Anmeral Tumbler

I want all of you cucked soybugboymen and nuwhite nights to defend this roastie.

Pro tip: you can't

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I want you to learn how to write in English.

I want u to defend this character

sorry libtard pleb I only speak kekistani. SHADILAY!

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

She's pretty hot imo

You know this numale can't defend her


I don't get it, is it because of the purple hair?


She could have been a good character if she simply explained to Poe what the plan was.

>Poe is now aware that the goal was to simply get to a rebel base off in the distance because they had resources and shelter there
>If there are potential mutineers or some other double agents on board, it opens up a potential Witch Hunt path the story is capable of taking
>Poe can also stand in disbelief at some miracle rebel base with no staff in it and continue attempting to hamper the situation, forcing a sense of moral exploration on the audience's part (Is Poe an asshole for denying the admiral's information? Is she retarded for believing in this base off in the distance that may or may not exist? Where did this information come from? It could have been Empire lies to bait them out, etc.)
>Admiral Tumblr could also STILL be portrayed as a potential or actual double agent, and this could have all been played straight without the retardation surrounding this mutiny she almost caused on her own from emotional horseshit

t. fat, autistic virgin

Proud kekistani right there, user.
I see no problem

Umm wow sweetie can you not?

>even our hopeless spergs are more attractive than anyone on the other side

Not an argument, soyboy

Serious question: did Holdo actually say/do anything vaguely SJW in the movie?


>acts like she has no plan and refuses to tell anyone her incredibly simple plan that fails anyway

She literally did nothing wrong,
Prove me otherwise and I'll leave Sup Forums for ever

Why didn't they ram one of the first ships that got destroyed into Snoke's destroyer and escape through lightspeed with the rest of the fleet?



>Chastises Poe for destroying the Dreadnought with long range weapons that would have wiped them the fuck out if they kept it alive
>Refuses to tell anybody her plan and literally act like a First Order mole until the last second

Serious response
Her "we are the spark in the galaxy" speech was crawling with modern SJW rhetoric I hear on my college campus. Also her personality is vary reminiscent of the average female activist organization head that has no leadership skills whatsoever outside of being the loudest vagina.

It frightens me how easily X chromosome worship blinds some people to issues like "not being functionally retarded" and "basic merit."


You are a fat, autistic virgin.


She could have covered her secret transport flight, that got discovered somehow, by moving her impenetrable sheild mega cruiser, but decided not to bother and took her time deciding to go ahead a kamakazi, which I guess was her plan the entire time too. Truly the greatest strategist of the series...

Her plan was good and would have worked if Po had followed his orders.

lol the weirdly shaped squash literally did nothing


>Fucks up constantly and her entire subplot goes LITERALLY nowhere
>Nobody responds to her distress call
>Single-handedly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Resistance members
>Fails Kylo Ren back to the light so hard he becomes even edgier, runs away instead of killing him while he's unconcsious

And Po's plan and mutiny would have worked if not for plot contrivances

It wasn't Holdo's fault the transports were targeted. It was the diversity hires fault for trusting a criminal.

>Po's plan would have worked if it hadn't actually failed, which it did
Brilliant fampai, thanks for that.

Retroactively ruining Jurassic Park is a bigger crime than being another drop of piss in the ocean of piss that is Mickey Wars.

Common characteristic of SJW: entitled feeling leading to not fully communicating and collaborating with others in honest dialogue. Second is a savior complex for the sake of an ambiguous notion of the oppressed.
Holdo’s defining characteristic and reason for existing in the plot is exactly those things addressed above.

Being unable to separate actors from characters is the ultimate mark of a pleb, go back to Sup Forums

This is such bullshit, they could've at least gone overboard with her pulling the ship over.

