track drifting meme). Season 1 never went that bad but there were some jokes that threw off my reddit sensor also reddit humor doesn't mean referencing reddit or reddit jokes, it's more about a kind of cringy, naive humor. It would be hard to explain if you aren't already good at spotting it.

you.... you know the trolley problem wasn't created by reddit, right?

I'm just not sure what that phrase means as a critique. Like the writers were inspired by something in popular culture?

>I can't explain reddit humor you either spot it or you don't.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

I mean I'm aware that the question itself is just a regular question in ethics, but the JOKE about it originated on Sup Forums or something like 6-7 years ago and I saw it hit reddit about a year ago. I mean I could hate on the show for stealing jokes from the internet, but that's not really the point.

I'll try to explain reddit humor, but it obviously isn't a well-defined term and it can probably mean a lot of things. Here it mostly means referencing memes (or pop culture) in an unironic way.

Season 2 isn't quite as good as the first one but it never fails to make me smile at least once per episode.

i would lick every square centimeter of Tahani's body.

You're not making sense and refusing to clarify.
Based on this one example it sounds like you just dislike the idea that a TV writer may have been influenced by something they read on the internet as opposed to them learning it in a philosphy class. Does that make it less legit to you? Writers pull stuff from everywhere man and to say inspiration from the internet is off limits by your tastes gives very few options.

I get when you watch Fallon or Corden and they just clearly copied a sketch/video from reddit two weeks ago. It's super lazy. But the trolley example while being mentioned on Sup Forums/reddit years ago doesn't make that off limits for writers.

Here's an example I would agree with. Remember when Sup Forums created "flyclops" with Cyclops from the X-Men? If a writer clearly took that idea, used the name, referenced it, etc. I'd roll my eyes and it'd be a negative mark for me.

So again, I'm looking for clarification of what is "reddit" humor. I see that thrown around as an insult on here all the time, usually when a movie/tv show uses quips, which doesn't really equate to reddit.

>If a writer clearly took that idea,

You probably don't m8, first episode is named as 2 on imdb and such, but was sent as one.

It's not inspiration, they practically stole the joke. But again, that wasn't even my argument.

I already clarified what reddit humor is, it's reference without irony. Maybe we could narrow it down to a lack of irony altogether. The quips are actually a good example of this because they lack the kind of self-aware irony that would make them permissible. Quips are just fucking bad. They always have been bad and they always will be bad, and so the only way to include quips in your show is to be HIGHLY ironic about them which Avengers-style movies never are. I mean sometimes they border on irony, but for every time when you're like "Okay, these writers KNOW this is bad and they're making fun of it" there's a time when it's like "God this is so bad but they take is so seriously."



needs a talking dog in the cast

I guess you don't know what flyclops is.

my man. She also gets skimpy all the time in Broad City.

Hell is being a sitcom character, forced into wacky hijinx week after week, and if you ever experience a hint of character development, they'll hit the reset button on you.