I love greek food

I love greek food.
I'm a foodie.

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to bend the spoon you have to realize there is no spoon


how do i get his facial structure?

Can't ruin a good day with bad berries.


I hope Charls is doing well. He's a real character. Hope he gets a proper role in some movie some day, the psycho roles suit him quite well.

it's the universes way of balancing out being a balding manlet, what a tragedy

dicks in pornos

I can't think of anything weirder than that.

I don't get it. I don't get why you'd want to see that.

chew lots of gum to sculpt your jaw line

What's your fave Charls kino?

I hope your backing up your data.
Someones backing it up.
It aint you.

I love how he injects id software anecdotes into normal conversations, like he was part of the team with carmack and romero. Something just so funny about his fixation on this stuff.

>mfw I'm on the lookout for a great little place to get breakfast

is nick the only one whose got an actual job and doesn't life the failed artist life?

nick always had a job. nick was somewhat successful before mde.

>went from a tv star to a couch surfing construction worker because his best friend couldn't control his autism on twitter


>he is balding and 5'6"

holy shit this

>literally describing Adam from Workaholics routine