>Showed off the corruption of various individuals in the galaxy and how even the Rebels were benefitting from scummy assholes perpetuating the war
>"Lol we messed up their casino that'll surely show them"

>Brought a codebreaker along that could have been a potentially invaluable asset for the Rebels
>"Lol I don't really sit with anybody but me, bye bye"

>Assisted Finn through all of this, clearly attempting to strengthen a Rebel Hero's resolve, and simultaneously attempt her own brand of Heroism
>Did nothing herself other than simply "be there"

>Finn's attempt at being a Martyr for the Rebels would have almost sunk the Empire's forward assault singlehandedly
>Rose gets in the way and knocks him clear of his objective, assuring the Empire can eradicate all of the Rebels

The only good thing we get out of this is more BBC VS Asian porn links.

>Common characteristic of SJW: entitled feeling leading to not fully communicating and collaborating with others in honest dialogue.

You could say the same thing about Sheev and a million other characters in television and film, without calling them sjw

Her plan was to leave the doomed ship and go to the nearby planet and hope the First Order didn't bother looking for ships escaping the doomed shipped for the nearby planet.
Her plan was only going to work because the Hux is so dumb he had to be told by Benicio to look for escaping ships.

The First Order is Mom and Dad Save the World tier stupid.

the purple hair is photoshopped right?

The only reason Po's plan didn't work was because storm troopers literally spawned out of the walls at the last moment.
It's an illogical contrivance
Holdo's plan was essentially a deus ex machina

>a whole generation will remember the stupid diversity hire admiral who bitched at her officers for mansplaining and whoes incompetence resulted in mutiny and unnecessary deaths, because her inflated ego prevented her from explaining her stupid plan to her subordinates she happened to descriminate for their gender.

>15 Sup Forums threads a day about her

Good. The more this character annoys Sup Forums, the more you'll all realize Star Wars is NOT made for you and it hasn't been since episode 1. Get the fuck over it.

Or all just simply explained by saying there could be a chance of a spy feeding the hyperspace jumps to the First Order so she was keeping information to herself only.
But no you get nothing.

2nd part of that is pretty key

Wait, I thought "roasties" refers to black women due to their vaginas looking like roasted beef, or have I missed something?

Yeah just like that cocktail dress and halo

I always assumed she didnt tell people the plan because the "super team" of "diverse super non-whites" Didn't actually tell anyone how the first order was tracking the fleet.
So it seamed like it was logically to assume there was a mole on board. Keeping this cards close to her chest would have been the better option rather then risk losing the rest of the fleet in the deversion.

Treating a "Flyboy cheese-nigger" like crap because he needs to be reigned in. hes been doing basically whatever the fuck he wants regardless of the orders because he thinks hes unbeatable(due to shitty writing he may aswell be) he needs to be made humble and as he cant do that through defeats it needs to be through actual repremand and demotion.

An army needs to have people follow orders not people just do what the fuck they want for the sake of "hope" or it all falls apart.
Just because he won the day doesnt mean he knew that was likely. from the outset it didnt seam like he would win.
though again,. shit writing, it was mostly luck that it came down to the wire.
point is, he cannot use ad hoc rationalization for being a cunt. when he should be a soldier first and a celebrity second.

also i thought she was kinda pretty. shitty body though

The possibility of there being a spy seems like an important informations in terms of operational security. Like keep your eyes open guys, be extra careful.

She was put into this movie to keep all the white CIS gendered patriarchs under control.

i hate kekistanis and civic nationalist fags but you guys should stick to the fat ginger guy, this dude isnt ugly enough to be used as effective bait. 1488 kikes

roasties is dweeb language for whores who have meaty pussy flaps from getting fucked too much. idk if thats true but it could be

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

hmm a highly intelligent gentleman i see... quite inquisitive....

its just the normie right and boomers using this retarded shit

i hate jews and blacks and i'm not fat or a virgin


She beat the equation that is:
A shit ton of First Order ships=More than enough power to destroy a single Resistance capital ship by sending the said capital ship right into them nibbas face a hyperspeed, avenging the death of Admiral Ackbar

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.